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Every person is a media producer; social media and the attention economy (the high value of human attention as a resource) has consumers looking to master media and content themselves.
Related Megatrends:
Brands have taken a role of accelerating the personal development of consumers.
Artificial Intelligence
We are entering a transformative new era, denoted by an exponential growth in data, robotics and intelligence.
Dubai Chocolate
Brands capitalize on the Dubai chocolate trend by creating their own themed items
Trend - Tapping into the viral social media craze, brands are creating indulgent treats that blend crispy Knafeh, pistachio cream, and smooth chocolate. These products appeal to both locals and international food lovers, merging traditional Middle Eastern ingredients with globally loved dessert options.

Insight - Consumers are naturally drawn to viral social media trends, driven by a fear of missing out and a curiosity for new and unconventional flavors. In response, brands are leveraging this buzz to launch their own takes on the dessert, catering to trend-conscious customers eager to stay ahead of the curve. By tapping into social media marketing tactics, these brands attract new audiences who seek products that reflect the latest food trends, ensuring they remain relevant in an ever-evolving market.
Workshop Question - How can your brand use social media trends to expose new audiences to its offerings?
Protein Mania
Protein enters premium category amid wellness trends and drug-influenced eating
Trend - The protein revolution is sweeping through consumer markets as diverse demographic groups embrace high-protein, low-sugar lifestyles. This trend is manifesting across categories, with protein now added to virtually everything from candy bars to coffee, creating a spectrum from "protein traditionalists" who focus on whole food sources to "protein opportunists" who prioritize efficiency and convenience.

Insight - Today's consumers are navigating complex nutritional anxieties stemming from social media influence, body image pressures, and pharmaceutical interventions like GLP-1 drugs. This has created a fundamental tension between dietary discipline and convenience, between wellness aspirations and practical lifestyle constraints. Protein has emerged as the perceived solution to this conflict, offering consumers a tangible metric to control in uncertain times while simultaneously serving as a status marker that signals nutritional literacy and discipline.
Workshop Question - How could your brand elevate protein content beyond functional benefits into a premium positioning?
Modular Mini-PC
Compact PCs with replaceable components are gaining popularity
Trend - The traditional benefits of Mini PCs are low costs and low space requirements. Brands are now adding modularity and swappable components to this list, with mini PCs focused around upgradable RAM, SSDs, CPUs, and more, gaining popularity on the consumer-focused side of the industry.

Insight - When choosing a personal computer, customers are faced with a wide array of options for form-factor before they even consider specifications. Form-factor options include laptops, full-size desktops, mini-PCs. Customers that opt for Mini-PCs often do so because of the compact, portable design, the low cost of entry, and the greater performance when compared to a laptop. However, one drawback that prevents more consumers from choosing mini-PCs are their short lifespans and non-upgradeable parts.
Workshop Question - How can we incorporate modularity and upgradability into our products to enhance consumer appeal and longevity?
Postpartum Luxury
High-end brands are elevating the postpartum recovery experience
Trend - Luxury brands are launching premium products and services specifically designed for postpartum recovery, ranging from specialized skincare to recovery garments and wellness programs. These offerings emphasize both physical healing and emotional wellbeing while maintaining the elevated experience associated with luxury goods.

Insight - The traditional approach to postpartum care in North America has often left new mothers feeling unsupported and overlooked during their recovery period. As conversations around maternal health become more open, consumers are demanding products that acknowledge both the physical and emotional complexity of the postpartum period. This demographic has significant purchasing power and is willing to invest in products and services that make them feel valued and cared for during a vulnerable time.
Workshop Question - How could your brand better serve consumers during major life transitions?
Desk Computer
Desks with internal compartments to house custom computers are gaining popularity
Trend - Gaming furniture brands are releasing desks with built-in custom computer cases. These compartments reduce cable clutter, improve aesthetics, and further protect the computer from external damage, as they cannot be knocked over or dented.

