Creating brand impact through the use of startling package design
Implications - Disturbing imagery and messages in advertising have long been used by marketers to create brand impact and now, companies are applying elements of “shockvertising” to their packaging as well. Shock value in package design may be more effective than its use in ads; not only does it capture the customer’s attention at the point of purchase, it is more likely to linger in their mind afterward.
Trend Themes
1. Shock Packaging - The use of disturbing imagery and messages in packaging design to create brand impact.
2. Creative Repurposing of Packaging - Designing witty and unusual packaging for everyday products to differentiate from the competition.
3. Unconventional Alcohol Packaging - Packaging alcoholic beverages in bizarre and unconventional formats that defy convention and overshadow society's taboos.
Industry Implications
1. Packaging Design - Companies are applying elements of shockvertising and creative repurposing to their packaging designs to capture customers' attention at the point of purchase.
2. Retail - Retailers are harnessing creative packaging as a marketing tool to differentiate their products and generate buzz.
3. Alcoholic Beverages - Craft breweries and distilleries are experimenting with unconventional packaging formats to carve a niche in the highly competitive alcohol industry.