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Physical Appification

Apps are enhanced with physical features to enhance sensory engagement

Implications - While online games and mobile apps offer consumers entertainment while on the go, a lack of physical engagement can often make the process less stimulating. Combining mobile technology with traditional methods of play, brands are creating products that interact with online apps, helping to enhance digital activities with added sensory features.
Trend Themes
1. Physical Appification - With the rise of physical appification, brands are integrating mobile technology with traditional methods of play, creating products that help enhance digital activities with added sensory features.
2. Tablet-based Playtime - Tablet-based playtime is a growing trend that allows children and adults to benefit from interactive and educational activities on the go, including augmented reality, stamp pad, coloring book and architectural exploration apps.
3. Sensory-driven Experiences - Consumers are increasingly looking for sensory-driven experiences, such as the Krug Champagne App, which blends sound and music to enhance the taste of the champagne, providing disruptive innovation opportunities for brands in the food and beverage industry.
Industry Implications
1. Toy Industry - With the rise of physical appification and tablet-based playtime, the toy industry can leverage these trends by creating toys that interact with online apps and offer new sensory experiences.
2. Education Industry - Tablet-based playtime and educational architecture apps present disruptive innovation opportunities for the education industry to integrate mobile technology into traditional learning methods and enhance the educational experience.
3. Food and Beverage Industry - Sensory-driven experiences, such as the Krug Champagne App, provide disruptive innovation opportunities for the food and beverage industry to integrate sound, music and other sensory features to enhance the taste and enjoyment of their products.
6 Featured, 54 Examples:
221,081 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Feb 15 — Jul 16
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Educational Architecture Apps
Educational Architecture Apps
Tinybop Lets Children Explore Famous Buildings Using Cartoons
For children looking to learn more about the buildings that surround them, the Tinybop educational architecture app provides an inviting and gamified way to enter into the various iconic skyscrapers.... MORE
Music-Pairing Bubbly Apps
Music-Pairing Bubbly Apps
The Krug Champagne App Uses Science to Appeal to the Senses
The Krug Champagne App is a sensory-driven experience that blends sound and music. Developed by Oxford University neuroscientists, the app elaborates on their research exploring the interactions... MORE
Geotagged Storytelling Apps
Geotagged Storytelling Apps
The Krumb App Lets You Leave Mobile Messages When Visiting a Place
The Krumb app combines ephemeral social media with map applications. The Belgian startup lets you attach stories and messages to locations, which are only visible when you are physically at that... MORE
Tablet-Based Coloring Books
Tablet-Based Coloring Books
This Adult Coloring Book App is Designed to Help Reduce Stress
‘Pigment’ is an adult coloring book app that helps users de-stress. In recent years, many adults have turned to hobbies such as coloring as a way to relax. This app provides a simple way... MORE
play_circle_filledAugmented Toy Apps
Augmented Toy Apps
LEGO X Adds a High-Tech Element to Building Block Play
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Tablet Stamping Blocks
Tablet Stamping Blocks
The JouJou Cube Touch is a Modern, Mobile Stamp Pad
Takara-Tomy’s JouJou Cube Touch is a toy that brings the low-tech stamp pad up to date for kids of this generation. The educational tablet toy involves a set of digital stamps that can be... MORE

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