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Top 100 Publicity Stunt Trends of 2015

From Social Media Rum Tastings to Temporary 12-Hour Stores

— January 31, 2016 — Eco
The extent to which brands are pushing themselves to curate unique and unforgettable consumer experiences is demonstrated in this collection of the top 2015 publicity stunt trends. While the power of the pop-up shop still exists, marketers have enhanced the experience to be even more personalized and exclusive.

This year saw many brands creating consumer-integrated events to promote products and services. The bike-powered outdoor cinema from Ben & Jerry's and social currency shops are perfect examples of brands creating last memories and connections.

Elaborate public stunts continue to serve their purpose for brands like Kleenex and Dentyne, which proved the ongoing success of surprise-and-delight tactics among consumers.

To gain a better understanding of the power of publicity stunts in today's millennial-dominated market, check out Trend Hunter's 2016 Trend Report. Complete with additional examples of the top 2015 publicity stunt trends, the report will also reveal how our custom research can inspire your next big idea.
Climatic Restaurant Prices
Climatic Restaurant Prices
This Restaurant Deal from Luce Bases the Cost of Meals on Temperature
Cinematic Super Hero Razors
Cinematic Super Hero Razors
Gillette Creates Themed Razors Based on Avengers Age of Ultron Movie
Surprise Pitch Promotions
Surprise Pitch Promotions
MasterCard's Surprise Promotion Invites You to Unleash Your Next Idea
Restful Public Hammocks
Restful Public Hammocks
Zeze Biscuit's Free Net Treats People to Rest and Relaxation
Board Game Jackpots
Board Game Jackpots
Hasbro France Replaces Monopoly Money with Real Bills in 80 Regular Sets
Branded Cat Camps
Branded Cat Camps
The Purina ONE Cat Camp is an Immersive Pop-Up for Feline Friends
Independent Spirit Campaigns
Independent Spirit Campaigns
Beer Brand Sol Celebrates London's Local Heroes Through Art and Film
Street Football Beer Promos
Street Football Beer Promos
The Tiger Street Football Campaign Features Portuguese Legend Deco
Kissable Cause Marketing
Kissable Cause Marketing
The Twizzler Challenge Hopes to be the Next Ice Bucket Challenge
Complementary Coffee Promotions
Complementary Coffee Promotions
Chick-Fil-A is Offering Its Customers Free Coffee This February
Sci-Fi Fandom Exhibits
Sci-Fi Fandom Exhibits
'Art Awakens' Gathers Fan Art to Celebrate the Star Wars Reboot
Rapper-Curated Event Soundtracks
Rapper-Curated Event Soundtracks
The Drake for Sotheby's Soundtrack is Sure to Be a Hit
Restaurant Hummus Deliveries
Restaurant Hummus Deliveries
Uber Israel Satisfies a Specific Food on Demand Need from Abu Hassan
Friendly Retail Robots
Friendly Retail Robots
Pepper the Robot Suggests Wine Pairings and Interacts with Shoppers
Technology-Testing Events
Technology-Testing Events
Microsoft's Device Night Invites People to Eat, Drink & Try New Products
Homeless Viewpoint Ads
Homeless Viewpoint Ads
Depaul UK's Poverty Awareness Campaign Shows Two Sides of the Story
Robotic Dating App Stunts
Robotic Dating App Stunts
This SXSW Tinder Marketing Stunt Used a Hot Robot to Promote Ex Machina
Comfy Furnished Chairlifts
Comfy Furnished Chairlifts
This Living Room Gondola Gives Skiers a Warm Ride Up the Mountain
Mock Off-Road Kits
Mock Off-Road Kits
Volkswagen Supplies the Essentials for the Look of an Off-Road Adventure
Branded Ice Cream Trucks
Branded Ice Cream Trucks
United Biscuits Brand McVitie's Hosts a Delicious Mobile Experience
Grocery Shopping Chauffeurs
Grocery Shopping Chauffeurs
Uber and Loblaws Have Teamed Up to Offer Free Grocery Pickups
Broken Phone Campaigns
Broken Phone Campaigns
KFC Japan's Fast Food Promotion Rewards Cracked Phone Screens
Temporary 12-Hour Stores
Temporary 12-Hour Stores
iZettle's Temporary Store Hosts Small Businesses for Just 12 Hours
Floating Fast Food Barges
Floating Fast Food Barges
A&W Creates a Floating Restaurant with a Water Accessible Drive Thru
Sporty Holographic Projections
Sporty Holographic Projections
O2's England Rugby Campaign Wear the Rose Rallies Team Spirit
Rejuvenating Festival Cabanas
Rejuvenating Festival Cabanas
Hawaiian Tropic's Outdoor Cabana Offers Refreshment at Coachella
