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100 Funny Prankvertisements

From Fake Product Pranks to Pranking Airline Ads

— March 29, 2014 — Unique
Over the last year, plenty of big brands have been staging prankvertisements to promote products or services. As well as proving that the company has a sense of humor, prankvertising is generally a pretty great way to ensure your content goes viral.

Prankvertisements get viewers in on the action and makes them feel as if they’re in on the joke. In most cases, even though we know how the prank is meant to play out, it’s still fun to go along for the ride and see how the victims of the prank will react. Tapping into emotions is a huge part of successful advertising and whether a prank manages to get a laugh, or terrify you to your core, it’s easy to imagine how you might react in that same situation.

Pranks can be elaborate and hi-tech, but they also can be extremely low-tech and just as successful. The sky’s the limit with what kind of crazy stunts that can be pulled, which makes this kind of advertising easily accessible to businesses of all sizes.
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Shoulder-Poking Car Ads
Shoulder-Poking Car Ads
This Campaign Cleverly Promotes the New Volkswagen Side Assist
Subtitle-Switching Campaigns
Subtitle-Switching Campaigns
The 'Barely Legal Media Space' Ads Tricked Piraters with Fake Text
Fake April Fool’s Trailers
Fake April Fool’s Trailers
This Pineapple Express 2 Trailer is an Elaborate Prank
Feel Good Football Pranks
Feel Good Football Pranks
This Tostitos Chips Commercial Surprises Military Veterans
Lavatory Oasis Prankvertisements
Lavatory Oasis Prankvertisements
With Flush to Paradise, Henkel Shows How Easy Clean Can Be
Pristine Product Gags
Pristine Product Gags
The Pine-Sol Pranked Commercial is a Wonderfully Hilarious Stunt
Taste-Duping Hummus Campaigns
Taste-Duping Hummus Campaigns
‘The Hummus Stunt’ Tricked Restaurant Patrons with Packa
Prank Predator Promotions
Prank Predator Promotions
A Fake Shark Sighting Entices People to Visit the Vancouver Aquarium
Insomnia-Inducing Prankvertisements
Insomnia-Inducing Prankvertisements
CanalPlay Pairs its Unlimited Movies with Lots of Coffee
Creative Fear-Based Ads
Creative Fear-Based Ads
This Ad Agency Will Sear Their Brand Into Your Brain
Personal Wine-Making Gadgets (UPDATE)
Personal Wine-Making Gadgets (UPDATE)
The Miracle Machine That Turns Water into Wine is a PR Hoax
Porktastic Corporate Pranks
Porktastic Corporate Pranks
The Conscious Minds Organic Bacon Scented Litter is a Swineriffic Gag
Clown Nose Pranked Ads
Clown Nose Pranked Ads
Artist Ji Lee Has Been Putting Clown Noses on Ads Around NYC
Undead Corpse Elevator Pranks
Undead Corpse Elevator Pranks
The Space Channel's Elevator Prank Plays with People's Minds
Joke Jogging Publicity Stunts
Joke Jogging Publicity Stunts
Fevicol’s Simple Marketing Campaign Stages Runners Stuck in Pl
Ancient April Fool's Pranks
Ancient April Fool's Pranks
Netherlands' Rijksmuseum Takes Shoplifting Back to the 17th Century
Balloon Prank Contraception Adverts
Balloon Prank Contraception Adverts
The Latest Durex Condom Commercial Features Pranking Boys
Art-Inhabiting Prankvertisements
Art-Inhabiting Prankvertisements
The Man in a Cube Stunt is a Subtle Ad for a Meditation Program
Airbag Pop-Up Prank Ads
Airbag Pop-Up Prank Ads
MINI Mexico Demonstrates that You Should Never Makeup and Drive
Highrise Infidelity Stunt Ads
Highrise Infidelity Stunt Ads
The Discovery Channel’s Campaign Has a Man Escaping an Angry H
Auto Pinball Promotions
Auto Pinball Promotions
'The Parisian Pinball Park' Does Not Award Excellence
Undead Television Pranks
Undead Television Pranks
The Thinkmodo Zombie Experiment NYC Video Scared Unsuspecting Residents
Pregnancy Prank Urinals
Pregnancy Prank Urinals
Baby Stories Promotion Uses Fake Conception Confirmations
Brand Mascot Prank Videos
Brand Mascot Prank Videos
