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Top 95 Interactive Ideas in November

From Virtual Fashion Shows to Touchscreen Food Services

— November 22, 2015 — Marketing
Immersive music videos, virtual reality fashion shows and touchscreen eatery menus are just a few of the top November 2015 interactive ideas that can be carried forward. Now that social media has made it so easy for brands to interact directly with fans, consumers expect, rather than hope, to be engaged in conversation.

Some of the most unusual ways brands are opening up dialogues include Chicken Treat letting an actual chicken take over a Twitter account, beer brand Staropramen creating a typewriter-controlled draught and Zeze Biscuits using a stoplight to deliver compliments to passersby.

Virtual reality is a powerful tool for marketing, but North Face put together a humorous campaign that shows it is certainly not the be-all and end-all when it comes to interactivity. The 'Sudden Exploration' North Face stunt began by simulating a dogsledding experience, and while people were distracted by the immersive world, they were launched into a race with a real team of dogs.
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Interrupted Streaming Campaigns
Interrupted Streaming Campaigns
This Netflix Brazil Campaign Attempts to Get Students to Study
Company-Touring Drones
Company-Touring Drones
This GE Campaign Shares a Behind-the-Scenes View from a Drone
Informative Rapping Ads
Informative Rapping Ads
'Kijiji Raps' Puts a Musical Spin on Online Classifieds
Tweeting Chicken Campaigns
Tweeting Chicken Campaigns
Chicken Treat's #ChickenTweet Lets a Chicken Have a Say on Social Media
Follower-Donating Campaigns
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The Social Charity Campaign 'OneBigTweet' Accepts Unusual Donations
Live-Action Literary Stunts
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Automotive Trunk Theaters
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Haunted VR Adventures
Haunted VR Adventures
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Touching Family Surprise Stunts
Touching Family Surprise Stunts
These Family Members Were Tricked That They Were on a Video Call
User-Generated Social Polls
User-Generated Social Polls
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Anti-Pollution Insurance Deals
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Cupcake-Trading Stations
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Empowering Beauty Campaigns
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Cartooned Homepage Promotions
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Creative Sandwich Competitions
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Photo-Sharing Fashion Editorials
Photo-Sharing Fashion Editorials
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Coffee Search Apps
Coffee Search Apps
The 'Time to Coffee' App Speeds Up the Hunt for Coffee in New York City
Virtual Racing Simulators
Virtual Racing Simulators
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Personalized Photography Services
Personalized Photography Services
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Short Shoppable Videos
Short Shoppable Videos
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Adventurous Emoji Videos
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Locally Curated Tours
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Halloween Champagne Tastings
Halloween Champagne Tastings
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Anti-Busyness Campaigns
Anti-Busyness Campaigns
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Global Meetup Campaigns
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Flattering Traffic Campaigns
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Social Audiobook Campaigns
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Multimedia Business Cards
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Unexpected Airline Adventures
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Outdoor Ad-Testing Campaigns
Outdoor Ad-Testing Campaigns
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Appreciative Oatmeal Campaigns
Appreciative Oatmeal Campaigns
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Shrinking Car Stunts
Shrinking Car Stunts
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Gaming Console Anniversaries
Gaming Console Anniversaries
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Mobile Fast Food Ads
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Live Streaming Pizza Screens
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Rewarding Activity Trackers
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Social Novel Campaigns
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Charitable Cat Deliveries (UPDATE)
Charitable Cat Deliveries (UPDATE)
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Gardening Inspiration Campaigns
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Rhetorical Massage Ads
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Soda-Sponsored Mobile Kitchens
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All-Day Breakfast Ads
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Luxury Hotel VR Tours
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Complimentary Traffic Lights
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Charitable URL Shorteners
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Charitable Coat Donations
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Cultural Cat Festivals
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Interactive Social Photos
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Cannon Ball Liquor Stunts
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Thievery-Based Flight Promotions
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Pinboard Gardening Campaigns
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Interactive Retirement Commercials
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Indoor Sledding Stunts
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Gourmet Chef-Crafted Burgers
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Kids Financial Literacy Games
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Technology-Testing Events
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Gardening Blogger Projects
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Beer-Pouring Typewriters
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Diabetes Prevention Campaigns
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Drive-Thru Video Screens
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Diabetic Selfie Campaigns
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Giant Iced Tea Pitchers
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Virtual Fashion Shows
Virtual Fashion Shows
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360-Degree Airplane Viewers
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Inclusive Diabetes Campaigns
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Social Shelving Campaigns
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80s Film Cafes
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Professional Headshot Tours
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Heat-Sensitive Retail Mirrors
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Digital Basketball Exhibits
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Wrap-Around Alert Billboards
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Kinetic Energy Breakfasts
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Captivating Fan Experiences
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Mood-Matching T-Shirts
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Digitized Immersive Offices
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Experiential Coffee Bars
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Social Media Rum Tastings
Social Media Rum Tastings
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Candy-Dispensing Public Benches
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Gamified Recycling Programs
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