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Top 100 Publicity Stunt Trends of 2014

From Cyclist-Photographing Sheep to Severed Limb Stunts

— January 3, 2015 — Marketing
Feel-good videos, meta messaging, self-deprecating humor and Internet-inspired campaigns are some of the top stand-out 2014 publicity stunts trends.

A good example of using the feel-good factor to draw attention would be telecom giant Vodafone's 'Vodafone Firsts' campaign, which gives people the opportunity to try something life-changing for the first time. One example includes a video showing a couple of Dutch grandmothers flying an airplane for the first time.

Ad agencies and brand promoters are increasingly drawing inspiration from the Internet and social media to promote their brands and products. A great example of this in 2014 was the 'Alex from Target' meme, which depicted a teenage Target cashier, and was later revealed to be a publicity stunt.

For more on the creativity and out-of-the-box thinking driving the world of publicity stunts, head over to Trend Hunter's Publicity Stunts Trend Report.
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TV-Watching Marathon Stunts
TV-Watching Marathon Stunts
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Snow-Conquering Pickups
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Gigantic Social Media Displays
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Unexpected Drive-Thru Pranks
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Crowdfunded Olympic Teams
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Provocative Social Campaigns
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LGBT Parody Olympic Sites
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Shark Scare Pranks
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Competitor-Slamming Print Ads
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Tech-Forecasting Football Graphics
Tech-Forecasting Football Graphics
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Colored Sheep Campaigns
Colored Sheep Campaigns
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Loyalty-Testing Burger Campaigns
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Contactless Payment Saddles
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Roaming Zoo Animal Ads
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Emotional First Flight Videos
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Gun Range Bars
Gun Range Bars
Wilshire Gun Range was Granted a Liquor License
Micro-Sized Advertisements
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Cosplayer Comic Books
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Dishwashing Diners
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Social Justice Search Designs
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Face-Reading Car Contests
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Wacky Leafleter Contraptions
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Model Client Handbooks
Model Client Handbooks
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Bomb-Simulating Phone Ads
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Furnished Climbing Walls
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Airline Aerial Laser Ads
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Customized Ice Hotel Rooms
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Poutine-Eating Contests
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Romance-Inducing Benches
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Commemorating Burger Compositions
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Creative Menu Collages
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Fictional Dating Profile Stunts
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Cuddly Bear Buses
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Empty Bucket Challenges
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Realistic Retail Mannequins
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Wildly Torn Jeans
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Public Ad Disapproval Projects
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Vanishing Recruitment Campaigns
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Sandy Composer Portraits
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Interactive Gaming Promo Campaigns
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Next-Generation Iconic Blimps
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Celeb Lifestyle Brand Pop-Ups
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Asphalt-Cooked Meals
Asphalt-Cooked Meals
The WWF Global Warming Menu Cooks Food on Hot Pavement
Job-Seeking Candy Campaigns
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The Red M&M Hopes to Star in Another Brand's Super Bowl Commercial
Literal Half-Off Campaigns
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Shocked Mannequins
Shocked Mannequins
This Japanese Mannequin's Jaw Drops as Part of a Summer Sale Announcement
Giant Picnic Lunch Tables
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O2's Big Picnic Table is a Spot for Brits to Grab £1 Meals for Lunch
Tactile Photography Boxes
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Bacon-Fueled Motorcycles
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Stiletto Customization Services
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Playful Street Art Manipulations
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Fashion-Focused Food Trucks
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Romantic Mail Trucks
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Intentionally Awful Ads
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Cartoon Figurine Photography
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Severed Limb Stunts
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Heated Bus Shelters
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Signal-Blocking Beer Coolers
Signal-Blocking Beer Coolers
Polar Cell Phone Nullifier Ensures Full Attention Devoted to Company
Charitable Testicle Waxings
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Comfort-Focused Cinemas
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Mock Coffee Chain Cafes
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LEGO Subway Stations
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Serial Numbered Fruits
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Limited Edition Gokusen Bananas are Being Sold in Japan
Apocalyptic Home Kits
Apocalyptic Home Kits
Century 21's Zombie Apocalypse Kit Helps to Board Up Homes
Phoenix Paper Sculptures
Phoenix Paper Sculptures
Paper Rebirth by Zim&Zou; Gives Recycled Papers New Life
Furniture Store Cafes
Furniture Store Cafes
Tokyo's IKEA Lotus Collection Cafe is a New Place to Eat IKEA Food
Puppy-Injected Selfies
Puppy-Injected Selfies
This Dallas Pets Alive! Campaign Has Dogs Interrupt Selfies on Instagram
Bohemian Selfie Campaigns
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The FP Selfie Edition Features Real-Life Customers
Grotesque Medical Dinners
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This Unsettling Feast Introduces the Surgeon Simulator Game for iPhone
Cyclist-Photographing Sheep
Cyclist-Photographing Sheep
The Tour De France Yorkshire Will Be Shot by Sheep with Sony Cameras
Mock Celebrity Selfies
Mock Celebrity Selfies
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Dialogue-Provoking Installations
Dialogue-Provoking Installations
The Conversation Wall Allows You to Put Your Two Cents In