This Hilarious Prank by Kellog's Showcases Cereal Marketing
Chatty Moviegoer Pranks
Chatty Moviegoer Pranks
Coca-cola Hilariously Chides People Talking at the Movies
Prank Advertising
Prank Advertising
Lacey Walsh Discusses the Best Beer Commercials and Conquering the World
Supernatural Elevator Pranks
Supernatural Elevator Pranks
These Elevator Pranks are Perfect for Star Wars Fans
Faux Burglary Stunts
Faux Burglary Stunts
Security Company ADT Warns That Your Home Needs to be Protected
Hacked Social Media Hoaxes
Hacked Social Media Hoaxes
This Campaign Made the Chipotle Twitter Page Seem Like It Was Hacked
Fabricated Dictionary Word Ads
Fabricated Dictionary Word Ads
'Phubbing' Originated in Australia but is a Global Epidemic
Olfactory Search Engines
Olfactory Search Engines
Google Nose Beta Suggests That You Could Sniff Your Internet Queries
Glue Strength-Testing Pranks
Glue Strength-Testing Pranks
The Items in Fevicol's Store with Free Products are Glued in Place
People-Multiplying Pranks
People-Multiplying Pranks
Coca-Cola Zero Pumps Up the Volume and Numbers at Small Events
Reprisal Car Chase Pranks
Reprisal Car Chase Pranks
Pepsi Devises Another Jeff Gordon Prank to Prove That It's Real
Virus-Inducing Computer Pranks
Virus-Inducing Computer Pranks
Get a Computer Virus and an Early Weekend with the Happy Hour Virus
Apocalyptic Interview Pranks
Apocalyptic Interview Pranks
Job Interviews for LG Entertainment Get Even Scarier
Evil Baby Viral Pranks
Evil Baby Viral Pranks
This Viral Devil Baby Video Will Scare you into Theaters for 'Devil's Due'
Prank Photo Advertising
Prank Photo Advertising
Misel Saban Unveils How the Adobe Photoshop Prank Caught People Off-Gaurd
Flash Mob Sleepovers
Flash Mob Sleepovers
The Creative 'IKEA Slumber Party' Publicity Stunt
Invisible Dog Pranks
Invisible Dog Pranks
What Looks Like a Hearing Test is Really a DTS Sound-Sponsored Prank
Prank-Themed Holiday Treats
Prank-Themed Holiday Treats
‘Christmas Kitsch’ Revamps the Traditional Candy Cane
Student-Scaring Pregnancy Hoaxes
Student-Scaring Pregnancy Hoaxes
This Fake Pregnancy Prank Raises Awareness on Teen Pregnancy
Terrifying Urban Zombie Pranks
Terrifying Urban Zombie Pranks
The AMC Walking Dead Hoax Terrorized Unsuspecting New Yorkers
Washroom Maze Pranks
Washroom Maze Pranks
This Clever Diarrhea Medicine Ad Simulates Being Trapped in a Bathroom
Bloody Soap Pranks
Bloody Soap Pranks
This Terrifying Halloween Prank Makes People Think They Have Bloody Hands
Fake Product Pranks
Fake Product Pranks
Upwell Installed Its Own Multifunctional Light Switch in IKEA
Spectator-Shaming Car Ads
Spectator-Shaming Car Ads
A Kia Ad Embarrases a Spectator to Promote the Kia 'Cerato'
Musical Beer Pranks
Musical Beer Pranks
The Red Stripe Prank is a Cleverly Executed Publicity Stunt
Teleporting Prank Campaigns
Teleporting Prank Campaigns
The Audience is Dumbfounded When Twins Disappear Through Teleportator
Giant Canine Carriers
Giant Canine Carriers
The Big Dog Purse by Carmichael Collective is a Puppy Prank
Novel Guerrilla Marketing
Novel Guerrilla Marketing
Warwick Davis Vandalizes a Waterstones to Promote His Book
Bus Stop Photoshop Pranks
Bus Stop Photoshop Pranks
Erik Johansson Uses Adobe Photoshop Live To Prank Bus Stop Waiters
Dogsled Urban Transit Pranks
Dogsled Urban Transit Pranks
The ‘Best Bus Stop Ever’ Ad Surprised Commuters
Horrifying Cinematic Doll Pranks
Horrifying Cinematic Doll Pranks
‘The Curse of Chucky’ Will Scare the Living Daylights
Candid Credit Card Campaigns
Candid Credit Card Campaigns
NAB Shows its Good Nature by Rewarding People for Their Honesty
Simulated Crash Bathroom Pranks
Simulated Crash Bathroom Pranks
The Think! Pub Loo Shocker Campaign Dissuades Drinking and Driving
Deceptive Green Screen Stunts
Deceptive Green Screen Stunts
The ‘The Green Screen Prank’ Tricks Actors into Acting M
Walk-In Homicide Pranks
Walk-In Homicide Pranks
See How People React to This Elevator Murder Social Experiment Campaign
Senior Celeb Prank Calls
