Fast pizza brands launch experiential stunts in the hopes of going viral
Implications - In order to stay top of mind in an increasingly crowded meal delivery market, established pizza brands are launching increasingly competitive digital campaigns in the interest of generating buzz online. This progression highlights the expectation that all brands transition into content creators in order to build an organic following online, now key to brand loyalty and as a direct line of communication to customers.
Workshop Question - How could your brand utilize digital campaigns to create brand loyalty with your customers?
Trend Themes
1. Experiential Stunts - There's an opportunity for established brands to launch digital campaigns in the hopes of generating buzz online.
2. Automation - Automating the process of making pizzas not only reduces costs but provides another value: safety.
3. Voice-activated Technology - Voice-only systems are becoming more mainstream, increasing convenience and simplicity.
Industry Implications
1. Foodservice - The food industry is rapidly embracing experiential stunts and automation for greater efficiency and experience.
2. Retail - Voice-activated and experiential technology is becoming increasingly popular in the retail industry.
3. Insurance - Emerging trends such as pizza insurance policies create opportunities for insurance companies to create more innovative policies.
6 Featured, 51 Examples:
167,343 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Nov 15 — Dec 17
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