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80 Amazing Animal Ads

From Cheeky Chimp Promo Videos to Office Animal Ads

— February 15, 2013 — Marketing
With the amount of advertisements and commercials hitting the airwaves every minute, it takes something truly eye-catching to capture a viewer's attention, but these amazing animal ads creatively incorporate a wide array of wildlife that will certainly catch anyones attention.

There's something truly magical about animals that seem to immediately resonate with the hearts of people around the world, and companies are taking advantage of this emotion by incorporating animals into their advertisements. From mobile phone companies using elephants in their commercials to animal activist campaigns utilizing distressed animals to convey their message, these engaging and touching animal ads serve to immediately strike an emotion with viewers.
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Smartphone-Savvy Animal Ads
Smartphone-Savvy Animal Ads
The Samsung Peter the Elephant Video Puts the Galaxy Note on Top
Chip Chomping Goat Ads
Chip Chomping Goat Ads
The Doritos Goat 4 Sale Commercial is 30 Seconds of Goat Snacking
Live-Streamed Animal Campaigns
Live-Streamed Animal Campaigns
Project Reindeer & Gap Promote Discounts Through Web Cams
Cheeky Chimp Promo Videos
Cheeky Chimp Promo Videos
The Jammie Dodgers Advertisements Feature Singing Monkeys
Yelling Bottled Beverage Ads
Yelling Bottled Beverage Ads
Vytautas Mineral Water! Will Turn Your Stomach into a Bicep
Social Media Animal Campaigns
Social Media Animal Campaigns
The Australian Koala Foundation Uses a +1 Button for its Cause
Dreary Dwindling Species Ads
Dreary Dwindling Species Ads
The 'A Homeless Polar Bear in London' Breaks Hearts
Green-Friendly Animal Ads
Green-Friendly Animal Ads
The Lighting Network Shadows Campaign Focuses on Protecting Life
Tree-Barred Animal Sanctuary Ads
Tree-Barred Animal Sanctuary Ads
The Wildlife Park Goldau Campaign Promotes the 'Zoo Without Bars'
Office Animal Ads
Office Animal Ads
The San Francisco Zoo Campaign Asks for Workplace Donations
Plane-Printed Animal Ads
Plane-Printed Animal Ads
The Brussels Airlines Campaign Focuses on the "Colours of Africa"
Unrealistic Animal Race Ads
Unrealistic Animal Race Ads
This Skechers Super Bowl Commercial Pits Man Against Cheetah
Unexpected Baby Animal Ads
Unexpected Baby Animal Ads
The Personal Lubricant Aleolub Campaign is Dubiously Adorable
Hidden Hazard Auto Ads
Hidden Hazard Auto Ads
The Mercedes-Benz Trucks Campaign Promotes Danger-Detecting Breaks
Feline-Friendly Coats
Feline-Friendly Coats
The Columbia Sportswear ‘Angry Cat' Video Douses a Kitty to Test
Analogous Animal Condom Ads
Analogous Animal Condom Ads
The New Durex Ad Defends Against Human's Wild Sexual Instincts
Morbid Wildlife Park Ads
Morbid Wildlife Park Ads
Bratislava Zoo Campaign Encourages People to Meet the Animals They Wear
Fuzzy Animal Ads
Fuzzy Animal Ads
The TV Record Minas Campaign Urges Viewers to Now "Let the Planet off Air"
Criminal Dog Ads
Criminal Dog Ads
'AmiciCani' Shows Canines Don't Judge
Animalistic Headache Ads
Animalistic Headache Ads
