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Top 100 Publicity Stunts in 2017

From Tequila Drinking Fountains to Pizza-Ordering Parkas

— January 27, 2018 — Marketing
From tequila drinking fountains to pizza-ordering parkas, these publicity stunts in 2017 demonstrate how brands are thinking outside the box to increase consumer engagement.

The examples range from wacky, attention-grabbing stunts like Bompas & Parr's sausage Séance, to creative public demonstrations, like Nintendo's entirely free in-airport gaming station. Other brands opted for a more humorous approach, such as the New York coffee shop that filled its interior with motorized chairs and surprised its guests with an impromptu race to promote Amazon's motoring series, 'The Grand Tour.' Personalization played a key factor in these stunts, which was exemplified through Heineken's creative attempt to compete with microbreweries, by offering young tourists a personal beer, branded with their name on it.

While most of the stunts had a small-scale impact, others aimed to gain global attention, like Samsung's promotion of its Galaxy 8 phone, in which it transformed Ireland's Samuel Beckett Bridge into a real, functional harp. Other examples include the Empire State building's yellow glow to celebrate World Emoji Day, or Budweiser's 'Bud On Mars' stunt, in which the beer brand will send barley to space.
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In-Bar Kissing Campaigns
In-Bar Kissing Campaigns
Cider Maker Westons is Setting Up Mistletoe Inside of UK Pubs
Charitable Menu Readings
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Neil Gaiman Agreed to Read the Cheesecake Factory Menu to Aid Refugees
Humorous Youth Travel Promotions
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Creatively Patriotic Songs
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Fake Snow Deliveries
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TK Maxx is Helping Families Create an Artificial White Christmas This Season
Massive Gum Giveaways
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For #SamHasMentosGum, a Single Freshman Gave Out 43,000 Packs of Mentos Gum
Celebrity-Studded Streaming Service Ads
Celebrity-Studded Streaming Service Ads
The 'Netflix is a Joke' Ad Features Four Famous Comedians
TV Series-Themed Car Rides
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Rebranded Condiment Commericals
Rebranded Condiment Commericals
This Heinz Marketing Stunt Rebrands Ketchup as 'Chicago Dog Sauce'
Elevated Lunch Campaigns
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Predatory Pizza Specials
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The Great White Pizza Celebrates Shark Week
Branded Environmental Awareness Songs
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Social Memorabilia Campaigns
Social Memorabilia Campaigns
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Icelandic Karaoke Campaigns
Icelandic Karaoke Campaigns
Iceland is Challenging Tourists to Sing "The Hardest Karaoke Song"
Olympic Runner Projections
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Record-Setting Carnival Rides
Record-Setting Carnival Rides
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Rideshare Ice Cream Giveaways
Rideshare Ice Cream Giveaways
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TV-Watching Races
TV-Watching Races
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Light-Up Snowboarding Stunts
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Athlete Security Service Stunts
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Feature Film Burger Ads
Feature Film Burger Ads
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Slow-Motion Marathons
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Motorized Coffee Couch Pranks
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Kid-Sized Travel Agencies
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Supernatural Sausage Events
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Commemorative Taxi Carriages
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Urban Emoji Celebrations
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Channel-Takeover Branding Stunts
Channel-Takeover Branding Stunts
Snickers Took Over the British Television Channel 'Dave'
Comfortable Branded Public Bathrooms
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Personalized Stunt Driving Films
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In-Bed Gaming Events
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All-Cheese Burgers
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Airborne Food Deliveries
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Color-Infused Print Media Campaigns
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Martian Beer Experiments
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With 'Bud on Mars,' Budweiser is Sending Barley Experiments to the ISS
Celebrity Fast Food Campaigns
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Rapper Ice-T and Sonic are Promoting a New Frozen Drink Menu
At-Home Pop-Up Dealerships
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Honda Turned Loyal Fans' Garages into Pop-Up Dealerships
Fictional Food Identifiers
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The Not Hotdog App Was Created to Promote HBO's 'Silicon Valley'
Shark-Racing Publicity Stunts
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The Newest Michael Phelps Race Will Be Against a Great White
Interactive Fireworks Shows
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Microsoft Set Up a Fireworks Display to Challenge One-Way Streaming
Travel Incentive Board Games
Travel Incentive Board Games
JetBlue's 'Get Packing!' Board Game Contains a Free Round-Trip Flight
Decadent Poutine Donuts
Decadent Poutine Donuts
Tim Hortons is Offering a Poutine Donut for Canada's 150th Anniversary
Snowing Billboard Ads
Snowing Billboard Ads
Waitrose's #ChristmasTogether Outdoor Ad is Accompanied with Falling Snow
