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Doodle Packaging

Brands turn to packaging designs reminiscent of kids artwork and drawings

Implications - Recognizing the need to target youthful consumers in a more approachable manner, brands are turning to packaging designs that are reminiscent of artwork that kids would actually produce. Featuring sketches and doodles of animals and insects, brands are using imagery that kids can identify with, reflecting a need to connect with consumers, particularly those of a younger age range, in a more authentic manner.
Workshop Question - As consumers seek further co-creation with brands, how can you offer hands-on personalization of your products and services?
Trend Themes
1. Kids' Artwork Packaging - Brands are incorporating packaging designs that mimic artwork that kids would actually produce to connect with younger consumers in a more authentic manner.
2. Customizable Packaging - Unique product packaging that can be customized by consumers or that encourages creativity, offers a disruptive innovation opportunity to enhance a product and target consumers more effectively.
3. Toy Packaging - Transforming packaging into toys is a powerful way to appeal to younger consumers and foster creativity and sustainability in children, revealing a trend towards making packaging part of the product experience.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Packaged Goods - Packaging design is critical to product identification which makes it an important influence in consumer and purchasing behavior of consumer packaged goods.
2. Arts and Crafts - The use of paper and packaging as part of the craft, art, and design industry reveals an opportunity for companies to tap into packaging as part of the supply chain in creating products for this market.
3. Footwear - Markets with a focus on children's footwear will benefit from customization trends like color-in boots as a way to appeal to a younger audience, leading to new product innovations and design concepts.
6 Featured, 53 Examples:
362,195 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Feb 15 — Apr 16
Consumer Insight Topics:

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