The Ibuprom Max Campaign is "For the Mornings After"
Pet-Affected Jacket Ads
Pet-Affected Jacket Ads
The Lady Fozaza Campaign Creates Long-Legged Animals
Tangled Animal Ads
Tangled Animal Ads
The Dr. Phillips Dental Floss Campaign Depicts the Product's Strength
Playful Animal-Preserving Ads
Playful Animal-Preserving Ads
The Uniform Jeans Campaign Advocates Saving a Species
Wounded Animal Ads
Wounded Animal Ads
The 'No to Mining in Palawan' Campaign by DM9JaymeSyfu is Heartbreaking
Animal Snow Angel Ads
Animal Snow Angel Ads
The Calgary Farmers’ Market 'Open All Winter' Campaign is Cute and Fun
Matchstick Animal Ads
Matchstick Animal Ads
The Volunteer Wildfire Services Campaign Shows That More than Trees Burn
Realistic Faux Animal Ads
Realistic Faux Animal Ads
The IM Leather Paper Campaign Promotes a Textured Stationary Product
Activist Super Bowl Billboards
Activist Super Bowl Billboards
PETA Chicken Wings Ad Discourages Wing-Eating During Games
Animal-Assisted Auto Ads
Animal-Assisted Auto Ads
The 'Jeep Grand Cherokee Monkey, Bear' Prints are Appropriately Comedic
Trapped Taxidermy Ads
Trapped Taxidermy Ads
The Coleman Campaign Warns People to Not Get Stuck Indoors
Hairy Animal Ads
Hairy Animal Ads
Alleviate your Pooch Problems with Bubbles Pet Cologne
Napoleon Complexed Puppies
Napoleon Complexed Puppies
The Pedigree 'Small Dog, Big World' Video Shows the Life of Tiny Pups
Unravelling Rope Animal Ads
Unravelling Rope Animal Ads
The Dulcolax Constipation Relief Campaign Relieves Stoppered Food
Animalistic Constellation Ads
Animalistic Constellation Ads
The Johannesburg Zoo Night Tours Campaign Promotes Starry Sightings
Romantic Wildlife Park Ads
Romantic Wildlife Park Ads
The Kolner Zoo Tour D'Amour Campaign Will Entice Cute Couples
Dressed-Up Dog Ads
Dressed-Up Dog Ads
The Eno Antacid Campaign Shows That “You Can’t Fool Your Stomach
Collaged Animal Ads
Collaged Animal Ads
These Los Angeles Zoo Ads are Creatively Composed
Cozy Countryside Campaigns
Cozy Countryside Campaigns
The SIXSIXSEVEN 2012 Collection Advertorial Features Luxe Wools
Fashionable Wildlife Park Ads
Fashionable Wildlife Park Ads
The Zoo Cannes 2012 Campaign Makes Animals Look Stylish
Double-Eyed Cat Campaigns
Double-Eyed Cat Campaigns
The Pet Show Pet Food Ads by Hermandad are Dizzying
Animal Airplane Ads
Animal Airplane Ads
These Keith Loell South African Airways Promos are Simple and Effective
Farm Animal Advertising
Farm Animal Advertising
Sheep Billboards Take One Company All the Way to the "Baaaa-nk"
Tearful Animal Ads
Tearful Animal Ads
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Campaign is Heart-Wrenching
Stunned Creature Campaigns
Stunned Creature Campaigns
These Anaesthesia Lingerie Animal Ads Dumbfound Even Dogs
Absurd Animal Campaigns
Absurd Animal Campaigns
The Skittles 'Walrus' Ad is Absolutely Bizzare
Color-Popping Animal Ads
Color-Popping Animal Ads
basICColor Gets Wild With Vibrant Hue Advertisements
Duct Taped Animal Ads
Duct Taped Animal Ads
The ATMA Air Conditioners Campaign Depicts Cold Meeting Silence
Pet-Protecting Men
Pet-Protecting Men
The 'Show Your Soft Side' Campaign is Purr-fect
Juicy Beastly Commercials
Juicy Beastly Commercials
