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Sophisticating Social

Brands elevate consumer content into social media art

Implications - Using social media, particularly visual platforms, has become nothing short of an art form. Platforms like Instagram are encouraging users to not only share their content, but share it in a way that requires craftiness and creativity. Brands that help people elevate their own content, either by increasing the quality or adding to the level of artistry, foster closer connections with consumers.
Workshop Question - What would increased consumer engagement do for your brand? How might you achieve this?
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Social Media Campaigns - Opportunity for brands to engage consumers by providing interactive campaigns and tools to elevate their social media content.
2. Personalized Product Campaigns - Opportunity for brands to provide personalized product offerings and campaigns to enhance consumer experiences and create a closer connection with their target audience.
3. Virtual Retail Showrooms - Opportunity for brands to offer virtual showrooms accessible via social media platforms for consumers to browse and select products, thus simplifying the shopping experience.
Industry Implications
1. Marketing and Advertising Industry - Marketing and advertising professionals can utilize personalized and interactive campaigns to improve brand engagement and create closer connections with target audience.
2. Retail Industry - The retail industry can leverage virtual showrooms accessible via social media platforms to simplify the shopping process and improve consumer experiences.
3. Social Media Industry - The social media industry plays a vital role in providing platforms for brands to connect with their target audience and offer personalized and interactive campaigns and tools.
10 Featured, 89 Examples:
402,956 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Apr 14 — Jul 16
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Fan Photography Projects
Fan Photography Projects
Häagen-Dazs' Instagram Page Features a Project Called 'Lose Yourself'
As the official ice cream of Wimbledon 2016, Häagen-Dazs is making its involvement at the sporting event known with a fun photography project called ‘Lose Yourself.’ The Häagen-Dazs... MORE
play_circle_filledPersonalized Recipe Campaigns
Personalized Recipe Campaigns
Hellmann's Brasil Finds Recipes Based on What's in Your Fridge
Sometimes if you’ve only got a few ingredients in your fridge, the meal options seem pretty uninspiring, but as the ReciTweet campaign from Hellmann’s Brasil proves, you have more... MORE
Millennial-Targeted Typography Ads
Millennial-Targeted Typography Ads
This Miller Lite Campaign Targets Young Males Via Instagram
Miller Lite launched a campaign that specifically targets male Millennials through creatively designed typography ads. The ads are designed to emphasize and highlight unique typography styles that... MORE
play_circle_filledInstagram-Like Food Studios
Instagram-Like Food Studios
Mweb’s Dinnercam Takes Your Food Shots to the Next Level
MWEB is one of South Africa’s largest Internet providers and in an experiment to see how WiFi connectivity is changing public spaces, it set up the ‘Dinnercam,’ where people could snap food... MORE
Doodled Lunch Campaigns
Doodled Lunch Campaigns
PopChips UK's Interactive Online Campaign Makes Lunches Exciting
With help from London-based illustrator Jose Mendez, PopChips UK is hosting an interactive online campaign by the name of #PopMyLunch. Simply, the aim of the campaign is to show how these chips... MORE
Recipe Infographic Campaigns
Recipe Infographic Campaigns
Knorr Brazil Will Turn Your Family Recipe Into a Typographic Poster
If you have a hand written family recipe you need to recopy, Knorr Brazil will recreate it in infographic form. The food brand’s Receitas de Familia campaign allows you to turn old... MORE
Virtual Fashion Showrooms
Virtual Fashion Showrooms
Roots Canada Lets Consumers Shop Clothing Featured in Its Instagram Page
Roots Canada is offering a new way for consumers to shop its products through its Instagram account, with the option to browse a virtual showroom displayed through the styles in the photos featured... MORE
Moving Thread Billboards
Moving Thread Billboards
This Machine Recreates Instagram Photos Using Seven Miles of Thread
The clothing store Forever 21 and ‘Breakfast’ have launched a real-time billboard that recreates Instagram photos using moving thread. The giant machine has the ability to design and... MORE
Bath Art Campaigns
Bath Art Campaigns
Lush Cosmetics' Video Tool Remixes Colorful Bath Bomb Swirls Online
Since Lush Cosmetics produces such a colorful array of bath bombs, the brand created a fun bath art campaign online as a fun way to engage both new and loyal consumers. When watching the... MORE
play_circle_filledPersonalized Music Videos
Personalized Music Videos
Etienne De Crecy's Hashtag My Ass Makes a Video from Your Instagram Pics
‘Hashtag My Ass’ is the new single from Etienne de Crécy and the music video features pictures from your personal Instagram account. By giving Hashtag My Ass authorization, you’re... MORE

