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Top 100 Branding Ideas in Febraury

From Hipster Logo Generators to Bear-Faced Wine Bottles

— February 21, 2015 — Marketing
Hipster logo generators, animal-themed wine bottles and sustainable superfood packages are just some of the February 2015 branding ideas gaining attention within the retail sector. Sustainability has become a top priority for retailers who are illustrating their brand values through the use of eco-friendly or up-cycled packaging.

While superfood manufacturers are extending their health-conscious values far beyond their edible products, fast food brands are enhancing consumer convenience while ensuring that their packaging is eco-conscious and recyclable.

In addition to environmentally conscious examples, these February 2015 branding ideas also include compact and convenient packaging solutions that are popular within the cosmetics and beauty market.

Moreover, convenience is also embraced by creative web platforms like bespoke e-commerce sites and online logo generators. The latter of these platforms allows businesses to create custom branding without the hassle of graphic design costs.
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Cheerful Rainboot Branding
Cheerful Rainboot Branding
The Butler Overboot Experienced a Branding Overhaul
Vegetarian Grillhouse Concepts
Vegetarian Grillhouse Concepts
This Restaurant Concept Imagines a Grill Just for Vegetarians
Treat-Mimicking Tins
Treat-Mimicking Tins
Chocolate Eyeshadow Packaging is Sweet Enough to Keep on Display
Outdoorsy Grooming Collections
Outdoorsy Grooming Collections
The Harry's Jimmy Chin Collection Blends Style With Practicality
Online Flower Shops
Online Flower Shops
Roses Florist Boasts a Fresh and Feminine Digital Presence
Botanical Accessory Ads
Botanical Accessory Ads
The Latest Dior Campaign Boasts Floral Backdrop Imagery
Checklist Wine Bottles
Checklist Wine Bottles
This Funny Wine Bottle Provides Multiple Excuses to Drink Wine
Slim Roll-On Scents
Slim Roll-On Scents
Saje Wellness' Delicate Roll-On Fragrances Put Aromatherapy in Your Pocket
Anime Herb Packets
Anime Herb Packets
Arctic Warriors' Healthy Herb Remedy Packaging Takes Cues from Anime Cards
Ethnic Motif Marketing
Ethnic Motif Marketing
Patterned Rice Packaging Visually Indicates Products' Geographic Origins
Elegantly Cased Fragrances
Elegantly Cased Fragrances
The S.lshira Perfume and Case Combines Luxury and Convenience
Refreshing Drink Branding
Refreshing Drink Branding
Ashridge Offers Organic Sparkling Options That Are Vibrantly Packaged
Interactive Record Covers
Interactive Record Covers
DJ QBert's Record Cover Plays Songs When Prompted by Touch
Baby-Soothing Radio Stations
Baby-Soothing Radio Stations
Pampers' 99.1 FM Plays a White Noise Sound to Soothe Newborns
Sliced Gourmet Sausage
Sliced Gourmet Sausage
Quality Carnex Meats Are Pre-cut for the Convenience of Busy Connoisseurs
Finger Print Packaging
Finger Print Packaging
Innato Chocolate Branding Takes the Notion of Visual Identity Literally
Novel Smartphone Packaging
Novel Smartphone Packaging
This Phone Package Design Takes Inspiration from a Hardcover Book
Wonderfully Healthy Wines
Wonderfully Healthy Wines
Vegan Red Wine Boasts Biodynamic Ingredients and Eco-Friendly Production
Unique Fingerprint Packaging
Unique Fingerprint Packaging
Intelligo Living Aids Provide Support for the Newly Visually Impaired
Quinoa Breakfast Cereals
Quinoa Breakfast Cereals
Quinoa Pops Are a Healthy, All-Natural Breakfast Option
Woodsy Beer Labels
Woodsy Beer Labels
These Beer Bottle Labels Are Individuals Wrapped in Paper and Painted by Hand
Artsy Chocolate E-Retailers
Artsy Chocolate E-Retailers
Le chocolat des Francais Boasts Illustrated Branding and Web Design
Brand-Identifying Card Decks
Brand-Identifying Card Decks
The Brand Deck is a Simplistic Branding Tool and Kickstarter Project
Grotesque Snack Packaging
Grotesque Snack Packaging
These Illustrated Monster Wrappers Depict Consumers When They're Hungry
Fabulous Feathered Packaging
Fabulous Feathered Packaging
Branding for Alexander McQueen Home Products Incorporates Plumage
Christmas Candy Boxes