Soothing Polar Campaigns
Soothing Polar Campaigns
Halls' Medicine Marketing Offers 'Animal Thereapy' with a Polar Bear
Pop-Up Poker Restaurants
Pop-Up Poker Restaurants
This Unique Pop Up Restaurant Has Diners Pay with Texas Hold-Em
Reinvented Art Shows
Reinvented Art Shows
Samsung S6 Edge on O2 is Celebrated with the 'Edge of the Canvas' Exhibit
Premature Christmas Campaigns
Premature Christmas Campaigns
Selfridges Starts the Holidays Early with Christmas in August
Giant Iced Tea Pitchers
Giant Iced Tea Pitchers
Lipton's 'Be More Tea' Festival Broke a World Record for Largest Iced Tea
Insurance Policy Art
Insurance Policy Art
Beagle Street Transformed its Insurance Policies into Bold Wall Art
Sci-Fi Coffee Drinks
Sci-Fi Coffee Drinks
These Galactic Frappuccinos are a Star Wars Starbucks Collaboration
Architectural Volcanic Projections
Architectural Volcanic Projections
The ROM Celebrates a Museum Exhibit with a Grand Display
Stormtrooper Car Services
Stormtrooper Car Services
Uber is Unleashing a Fleet of Stormtrooper Cars for Force Friday
Gigantic Origami Boats
Gigantic Origami Boats
Big Bang Fair Teamed Up with Kids to Build a Huge Floating Paper Boat
Discarded Furniture Ads
Discarded Furniture Ads
Leon's Furniture Marketing Stunt Capitalizes on Monthly Moving Days
Cordless Jumping Pranks
Cordless Jumping Pranks
IKEA Uses Cordless Bungee Jumping' to Promote Wireless Charging
Cross-Promotional Chocolate Packaging
Cross-Promotional Chocolate Packaging
KitKat's YouTube Break Redesign Commemorates 2 Anniversaries
Toy-Inspired Car Makeovers
Toy-Inspired Car Makeovers
Tonka Made an Overland SUV Look Like a Life-Sized Toy Monster Truck
Social Good Diets
Social Good Diets
Givesom's 1.25 Diet Has You Spend Only $1.25 on Food and Donate the Rest
Donation-Encouraging Statues
Donation-Encouraging Statues
A Series of Ice Men in Brazil Raise Awareness of Organ Donation
Toy-Made Christmas Trees
Toy-Made Christmas Trees
Disney's Toy Christmas Tree is Made from 2,000 Stuffed Animals
Fantasy Feast Publicity Stunts
Fantasy Feast Publicity Stunts
The Game of Thrones Pop-Up Will Serve a 3-Day Epic Banquet
Professional Headshot Tours
Professional Headshot Tours
LinkedIn is Touring the US to Give Profile Advice and Headshots
Branded Farm Visits
Branded Farm Visits
This Hellmann's Brazil Campaign Invited Fans to Its Tomato Fields
Collaborative Art Parties
Collaborative Art Parties
RAW Design's 'RAW Canvas' Party Turns Attendees into Artists
Twitter-Activated Vending Machines
Twitter-Activated Vending Machines
Gary Lineker Gives Tweeters Free Walkers Crisps Bags
Cider-Endorsed Obstacle Courses
Cider-Endorsed Obstacle Courses
'Tough Mudder' Competitors Rehydrate with an Aston Manor Cider
Social Stylemaker Campaigns
Social Stylemaker Campaigns
Lord & Taylor Had 50 Fashion Influencers on Instagram Model a Dress
Fast Food Fashion
Fast Food Fashion
McDonald's Releases a Big Mac Product Line for Die-Hard Fans
Movie Motel Recreations
Movie Motel Recreations
Attendees Will Be Able to Visit A&E's Bates Motel at SXSW 2015
Wish-Granting Campaigns
Wish-Granting Campaigns
Wish Upon a Coke Brings 'Wish Booths' to India, Pakistan & the Philippines
Hidden Domestic Abuse Marketing
Hidden Domestic Abuse Marketing
This Home Decor Magazine Will Make You Take a Second Look
Folksy Pop-Up Bars
Folksy Pop-Up Bars
The Mumford & Sons Pop-Up Bar Launches a New Album and an Exclusive Beer
Pop-Up Eco-Energy Labs
Pop-Up Eco-Energy Labs
The Shell Eco-Marathon Experience Took Place in Rotterdam
Morbid Delivery Coffins
Morbid Delivery Coffins Will Deliver Your Order in a Life-Sized Custom Coffin
Soda Brand Factory Visits
Soda Brand Factory Visits
This Coca-Cola Brazil Campaign Was a Response to Negative Rumors
Breath-Freshening Food Trucks
Breath-Freshening Food Trucks
This New Initiative Reminds Consumers to Chew Gum After Eating
Live Streamed Razor Unveilings
Live Streamed Razor Unveilings
Gillette Introduces Avengers Razors Online & Offline Simultaneously
Captivating Fan Experiences
Captivating Fan Experiences
A Series of Wasserman Interactive NFL Experiences Hit London
Hyper-Relevant Pop-Up Bars
Hyper-Relevant Pop-Up Bars
PAND10 is an Amsterdam Bar That Will Close After 10,000 Beers
Rejuvenating Holiday Pop-Ups
Rejuvenating Holiday Pop-Ups
