As technology evolves, consumers rely on apps for leisure
Implications - Mobile connectivity is being further integrated into the entertainment industry, which helps to marry online communication with real-life social activities. The convergence of these two social styles directly battles any negative perceptions of online communication. This allows connected consumers to socialize in a more traditional way, while still enjoying the conveniences of social media.
Workshop Question - Is there a way that your brand might be able to harness social media as a way to engage consumers for real-life interaction/activities?
Trend Themes
1. Mobile Connectivity - The integration of mobile connectivity into the entertainment industry is changing the way online communication is perceived by catering to connected consumers.
2. Crowdsourced Information - Crowdsourced information has become integral in providing reviews and ratings for bars and clubs to help people find the most suitable venues for their needs.
3. Time-saving - Apps designed for expediency and efficiency, such as the RAAD app, show potential for meeting customers' needs to optimize their leisure time.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - The hospitality industry can leverage the integration of mobile connectivity to create immersive experiences for connected consumers.
2. Consumer Technology - Crowdsourced information offers business professionals within the consumer technology industry an opportunity to design platforms that foster community participation in providing reviews and ratings.
3. Event Planning - Utilizing mobile connectivity to deliver information and streamline event planning services, offers business professionals within the industry an opportunity to optimize their services and create unique experiences.