Christmas Candy Boxes
CLINIC 212's Holiday Client Present Includes 12 Types of Treats
Reusable Delivery Packaging
Reusable Delivery Packaging
The RePack System Encourages Consumers to Return Their Used Envelopes
Tubed Rice Containers
Tubed Rice Containers
Germany's Reishunger Brand Offers a Different Way to Store the Grains
Colorful Cognac Covers
Colorful Cognac Covers
This Limited Drinking Accessory Personalizes a Hennessy Flask
Morphing Yogurt Packaging
Morphing Yogurt Packaging
Malygina Marina's Yogurt Container Design is Animated
Tribal Beer Branding
Tribal Beer Branding
Inka Beer Packaging Features Bewitching Labels with Disappearing Patterns
Bear-Faced Bottles
Bear-Faced Bottles
Panda Wine Packaging Employs Cute Features to Appeal to Young Drinkers
Festive Pizza Packaging
Festive Pizza Packaging
Pizza Hut Korea's Christmas Pizza Boxes Are Presented Like Wrapped Gifts
Coated Hardware Cartons
Coated Hardware Cartons
Uniformed Nail Packaging Personifies the Strength of Construction Material
Plastic Tie Packets
Plastic Tie Packets
Geezer's Tie Packaging Promotes Simplicity and Freshness
Motion Graphics Packaging
Motion Graphics Packaging
This Animated Drink Can Concept Makes Branding Design More Dynamic
Elegant Escargot Packaging
Elegant Escargot Packaging
Lazy Snail's Beautiful Jar Encourages Cravings for Gourmet at Home
Rendered Paper Packaging
Rendered Paper Packaging
These Illustrated Paper Wrappers Suggest What's on the Insides
Earthy Stadium Gifts
Earthy Stadium Gifts
PAOK FC's Fan Merchandise Gifts a Piece of the Toumba Stadium
Gin Diver Bottles
Gin Diver Bottles
This Alcohol Bottle Features Illustrations That Play with the Liquid Inside
Retro Rebranded Packaging
Retro Rebranded Packaging
This Shure Special Edition Microphone Gets a Vibrant Vintage Image
Swirly Pizza Rebranding
Swirly Pizza Rebranding
This Pizza Hut Rebranding Includes a Swirly Red Logo
Aquatic Grain Carriers
Aquatic Grain Carriers
Fishy Rice Packaging is Practical, Emblematic and Beautiful
Duo-Chromatic Rice Branding
Duo-Chromatic Rice Branding
This Extraordinary Mighty Rice Package was Designed by mousegraphics
Playful Superfood Packs
Playful Superfood Packs
Love Beets Rolls Out a New Packaging Concept
Conical Vodka Bottles
Conical Vodka Bottles
Starka Branding Takes Inspiration from Ancient Slavic Symbolism
Anti-Tech Mittens
Anti-Tech Mittens
These Funny Winter Mittens Delivery Protection Against the Cold & Technology
Kiddie Herbal Teas
Kiddie Herbal Teas
This Packaging Was Developed as a Fun Way to Present Tea for Kids
Crocheted Carton Branding
Crocheted Carton Branding
This Milk Carton Packaging Takes Inspiration from Granny's Crafts
Flamboyant Fitness Branding
Flamboyant Fitness Branding
This Equinox Ad Campaign Illustrates a Workout's Positive Side Effects
Expanding Grain Packaging
Expanding Grain Packaging
Trader Joe's Rice Container Concepts are Boldly Branded and Boxed
Familial Pastry Packaging
Familial Pastry Packaging
Kolionasios Baklava Has a Cartoony Look That Appeals to Young and Old
Earthy Oil Packaging
Earthy Oil Packaging
Picked in June Olive Oil Features a Woodsy Design
Designer Beach Kits
Designer Beach Kits
Missoni Home Designs a Luxe Kit for Four Seasons' Vacationers
Eco Detergent Packaging
Eco Detergent Packaging
This Eco Laundry Packaging Concept Provides a Built-In Scoop
Airborne Sweetener Boxes
Airborne Sweetener Boxes
Winged Honey Packaging References the Insect Source of this Spread
Yogurt Cap Containers
Yogurt Cap Containers
This Yogurt Cup Concept Imagines Containers as Tiny Hats
Probiotic Fruit Juices
Probiotic Fruit Juices
Goodbelly's Probiotic Drink Delivers Beneficial Bacteria Without Dairy
Optical Illusion Alcohol
Optical Illusion Alcohol
Nonexistent Vodka Packaging Plays Tricks on Even Sober Eyes
Tasteful Treat Packaging
Tasteful Treat Packaging
This Sophisticated Chocolate Wrapper Caters to a Mature Chocolate Lover
Holistic Apothecary Branding
Holistic Apothecary Branding
Tonic Room's Web Design Reflects Its Commitment to Organic Methods
Encapsulated Hair Products
Encapsulated Hair Products
Metallic Capsule Bottle Makes a Tress Remedy Look Sent from the Future
Serene Shipping Boxes
Serene Shipping Boxes