This RBC Avion Shop Rewards Customers for the Holidays
Promotional Floating Accommodations
Promotional Floating Accommodations
The Airbnb Floating House Can Be Won for a Single Night
Epic Fail Campaigns
Epic Fail Campaigns
Snickers Calls Out Mistakes in NYC for Its Latest Ad Campaign
Emoji Bobblehead Stunts
Emoji Bobblehead Stunts
This TalkTalk Mobile Marketing Campaign Promotes a Test on Emoji IQ
Celebrity Stock Photography
Celebrity Stock Photography
Vince Vaughn and Dave Franco Star in Hilarious Stock Images
Animal Underground Commuters
Animal Underground Commuters
Sky Atlantic Put a Polar Bear on the Subway to Promote a New TV Show
Social Currency Shops
Social Currency Shops
The ooVootique Lets Social Media Influencers Trade ooVoo Friends for Merch
Animal Awareness Typefaces
Animal Awareness Typefaces
The Panda Font Project Brings Awareness Through an Adorable Font
Pop-Up Kitty Playhouses
Pop-Up Kitty Playhouses
Poopy Cat's Temporary Pet Jungle Gym is Made of Cardboard
Aurora Borealis Airplanes
Aurora Borealis Airplanes
Icelandair's Hekla Aurora Recreates a Northern Lights Experience Inside
Driverless Pizza Delivery
Driverless Pizza Delivery
Domino's Presents an Autonomous Bike That's Too Delicious to Be True
Eye-Opening Tattoo Campaigns
Eye-Opening Tattoo Campaigns
ACG Advertising Agency Raises Awareness Of Violence Against Women
Child-Locating Sunscreen Ads
Child-Locating Sunscreen Ads
The Protection Ad by Nivea Uses iBeacons to Keep Track of Kids
Comforting Tissue Stunts
Comforting Tissue Stunts
Kleenex Employs Experiential Brand Marketing to Create Ease
Greek Yogurt Taste-Offs
Greek Yogurt Taste-Offs
Yoplait Yogurt Competes with Chobani for Customers' Approval and Affection
Multi-Flavor Chocolates
Multi-Flavor Chocolates
Cadbury's Spectacular 7 Provides an Assortment of Flavors in a Single Bar
Footwear App Pop-Ups
Footwear App Pop-Ups
The SNKRS Station Promotes the Brand's SNKRS App
Co-Branded Car Promotions
Co-Branded Car Promotions
Uber & BMW are Teaming Up to Provide Free Rides in the New 2016 7 Series
The Rock Star Experience
The Rock Star Experience
Trend Hunter Chats with German about Heineken's Dream Island Experience
Lipstick-Shaped Shops
Lipstick-Shaped Shops
Chanel's Rouge Coco Japan Pop-Up Features Multi-Levels of Interaction
Live Gaming Stunts
Live Gaming Stunts
Bud Light Challenged a Fan to a Real Life Pac-Man Game
Pop-Up Salad Bars
Pop-Up Salad Bars
Subway's Outdoor Salad Bar Encourages Healthy Eating on the Street
Floating Market Soda Pop-Ups
Floating Market Soda Pop-Ups
The Schweppes Floating Market Has Set Its Sails in Australia
People-Powered Billboard Ads
People-Powered Billboard Ads
63 'Red Hat' Employees Built the Many Messages on This Billboard
Social Media Rum Tastings
Social Media Rum Tastings
Appleton Estate Rum Recently Held a Live Twitter Tasting Experience
3D-Printed Cars (UPDATE)
3D-Printed Cars (UPDATE)
This Cutting-Edge Local Motors Creation is Now Production-Ready
The Beach Bar Experience
The Beach Bar Experience
Trend Hunter Chats with Sabino, Jessica & Lillo About #TheDreamIsland
Rainbow-Colored Commuter Slides
Rainbow-Colored Commuter Slides
Oreo's WONDERFILLED Campaign Brought Colorful Slides to London
Mobile Mattress Showrooms
Mobile Mattress Showrooms
The Napmobile Presented by Casper Allows Consumers to Test Mattresses
Candy-Dispensing Public Benches
Candy-Dispensing Public Benches
The Kit Kat Bench Rewarded Those Who Rested for 60-seconds
Cheese-Sampling Photobooths
Cheese-Sampling Photobooths
The Laughing Cow Has Embarked on a Tour Promoting a New Product
Bike-Powered Outdoor Cinemas
Bike-Powered Outdoor Cinemas
The Ben & Jerry's Pop-Up Movie Theater Used Renewable Energy
Luxe Sparkling Water Popups
Luxe Sparkling Water Popups
Osheaga's Perrier Greenhouse Introduces an Escape within an Escape
Vault-Inspired Whiskey Pop-Ups
Vault-Inspired Whiskey Pop-Ups
This Pop-Up Glenmorangie Bar Delighted Fans in London
Botanical Oasis Gin Experiences
Botanical Oasis Gin Experiences
Hendrick's Gin Held a Horticultural Pop-Up Earlier This Year
Enchanting Garden Pop-Ups
Enchanting Garden Pop-Ups
The Comfort Intense Garden Showcases the Brand's New Fragrances
Urban Water Slide Events
Urban Water Slide Events
Lipton Ice Tea Recently Created a 100-Meter-Long 'Rise & Slide'