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Wireless Phone Printers
Wireless Phone Printers
Fujifilm's New Printer Lets Users Print from a Smartphone
User-Generated Furniture Ads
User-Generated Furniture Ads
West Elm's New Facebook Carousel Ads Feature User-Generated Content
Social Film Festivals
Social Film Festivals
This Short Film Competition is Being Hosted by TIFF and Instagram
play_circle_filledStone-Printed Photography
Stone-Printed Photography
The 'Shots on Stone' are Prints Developed on Stone Tiles in a Darkroom
Food Photography Social Networks
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Yummi is a Social Platform Dedicated to All Things Food-Related
Colorful Superfood Branding
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Artificially Aged Portraits
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play_circle_filledCelebrity Mother Music Videos
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Layered Bean Desserts
Layered Bean Desserts
This Haagen-Dazs Japan Ice Cream is Filled with Adzuki Red Beans
Personalized Valentine's Ice Cream
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Tesco Ireland Stores Has Teamed Up with Haagen Dasz
Holiday Bath Kits
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Typographic Furniture Ads
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Child Abuse Prevention Ads
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Bar-Locating Billboards
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LGBT-Supporting Soaps
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play_circle_filledBillboard Antennas
Billboard Antennas
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Sandy Body Exfoliants
Sandy Body Exfoliants
The New Exfoliating Body Scrub from Lush Contains Sand and Sea Salt
play_circle_filledClothing-Constructed Billboards
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The Done in One LG Washing Machine Boasts a Creative Ad Campaign
Craft Ice Cream
Craft Ice Cream
Haagen-Dazs Collaborates for Its Collection of Artisan Ice Cream
Social Good Diets
Social Good Diets
Givesom's 1.25 Diet Has You Spend Only $1.25 on Food and Donate the Rest
Gaming Channel Expansions
Gaming Channel Expansions
The Machinima Many-to-Many Network Increases Its Base of Influence
play_circle_filledGalactic Cocktail Stunts
Galactic Cocktail Stunts
This Jose Cuervo Margarita Went to Outer Space to Get Shaken and Frozen
Iconic Sneaker Simulations
Iconic Sneaker Simulations
In Their Chucks is an Interactive Digital Campaign from Converse
Social Media Travel Sweepstakes
Social Media Travel Sweepstakes
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play_circle_filledAssistive Beer Cans
Assistive Beer Cans
The Red Cross' CANpaign Uses Beer Cans to Get at Its Target Audience
Real-Time Runway Billboards
Real-Time Runway Billboards
Topshop's Fashion Billboard Ads Relay Popular Catwalk Looks
Colorful Skincare Packaging
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HerBEAU Boasts Phytotherapeutic Products in Compact Designs
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Creative Combination Cookbooks
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Anne-Sophie Pic's Book Includes Experimental Gastronomy Recipes
Contextual Recipe Apps
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Yummly Offers Recipe Suggestions Based on Timing and Your Preferences
play_circle_filledFaux Fashion Websites
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This Lush Campaign to End Animal Cruelty Involves a Deceptive Website
Opulent Layered Ice Creams
Opulent Layered Ice Creams
Haagen-Dazs' Decadent Ice Cream is Topped with Gold & Silver Leaf
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Luftaffe's Illustrated Paper Cup Design Features Fake Coffee Brands
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The Smart Cooking System Lists Recipes Based on the Placed Produce
Ice Cream Villages
Ice Cream Villages
Nendo Design Studio Turns Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream into a Miniature Town
Stunning Illustrated Recipes
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This Social Health Campaign Features Tweets from Beyond the Grave
After Sun Bath Remedies
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From the Free People Blog, This DIY Bath Bomb Soothes Sunburnt Skin
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Haagen-Dazs' Lemon Ginger Ice Cream Promises to Make You Feel Better
Alphabet Cookie Typefaces
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Illustrator Rogerio Oliveira Creates an Edible Typography Cookies Font
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Knorr's 175th Anniversary Invitations Take the Shape of Plant Pots
play_circle_filledSocial Free Speech Campaigns
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Freedom of Tweets Combats the Shutdown of Twitter in Turkey
play_circle_filledFlavorful Social Media Campaigns
Flavorful Social Media Campaigns
Tabasco's Twitter Interactions Spiced Up Complaints of #notaste
Exotic Beef Flavoring
Exotic Beef Flavoring
New Givaudan Flavors Include Picanha, Matambre and Chorizo Beef
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Viveltre's gourmet Marshmallow Confections Include a Nutella Flavour
Tablet Kitchen Scales
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The Drop Smart Scale Helps You Perfectly Measure Out Your Baking Ingredients
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Waste-Reducing Recipe Sites
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MTS' Instagram Stunt Highlights the Perks of 4G Mobile Internet
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The Unilever Knorr Quick Campaign Provides an 'Instant Solution'
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Fib Focused Bandage Branding
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Natural Cosmetic Spas
LUSH Cosmetics is Introducing two LUSH Spa locations to North America
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Social Media Movies
Director Thomas Jullien Created a Stop Motion Movie Using Instagram
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Kate Pullen Uses Colorful Typography in Her Education Poster Campaign
Honest Fast Food Photos
Honest Fast Food Photos
The Jon Feinstein Fast Food Series Uncovers the Truth Under the Bun
Balding Typography Ads
Balding Typography Ads
'Lose the Myth, Keep the Hair' with the Clear Anti-Hairfall Shampoo
Lipstick Kiss-Collecting Campaigns
Lipstick Kiss-Collecting Campaigns
This Lush Emotional Brilliance Campaign Aims to Set a Record
Food Mash-Up Photography
Food Mash-Up Photography
These Neat Food Photos Combine Snacks in an Unusual Way
Conceptual Food Photography
Conceptual Food Photography
Idioms by Beth Galton Captures Delicious Brainteasers
One-Shot Photo Ads
One-Shot Photo Ads
The MWEB Cloud Storage Campaign Ensures People Don't Have to Pose Again
Therapy-Inspired Cosmetics
Therapy-Inspired Cosmetics
The Lush 'Emotional Brilliance' Line is Sensitive to Consumers' Needs
Pantone-Inspired Food Photos
Pantone-Inspired Food Photos
Emilie Guelpa's Choose Your Color Series is Delicious
Business Betterment Campaigns
Business Betterment Campaigns
The MWEB 2011 Ads Show That Companies Look More Appealing Online
play_circle_filledWhen New Games Are Old Games
When New Games Are Old Games
MWEB Gadget Genie
Trend Report Pop Up
Trend Report Pop Up
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