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Branded Fear

Brands aim to engage consumers with startling prank campaigns

Implications - As brands look for unexpected ways to engage consumers, many are carrying out pranks in public spaces in the hopes of making a splash online. Beyond the desire to go viral, this street-style campaign infuses the brand experience with an essence of humanness that consumers find relatable. Highlighting the new relationship between individuals and branded spaces, this shift also demonstrates the modern acceptance of horror and fantasy genres as a routine escape from reality.
Workshop Question - What would have to change in order to have consumers view your brand as more relatable?
Trend Themes
1. Branded Pranks - Brands are engaging consumers with public pranks and viral marketing campaigns that showcase a relatable and humorous essence of humanness.
2. Escapism Genres - Horror and fantasy genre films are being increasingly accepted as routine escapes from reality.
3. Interactive Advertising - Interactive and immersive advertising, such as using advanced face tracking technology or setting up immersive ATM machines, is becoming more popular in demonstrating products with unique experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Marketing - As part of their marketing campaigns, brands are constantly looking for new and unexpected ways to engage consumers.
2. Entertainment - Escapism genres, such as horror and fantasy films and seasonal theme park attractions, are finding new ways to engage their audiences with immersive experiences.
3. Technology - Advanced face tracking technology and interactive devices, such as static electric balls, are being integrated into advertising campaigns with increasingly innovative outcomes.
8 Featured, 49 Examples:
837,429 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 14 — Feb 16

Featured Examples

play_circle_filledScary Shopping Pranks
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play_circle_filledCreepy Car Wash Pranks
Creepy Car Wash Pranks
Ford's Spooky Car Wash Scares Unsuspecting Drivers & Passengers
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Human Bank Machines
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