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Social Media Merchandising (UPDATE)

Internet culture products give tangibility to social media

Implications - The rise of social media merchandise shows that Internet culture is continuing to exceed digital confines and enter the realm of reality. With online communities now considered more of a lifestyle choice than a geeky hobby, social media products capitalize consumers’ positive attitudes towards the Internet, allowing brands both on and offline to strengthen customer relationships.
Trend Themes
1. Fan Merchandising - The rise of the internet culture indicates that brands who create fan merchandise can strengthen their customer relationships.
2. Social Media Utility Products - The internet is extending beyond digitization with social media products that provide functionality in the real world.
3. Social Media Personalization - The popularity of social media has led to a demand for highly personalized and customizable products.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion brands can capitalize on the rise of fan merchandising for internet culture products related to social media platforms.
2. Technology - Creation of social media utility products and customizable merchandise requires technology innovation.
3. Marketing and Advertising - The trend towards personalized and customizable social media products require a marketing approach that harness the power of user-generated content.
9 Featured, 67 Examples:
1,465,529 Total Clicks
Date Range:
May 10 — Nov 10
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Social Media Layout Cards
Social Media Layout Cards
The Twitter Business Card Helps You Promote Yourself in a Stylish Way
If you love anything that has to do with Twitter then perhaps your next business card should look like the Twitter Business Card. The card itself resembles the Twitter layout with your name on the top… MORE
Twitter High-Tops
Twitter High-Tops
Daniel Reese Customized Sneakers Feature Pop Culture Heavyweights
My days of rocking customized kicks are little behind me but I have got to admit that these Daniel Reese customized sneakers are incredible. If you can think of a theme, Daniel can make a sneaker for… MORE
Custom Facebook Books
Custom Facebook Books
The EgoBook Allows you to Reminisce Over Status Updates
EgoBook is a Facebook app that allows you to have a physical copy of your interactions from your Facebook wall. A truly personalized product, this is a great gift for that social media-lover in your life… MORE
Social Media Maps
Social Media Maps
The Randall Munroe 'Online Communities' Maps Give Direction to n00bs
The Randall Munroe 'Online Communities' maps make web surfing easy for the less Internet-savvy. The maps outline the Internet's biggest websites as countries and seas, giving clarity to each site's ranking… MORE
Social Media Frocks
Social Media Frocks
The Facebook Dress is Sure to Get You Poked Anywhere You Go
The true fans of Facebook will have at least one Facebook Dress in their closet. This dress was designed by a young Romanian fashion designer named Lana, and features a full Facebook design on the front… MORE
Social Media Cushions
Social Media Cushions
The Twitter Pillow Shows Your Love for Tweeting While Sitting
The Twitter Pillow is for all the Twitter addicts out there who dream of tweeting while they sleep. Cleverly stating the mindset of Twitter users, their “eat, sleep, tweet” message will undoubtedly make… MORE
Facebook Comics
Facebook Comics
Starring Mark Zuckerberg in His Own Comic Series
A string of Facebook-mania has been popping up recently. So far, the Facebook movie 'The Social Network' has debuted, Mark Zuckerberg announced on Oprah that he's donating $100 million to public schools… MORE
Social Media Plushies
Social Media Plushies
Toy Company Crefun Makes a Stuffed Plush Twitter Bird and Other Toys
Twitter has undeniably taken the world by storm, and this 'Crefun' stuffed plush Twitter bird definitely proves their importance and growth. 'Crefun' is a plush toy company that is dedicated to making… MORE
Social Media Shop Cards
Social Media Shop Cards
Target is Set to Begin Selling Facebook Credit Gift Cards
Your Christmas stocking may look a lot different this year as Target launches Facebook credit gift cards. These pieces will work just like regular gift cards, letting you redeem their cash value for online… MORE

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