Targeting seasonal celebrations, brands offer packages with custom messages
Implications - Taking advantage of heightened engagement during holidays and special occasions, brands are turning to custom packaging designs to transform ordinary products into designs they can share. Allowing consumers to add holiday messages and personal pictures to snack bags and canned foods, brands are not only tailoring products to distinct consumer interests, but are also transforming food items into products that fulfill more than just a need for consumption.
Workshop Question - What can you do to position your product as a gift?
Trend Themes
1. Customized Packaging - Brands are turning to custom packaging designs to transform ordinary products into designs they can share.
2. Personalization - Consumer desires such as customization and exclusivity were capitalized upon.
3. Togetherness - The Starbucks Red Holiday Cup features a focus on togetherness, encouraging customers to include the brand in personal moments.
Industry Implications
1. Packaging - Opportunities lie in developing customizable packaging designs to visually differentiate products and increase brand recall.
2. Personalized Marketing - Marketing strategies can be developed around consumer desire for exclusivity and personalization, in order to increase engagement and foster loyalty.
3. Food and Beverage - Customized and personalized food items create memorable experiences and opportunities for brand association.