Insight - While building a custom computer was a hobby previously attributed to the gaming community, it has now become the norm for many more types of consumers, such as content creators, celebrities, professional editors, and more. With such a large market of consumers into DIY computers, brands are looking to innovate products to stand out from competitors. One such innovation targets the traditional custom computer case, instead merging both the case and desk in one with unique designs.
Workshop Question - How can we integrate multifunctional features into our products to enhance user experience and stand out in a competitive market?
Product Analytics
AI tools are being used to assist managers with analyzing product insights
Trend - SaaS companies are launching Artficial Intelligence (AI)-based tools that gather and analyze both customer feedback and product information to provide recommendations for product managers. These tools are designed to automate monotonous tasks and free up time for managerial action.

Insight - Product managers face challenges in making data-driven decisions and handling large volumes of data. These users are often stretched thin, and gravitate toward organization and automation platforms, particularly those related to more monotonous tasks. In order to appeal to these users, brands are creating AI-based consumer and product analysis tools designed to provide actionable insights from datasets comprised of consumer priorities and demands, as well as product information.
Workshop Question - How can we leverage AI tools to streamline data analysis and provide actionable insights for our managers?
Developer Marketplace
Large software companies are offering asset marketplaces for game developers
Trend - Software companies in the gaming space are launching marketplaces designed for game developers. These marketplaces offer assets, such as 3D character models, audio tracks, or maps, to be purchased and licensed for use by other developers, aiming to streamline and decentralize game development.

Insight - Novice game developers could encounter any number of issues when entering the space based on their prior expertise. For example, those with an artistic background may have no trouble drawing their character models and maps, but may struggle with music or 3D animations, while the inverse may be true for another developer. In order to appeal to these developers and alleviate stress where it may arise, gaming software brands are launching marketplaces with licensable assets.
Workshop Question - How could your brand offer a solution to support professionals with varying skillsets via its products or services?
Branded Oral
Social media influences the creation of branded oral care products
Trend - Oral care products are increasingly drawing inspiration from iconic brands and well-known names across the fashion, pop culture, and consumer packaged goods industries. These products often include toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouthwash, and floss, all designed to resonate with modern fan bases.

Insight - Social media platforms have connected younger audiences around shared interests, allowing them to engage with products in ways that reflect their digital habits. In response, brands across various industries are opening themselves up to cross-industry collaborations, aiming to attract fans of established brands and convert them into loyal customers. Businesses that effectively tap into current social media trends and influences are better positioned to capture the attention of young shoppers.
Workshop Question - How can your brand leverage cross-industry collaboration to maintain consumer interest?
AI Licensing
Platforms that license and distribute AI-generated conent are gaining popularity
Trend - AI companies are launching platforms that focus on licensing and distributing content generated by artificial intelligence (AI) models. These platforms protect the users of such content, ensuring that the users do not have to worry about legal concerns surrounding the use of AI content.

Insight - As AI-generated content gains popularity in nearly every creative and professional field, consumers who use such content for commercial products, such as advertisements or entertainment media, are increasingly worrying about the gray area zone that AI content currently exists in. In order to appease these consumers and increase the popularity of using AI content in commercial use, companies are launching platforms that handle the legal licensing of such content databases.
Workshop Question - How could your business benefit from licensing or implementing artificial intelligence-generated content?
Multi-Material Printer
3D printer brands are releasing models capable of using several materials
Trend - 3D printing brands are creating more unique 3D printers that either use a tool-switcher, or several concurrent tools, to print single projects that utilize more than one material. These multi-material printers are designed for more advanced printing jobs for personal or professional use.

Insight - 3D printing is one such field that has grown far larger than just being a hobby for most. Many consumers create businesses, or streamline their startups, by using 3D printers to save drastically on production costs. However, for more complex products, 3D printing was not always viable, leading to these businesses needing to source product components from traditional manufacturing facilities. However, 3D printing brands are now catering to these needs with multi-material and multi-tool printers.
Workshop Question - How could your brand streamline one or more aspects of its operations by utilizing advanced 3D printers?