This Shipping Box Concept Takes Inspiration from the Movement of Cloth
Designer Grocery Concepts
Designer Grocery Concepts
Artist Peddy Mergui Reimagines Fashion Brands as Food Brands
Reusable Milk Bottles
Reusable Milk Bottles
The Straus Family Creamery Sells Dairy Products in Sustainable Containers
Dietary Food Boxes
Dietary Food Boxes
Aveppi's Catering Box Supports Active Lifestyles
Dual-Purpose Camera Manuals
Dual-Purpose Camera Manuals
Karin Hilgenkamp Designs DSLR Packaging that Doubles as Instructions
Ethereal Tea Branding
Ethereal Tea Branding
August Tea Has Developed a Branding Strategy That Reflects Its Unique Taste
X-Ray Business Cards
X-Ray Business Cards
These Cool Business Card Designs Mimic Medical Imagery
Minimalist Fast Food Packaging
Minimalist Fast Food Packaging
McDonald's Introduces a Simpler Take Out Bag Design
Wine-Inspired Water Bottles
Wine-Inspired Water Bottles
This Water Design Concept Brands Spring Water Like a Fine Wine
Bare Bound Branding
Bare Bound Branding
String Meat Packaging Minimizes Waste and Communicates Authentic Taste
Handyman Beer Branding
Handyman Beer Branding
Hodor Craft Beer Packaging was Designed to Be Solid Yet Basic in Structure
Sustainable Rice Packaging
Sustainable Rice Packaging
The Khaohom Concept Serves as a Green Container and Even a Rice Cooker
Wholesome Superfood Packets
Wholesome Superfood Packets
Nutriboost's Healthy Packaging Designs Show the Power of Superfoods
Complete Cereal Packaging
Complete Cereal Packaging
This Packaging Concept Combines Milk and Cereal in a Clever Way
Easy-Open Pasta Packaging
Easy-Open Pasta Packaging
Adriana Pereira's Spaghetti Packaging Design Caters to Seniors
Bovine Dairy Branding
Bovine Dairy Branding
Animal Yogurt Packaging is Visually Appealing and Totally Playful for Kids
Computer Game Cartons
Computer Game Cartons
This Pacman Packaging Concept Was Made to Be Playful and Interactive
Buttoned-Up Shipping Boxes
Buttoned-Up Shipping Boxes
This Box Packaging Design for WonderPix Uses Fewer Fasteners
Triangular Chocolate Packaging
Triangular Chocolate Packaging
Charm Chocolate is Bite-Sized and Perfect for On-the-Go Enjoyment
Optical Illusion Packaging
Optical Illusion Packaging
Chloe Galea Designs a Strong Identity for Makeup Brand Uzuri
Hipster Logo Generators
Hipster Logo Generators
This Creative Web Tool Creates Custom Branding for Businesses
Sophisticated Scent Packaging
Sophisticated Scent Packaging
The L'Artisan Parfumeur Packaging Boasts Elegant and Unisex Details
Feminine E-Retail Boxes
Feminine E-Retail Boxes
Aritzia's Shipping Packaging is Colorful and Fashion-Forward
Returnable Shipping Boxes
Returnable Shipping Boxes
The 'There and Back Pack' is a Handy Return Shipping Box
Bright Cosmetic Packaging
Bright Cosmetic Packaging
Project Charisma by Ken Lo Highlights Creative Paper Branding
Quick Assembly Boxes
Quick Assembly Boxes
This Smart Cardboard Box Design Uses 15% Less Material and No Tape
Practical Eco Packaging
Practical Eco Packaging
This Washing Powder Pouch Demonstrates Great Material Resourcefulness
Illustrated Wine Bottle Wraps
Illustrated Wine Bottle Wraps
BLOCD/ Promotional Packaging Pictures the Entire Design Team
Uplifting Superfood Packaging
Uplifting Superfood Packaging
Rise's Health Food Branding Incites Challenge and Change
Pop Art Packaging
Pop Art Packaging
WOW! Chips for Girls Strike the Senses with a Bold Comic-Inspired Aesthetic
Box-Delivered Beds
Box-Delivered Beds
This Mattress in a Box Expands to Full-Size with Its Innovative Memory Foam
Eco-Friendly Superfood Packaging
Eco-Friendly Superfood Packaging
Inspiral's New Branding is Streamlined and Sustainable
Playful Snack Blocks
Playful Snack Blocks
Varvara Komarova's Snack Packaging Concept Doubles as a Toy for Kids
Easy-Open Chip Bags
Easy-Open Chip Bags
Junpyo Kim's Design Makes It Easy to Open a Bag of Chips
Bent Corner Boxes
Bent Corner Boxes
This Retail Shipping Box Design Has Corners That Are Easy to Open
Tapered Cosmetic Packaging
Tapered Cosmetic Packaging
This Cosmetic Packaging Design Features Reusable Boxes and Pouches
Envelope Shipping Boxes
Envelope Shipping Boxes
These Printed Box Designs Show Off Maximum Style and Ease of Opening