Orangina Animal Ads Feature Furry Humanoid Hybrids
Wealthy Pig Ads
Wealthy Pig Ads
The Karlstad Energi Campaign Urges People to "Learn How to Avoid the Worst Pigs"
Fat-Free Dog Ads
Fat-Free Dog Ads
The MasterDog Light Campaign Encourages Healthy and Active Pet Lives
Funky Furry Promotions
Funky Furry Promotions
The 'Dasani Animals' Advertisements are Offbeat and Eye-Catching
Panda-Printed Animal Ads
Panda-Printed Animal Ads
The WWF 2012 Campaign Encourages People to Join Their Team
Faux Fur Canine Ads
Faux Fur Canine Ads
The VIPAL Environmental Awareness Campaign by 141 Soho Square is Sad
Animal Mask Ads
Animal Mask Ads
The Sears Optical Campaign Promotes Seeing Like a Hawk and Lynx
Where the Wild Things are Campaigns
Where the Wild Things are Campaigns
The Mulberry Fall/Winter 2013 Advertisements are Literary
Animal-Shaped Hinge Ads
Animal-Shaped Hinge Ads
The Q20 Super Multi-Purpose Lubricant Campaign is Squeaky Cute
Urban Animal Ads
Urban Animal Ads
'City Farmers' Uses Humor to Appeal to Dog and Cat Owners
Human-Devouring Animal Ads
Human-Devouring Animal Ads
The Cow Parade 2011 Campaign is Hilariously Shocking
Athletic Animal Ads
Athletic Animal Ads
The Accenture 'Surfing Elephant' Commercial Features Active Creatures
Violently Harpooned Ads
Violently Harpooned Ads
The Sea Shepherd Campaign Shows the Harm of Predatory Fishing
Animal Kingdom-Inspired Apparel
Animal Kingdom-Inspired Apparel
The Hundreds 'Man vs. Beast' Lookbook is Haunting
Iconic Pet Character Ads
Iconic Pet Character Ads
The HKAAC Animal Adoption Centre Campaign Encourages Experiences
Roadkill Canine Ads
Roadkill Canine Ads
Society for Abandoned Animals 'Dead Dogs' Campaign Takes it to the Streets
Origami Animal Ads
Origami Animal Ads
The Rexiine House Campaign Asks People to Wear Artificial Fur
Conversing Kitten Campaigns
Conversing Kitten Campaigns
MAKE's Talking Kitten Commercial Will Have You Adopting Furry Friends
Cross-Eyed Animal Ads
Cross-Eyed Animal Ads
The Panasonic Lumix Campaign Shows the Camera's Zoom Capabilities
Endangered LEGO Exhibits
Endangered LEGO Exhibits
The 'Creatures of Habitat: A Gazillion-Piece Animal Adventure'
Plastic Animal Ad Props
Plastic Animal Ad Props
The Jessica Stam Aldo Spring 2010 Ad Campaign Features a Fake Cheetah
Animal Transfiguration Ads
Animal Transfiguration Ads
This Lenor Fabric Softener Ad Gets Cuddly
Hybrid Animal Ads
Hybrid Animal Ads
More Bioengineered Kooky Converse Creations (UPDATE)
Disheveled Party Animal Campaigns
Disheveled Party Animal Campaigns
The Aqua by Aqua Fall/Winter Ad Campaign Gets Messy
Suicidal Animal Ads
Suicidal Animal Ads
The China Environmental Protection Foundation Campaign Urges Human Help
Food-Shaped Animal Ads
Food-Shaped Animal Ads
The LifeBuoy Hand Wash Ad Campaign Shows 'You Eat What Your Touch'
Toxic Animal Ads
Toxic Animal Ads
The WWF Evollution Campaign Looks to Send a Clear Message
Interspecies Animal Adoptions
Interspecies Animal Adoptions
6 Unusual Surrogate Mothers
Disintegrating Animal Advertising
Disintegrating Animal Advertising
This WWF Desertification Campaign Pictures Creatures Crumbling
Erotic Animal Ads
Erotic Animal Ads
The Sasha Grey for Peta Campaign is Hot and Heavy