Senior Celeb Prank Calls
Betty White AARP Ad Urges the Elderly to Live Life to the Fullest
Prank Movie Promotions
Prank Movie Promotions
'The Last Exorcism' on Chatroulette is Frighteningly Hilarious
Realistic Elevator TV Pranks
Realistic Elevator TV Pranks
The LG 'So Real, It's Scary' Campaign Involves a Deathly Illusion
Awarding Unauthorized Ads
Awarding Unauthorized Ads
Fake, Naughty JC Penney Ad Gets Cannes Award
Bacon-Flavored Mouthwash
Bacon-Flavored Mouthwash
This Bacon Scope Mouthwash is Revealed Suspiciously Near April Fools Day
Dramatic Surprise Prank Ads
Dramatic Surprise Prank Ads
The New Dutch TNT Commerical Will Wreck Your Nerves
Virtual Toilet Papering Pranks
Virtual Toilet Papering Pranks
Cheetos' Project TP Lets Users Virtually Toilet Paper Houses
Product Placement Prank Shows
Product Placement Prank Shows
"The Fixer Show" Promotes Axe, Helps You Punk Your Friends
Pressure-Filled Deodorant Pranks
Pressure-Filled Deodorant Pranks
This Nivea Commercial Covers an Elaborate Airport Prank
Promotional Pranks
Promotional Pranks
Glassing Eyewear Uses Immaturity for Publicity
Formalwear Beach Parties
Formalwear Beach Parties
Improv Everywhere's Black Tie Beach Stunt
Playful Pranked Faces
Playful Pranked Faces
The Pro Plus Stay Alert Ads Will Have You Laughing With Their Familiarity
Clever Movie Marketing
Clever Movie Marketing
DVD Comes With Barf Bag
Asphalt-Cooked Meals
Asphalt-Cooked Meals
The WWF Global Warming Menu Cooks Food on Hot Pavement
Living Greeting Cards
Living Greeting Cards
The Animal Dub Chorus Welcomes German Art Directors
Friendship-Testing Beer Ads
Friendship-Testing Beer Ads
This Carlsberg Commercial Puts Friendships to the Test
Shark Surfing
Shark Surfing
Renegade Sport or Advertising Genius?
Marc Jacobs Retro Tracksuit Man Creates Buzz
Fan-Pranking Promotions
Fan-Pranking Promotions
The Ozzy Osbourne "Wax Figure" is More Realistic Than You Think
Remixing Billboards
Remixing Billboards
'Army Wives' Turned into 'Iraq Wives'
Faking PDA
Faking PDA
Dolls Encourage Advertisers to “Make Love Not Awards”
Guerrilla Marketing Gone Bad
Guerrilla Marketing Gone Bad
Boston Hoax Turns Into Million Dollar Mishap
Font-Changing Website Pranks
Font-Changing Website Pranks
This Klm Advertising Campaign Changed All of Its Fonts to Comic Sans
Fake Vandalism
Fake Vandalism
Vegemite Guerrilla Ads
Alcoholic Prankvertisements
Alcoholic Prankvertisements
The Captain Morgan 'Prank Your Friends' Facebook App is Youth-Targeted
Regional Meanvertising
Regional Meanvertising
Molson Coors' Toronto-Trashing Billboards Flop
Fake Ads On Billboards
Fake Ads On Billboards
Attention-Grabbing First Bank Gimmick Altered to Promote Entrepreneurs
Prankster Meat Ads
Prankster Meat Ads
Alka Seltzer's Print Campaign Warns You About Evil Food
Test Drive Prank Ads
Test Drive Prank Ads
Watch What Happens When Jeff Gordon Pulls Stunts in this Pepsi Commercial
Silly Sidewalk Tags
Silly Sidewalk Tags
The Carmichael Collective Urban Plant Tags
Fake Premieres
Fake Premieres
LG Scarlet
Chatroulette Pranks
Chatroulette Pranks
The Dr. Pepper Chatroulette Cheerleader Prank Hits the Web
Tech CEO Costumes
Tech CEO Costumes
The Steve Jobs 'iWear' Outfit Will Dress You Like Apple's Einstein
Popularity Pills
Popularity Pills
Fake REACHEMOL Advertisements Claim That a Miracle Drug Can Make You Popular
Faux Canine Eyewear Lines
Faux Canine Eyewear Lines
The Barker ‘Monocles for Dogs' Set is a Comical Ruse
Broadway Poster Spoofs
Broadway Poster Spoofs
"Evil Dead: The Musical" Ads
Office Supply Prank Prints
Office Supply Prank Prints
The Herlitz 'Cheap Fun' Campaign Encourages Amusement
Brand Message-Distorting Ads
Brand Message-Distorting Ads
The 'Ads of the Wrong' Change the Message of Iconic Brands
Realistic Reptilian Desserts
Realistic Reptilian Desserts
The Snake Cake by North Star Cakes is Terrifyingly Delicious
Humorously Devious Luggage Decals
Humorously Devious Luggage Decals
The Cheeky Bag Tag Stickers Won't Pass Airport Security