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Connected Cars

Built-in features for social media and wi-fi ensure drivers are always connected

Implications - Now consumers can stay connected even while on the road, thanks to innovative car additions that allow for access to social media or the Internet. Especially useful for those areas where laws prohibit the use of phones while driving, these hi-tech innovations make it easy for anyone to go online or network—a valuable feature for today’s connected consumer.
Trend Themes
1. Connected Automobiles - Companies can look into developing technology to install multimedia and social media fixtures within cars to enhance customer experience.
2. Mobile Application Integration - Vehicle manufacturers can look into allowing riders to connect various mobile application modules with their automobiles, thus modernizing personal transportation.
3. Social Media for Drivers - Additional social media features can be included in next-gen vehicle models to provide increased interactivity and communication between drivers.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive Industry - The automotive industry can explore incorporating new software and hardware to create a more connected and high-tech driving experience.
2. Mobile Technology Industry - Mobile device and software developers could create applications compatible with automobile integration to provide an all-encompassing technological experience for riders.
3. Social Media Industry - Social media companies could develop technology to enhance social media usage and connectivity while driving to promote increased customer loyalty and engagement.
8 Featured, 65 Examples:
1,362,127 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Apr 10 — Nov 10
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

play_circle_fillediPad Dashboards
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