Pub-Promoting Publicity Stunts
Pub-Promoting Publicity Stunts
This No-Effort Ad by Dave Blackhirst Targets Millennial Audiences
Massive Beach Footprints
Massive Beach Footprints
'Kong: Skull Island' Placed Giant Ape Footprints on an LA Beach
Burger Chain Buses
Burger Chain Buses
Burger King Launched a Fast Food Bus to Take People to Its Restaurant
Data-Monetizing Pop-Ups
Data-Monetizing Pop-Ups
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Fantasy Tourism Tapestries
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Tourism Ireland Created a 250-Foot Tapestry Reviewing Game of Thrones
Uplifting Donut Pop-Ups
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E.on's 'Shot of Summer' Pop-Up Provides Cheer in the Dark Days of Fall
Theme Park-Branded Rideshares
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The Lyft 'Minnie Van' Will Drive Passengers to Disney Theme Parks
Mobile Toilet Services
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QSR-Themed Ornaments
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Vehicle-Based Vintage Beer Campaigns
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Dishwasher-Inspired Theme Parks
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Musical Bridge Installations
Musical Bridge Installations
Samsung Transformed the Samuel Beckett Bridge into a Playable Harp
Personalized Cookie Tastings
Personalized Cookie Tastings
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Friendship-Forming Bench Stunts
Friendship-Forming Bench Stunts
Nescafe's 'Hello Bench' Helps Strangers Break the Ice
Sculputural Floral Bouquets
Sculputural Floral Bouquets
This Floral Designers 'Surprise Bouquets' are Beautifying NYC Streets
Pizza-Ordering Parkas
Pizza-Ordering Parkas
The 'Pizza Parka' Spotlights Innovations in Pizza Hut's New Delivery Pouch
Festive Truck Sleepovers
Festive Truck Sleepovers is Offering a Stay Inside a Coca-Cola Christmas Truck
Double-Filtered Coffees
Double-Filtered Coffees
For #FeedingTheFuture, The Economist Shared Coffee Made with Used Grounds
Smashed Billboard Stunts
Smashed Billboard Stunts
O2 Set Up Fitting Advertisements to Show of Its Free Screen Replacements
Mystery Burger Boxes
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In France, Burger King Now Lets Customers Leave Their Order to Chance
Jet Ski Meal Deliveries
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Delivery from Deliveroo Can Now Be Ordered Directly to Bournemouth Beaches
Charitable Office-Based Fight Clubs
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Diversity Promoting Supermarket Stunts
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The German Supermarket Edeka Made a Point About Inclusion
Record-Breaking Emoji Events
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Novelty QSR Brand Pods
Novelty QSR Brand Pods
KFC is Selling a $10,000 Internet Escape Pod Featuring the Colonel
Chicken-Scented Bath Salts
Chicken-Scented Bath Salts
KFC and Village Vanguard Launched a Uniquely Scented Bath Salt
Trampoline Bed Installations
Trampoline Bed Installations
Virgin Media Promoted Its Virgin TV Kids App with a Jumping Apparatus
Single-Person Car Dealerships
Single-Person Car Dealerships
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Personally Brewed Beers
Personally Brewed Beers
Heineken Amsterdam is Competing with Microbreweries in This New Stunt
Tequila Drinking Fountains
Tequila Drinking Fountains
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Sci-Fi Show Pedicab Stunts
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20 Pedicab Drivers Dressed Up as Stranger Things Character Dustin
Binge-Watching River Cruises
Binge-Watching River Cruises
Three and Time Out London are Offering Netflix on the River Thames
Rideshare Drive-In Theaters
Rideshare Drive-In Theaters
Uber Invited Its Drivers to an Uber Pop-Up Drive-In Theater
TV-Inspired Installations
TV-Inspired Installations
This Better Call Saul Pop-Up Was Installed in Saul, Gloucestershire
In-Airport Gaming Stations
In-Airport Gaming Stations
Nintendo Opened a Free Gaming Area in Kansai International Airport
Edible Flavor Clouds
Edible Flavor Clouds
Pringles' Mechanically Generated Cloud Mimics the Scent and Flavor of Chips
Urban Ziplining Experiences
Urban Ziplining Experiences
London's Future Forest Offers a 40-Meter Zipline in a Shopping Center
Mobile Fast Food Drive-Thrus
Mobile Fast Food Drive-Thrus
McDonald's Dia Drive is a Roving "Drive-Thruck" on Wheels
Discolored Water Bottles
Discolored Water Bottles
For World Water Day, One Water Changed Its Packaging to a Dirty Color
Secretive Sneaker Pop-Ups
Secretive Sneaker Pop-Ups
Nike and Foot Locker are Partnering on a Pop-Up "Sneakeasy"
Halitosis Protection Helmets
Halitosis Protection Helmets
Mouthwash Brand CB12 is Using 'Bubbleheads' to Encourage Oral Hygiene
Naked Packaging Publicity Stunts
Naked Packaging Publicity Stunts
This Lush Cosmetics Packaging Campaign Involves Nude Workers
Health-Promoting Sugar Installments
Health-Promoting Sugar Installments
KIND's Sugar Sculptures Warn Parents of Unhealthy Snacks
Branded To-Go Box Controllers
Branded To-Go Box Controllers
Eat KFC and Play Video Games with This To-Go Chicken Box Controller
Facial Hair Galleries
Facial Hair Galleries
Panatonic Launched its 3-in-1 i-Shaper Trimmer with an Unusual Exhibition
Deceptive Coffee Shop Menus
Deceptive Coffee Shop Menus
Tim Hortons Opened a Fake Cafe Called 'Perfectly Uncomplicated Lattes'
Cauliflower Burger Pranks
Cauliflower Burger Pranks
KFC Pokes Fun at Extremely Healthy Eating with Its #CleanEating Burger
TV-Watching Retreats
TV-Watching Retreats
Three Mobile, Samsung and Netflix Launched a 'Bed 'N' Binge' Retreat
Experiential Wine Campaign Launches
Experiential Wine Campaign Launches
This Barefoot Wine Campaign Kicked Off with a Mobile Wine Bar
Hilariously Oversized Beer Cases
Hilariously Oversized Beer Cases
Finland's Nokia Brewery is Now Selling a 1,000 Can Beer Pack
TV-Themed Hotel Packages
TV-Themed Hotel Packages
The Gregory Hotel Offers an 'Ex-stream-ly Cozy Package'