Next-generation cleaning supplies offer multi-benefits
Implications - In an age of rapid-fire tech innovation, cleaning appliances are being updated for niche appeal in addition to functionality. By including hi-tech features that are entirely unrelated to the act of cleaning, such next-generation appliances succeed in attracting new, tech-savvy consumers. In addition to being intrigued by technology in unexpected places, the modern consumer wants to feel like they're getting everything they possibly can get out of a product.
Workshop Question - What products or services do consumers use simultaneously with yours and how can you integrate those into your current offerings?
Trend Themes
1. Hi-tech Cleaning Appliances - Appliances are being updated for niche appeal by including hi-tech features that are entirely unrelated to the act of cleaning.
2. Connected Cleaning Devices - Consumers are looking for more ways to be more efficient inside the home than ever by integrating internet connectivity with products.
3. Gamifying the Cleaning Process - Manufacturers are becoming more creative by gamifying otherwise mundane tasks to streamline household experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Home Appliances - Opportunities to create upscale cleaning appliances with additional functions to provide a better consumer experience.
2. Home Security - The integration of security features with household cleaning products can provide a sense of peace for homeowners.
3. Fitness Technology - Creating cleaning appliances that track the number of calories burned to gamify household chores and contribute to a healthier lifestyle.