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Conscious Libation

Alcohol brands adopt green branding techniques to showcase awareness

Implications - Seeking to connect with a broader market audience, alcohol brands typically associated with luxe lifestyle and excessive behavior are turning to eco branding techniques to showcase a sense of awareness. Offering everything from recyclable packaging to environmentally conscious labeling, brands are moving away from aesthetics that promote opulence towards designs that recognize and subsequently promote social causes.
Workshop Question - In what ways can your marketing strategies be more environmentally conscious?
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Packaging - Alcohol brands are moving towards using recyclable and sustainable packaging materials to showcase eco-awareness.
2. Biodynamic Production - Winemakers are adopting biodynamic practices to grow organic and high-quality grapes that showcase the environmental awareness of their products.
3. Energy-efficient Draught Systems - Alcohol brands are using innovative draught systems that reduce energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions while keeping beer fresh over a longer time.
Industry Implications
1. Packaging Industry - The emergence of eco-friendly packaging materials provides room for innovation by creating materials with a lower carbon footprint and cost-effective packaging solutions.
2. Wine Industry - Adopting biodynamic farming practices and using sustainable packaging materials creates opportunities for differentiating wine brands and more appeal to eco-conscious wine consumers.
3. Beverage Dispensing Industry - The applications of energy-efficient draught systems to other beverage-dispensing industries like soda can yield other opportunities by reducing energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions.
6 Featured, 49 Examples:
519,434 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Apr 14 — Apr 15
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Recyclable Cardboard Bottle Carriers
Recyclable Cardboard Bottle Carriers
These Cardboard Container Designs Are Extremely Eco-Friendly
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Paper Wine Bottles
Paper Wine Bottles
These Cardboard Wine Bottles Take a More Eco-Friendly Design Route
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Wonderfully Healthy Wines
Wonderfully Healthy Wines
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Sustainably Packaged Malbec
Sustainably Packaged Malbec
The Eco Wine is Made Out of 100% Organic Grapes From Argentina
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Eco-Friendly Wine Packaging
Eco-Friendly Wine Packaging
This Wine Brand Cares About the Planets and Looks Good Doing It
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Eco-Friendly Beer Kegs
Eco-Friendly Beer Kegs
Heineken’s Green Draught System is Making Waves This Earth Day
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