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AI Photography
AI tools that generate professional product photography are gaining popularity
Trend - AI companies are creating photography-mimicking tools that generate professional product photos for eCommerce and marketing materials. These photos are positioned as more affordable options to professional photography, without compromising on quality or quantity.

Insight - Newer startups, particularly those with minimal funding, often search for ways to cut operation costs wherever possible. One area that is particularly expensive for most startups is advertising, with everything from strategizing to reachouts to generating marketing materials costing a large sum. In order to cut-down on some of these costs, startups are seeking AI-powered tools that automate and streamline these processes. AI companies are responding with marketing photo generating tools.
Workshop Question - How can we leverage AI technologies to create cost-effective yet high-quality visual content for our marketing needs?
Stretchable Display
Electronics brands are creating malleable displays for unique technology
Trend - Brands in the more designer end of the tech spectrum are releasing products with stretchable and malleable displays. These use AMOLED technology and are built in such a way that they can be twisted and bent without breaking or stopping the image from being displayed.

Insight - Businesses and startups with more niche product ideas often run into barriers when trying to bring a concept product to reality. These barriers can include cost, scale, or simply the feasibility of the product in general. Many such products in the technology space are limited due to physical limitations regarding battery sizes or screen sizes, amongst other potential issues. In order to address these concerns, designer tech brands are creating malleable displays for unique product ideas.
Workshop Question - How could your brand leverage emerging malleable display technologies to overcome traditional design limitations and create innovative new experiences for its customers?
Developer Marketplace
Large software companies are offering asset marketplaces for game developers
Trend - Software companies in the gaming space are launching marketplaces designed for game developers. These marketplaces offer assets, such as 3D character models, audio tracks, or maps, to be purchased and licensed for use by other developers, aiming to streamline and decentralize game development.

Insight - Novice game developers could encounter any number of issues when entering the space based on their prior expertise. For example, those with an artistic background may have no trouble drawing their character models and maps, but may struggle with music or 3D animations, while the inverse may be true for another developer. In order to appeal to these developers and alleviate stress where it may arise, gaming software brands are launching marketplaces with licensable assets.
Workshop Question - How could your brand offer a solution to support professionals with varying skillsets via its products or services?
LGBTQ+ Mentorship
Companies invest in mentorship programs to better support queer employees
Trend - Companies are implementing mentorship programs to support LGBTQ+ employees entering the workforce. By connecting junior employees with successful LGBTQ+ mentors, these initiatives provide resources and skills, fostering a sense of belonging and empowering career growth.

Insight - As Gen Z becomes a larger part of the workforce, many entry-level employees with diverse identities experience isolation and imposter syndrome from perceived underrepresentation. In response, companies are launching programs that connect senior employees with younger LGBTQ+ individuals, providing vital support during their transition into full-time roles. Businesses that identify these unique hurdles can enhance employee retention and gain valuable insights into their diverse consumer bases.
Workshop Question - How can your brand more effectively support the diverse identities of its employees?
AI Application
AI tools that prepare applicants for professional interviews are on the rise
Trend - Companies are creating suites of AI-powered tools designed to improve the experience of job searching and interviewing. These tools range from resume generators and optimizers to mock interviews or interview feedback platforms. These brands aim to provide a leg-up in a competitive job market.

Insight - The rise of artificial intelligence is increasingly being integrated into countless professional and personal fields, with the hiring and onboarding processes being no exception. Human Resources departments are turning to AI tools to sift through resumes, leading to a competitive job market being made more competitive for applicants with less experience. In order to appeal to these aspiring professionals, brands are creating AI tools that streamline application processes.
Workshop Question - How is your brand ensuring that its use of artificial intelligence tools does not create undesirable side effects?
AI Notetaker
Artificial intelligence is increasingly used to record and summarize meetings
Trend - Businesses are increasingly leveraging AI-powered tools to record, transcribe, and summarize meetings in professional settings. These tools utilize advanced speech recognition technology to capture conversations in real time and deliver well-organized, searchable notes with minimal manual input.

Insight - Clear communication and concise documentation are essential for smooth business operations, but employees can struggle to focus on critical information when they are also responsible for manually taking notes. By handling these tasks through automated technology, virtual notetakers reduce the manual effort required from employees. This significantly streamlines business communication and documentation, maximizing time spent on higher-priority tasks that can substantially benefit the company.
Workshop Question - How can your business use automation to streamline day-to-day tasks and improve employee efficiency?
AI Upskilling
Businesses invest in educational programs to enhance employee proficiency in AI
Trend - Companies are launching new initiatives to help employees understand, work with, and optimize artificial intelligence (AI) tools and systems. These trainings provide the knowledge needed to harness the potential of AI technology, leading to improved job performance and organizational output.

Insight - The rapid integration of AI across various industries has driven many businesses to swiftly adjust their tools and policies to maintain a competitive edge. However, employees outside of technical or development roles often lack the expertise to effectively utilize AI to support their company’s goals. By offering educational resources to help employees expand their AI skills, businesses can benefit from a more knowledgeable and capable workforce, ultimately enhancing productivity and innovation.
Workshop Question - How can your company expand the skillset of its existing employees?
Multi-Material Printer
3D printer brands are releasing models capable of using several materials
Trend - 3D printing brands are creating more unique 3D printers that either use a tool-switcher, or several concurrent tools, to print single projects that utilize more than one material. These multi-material printers are designed for more advanced printing jobs for personal or professional use.

Insight - 3D printing is one such field that has grown far larger than just being a hobby for most. Many consumers create businesses, or streamline their startups, by using 3D printers to save drastically on production costs. However, for more complex products, 3D printing was not always viable, leading to these businesses needing to source product components from traditional manufacturing facilities. However, 3D printing brands are now catering to these needs with multi-material and multi-tool printers.
Workshop Question - How could your brand streamline one or more aspects of its operations by utilizing advanced 3D printers?
Automated Description
Startups are launching AI tools that generate retail product descriptions
Trend - Startups are launching AI tools that generate product descriptions for online retailers. These tools take into account cost, highlight features, and detailed information to generate attention-grabbing copy quickly. These tools are designed to save time and money for online storefront operators.

Insight - Retailers with storefronts are aware of the challenges associated with each aspect of the website. These challenges include paying either internal IT departments or third-parties to maintain the website, taking product photos, dealing with online fulfillment and post-service support, and more. These retailers are closely following the AI revolution for tools that alleviate one of these challenge categories. Brands are addressing one category with AI product description-generating tools.
Workshop Question - How could your brand leverage artificial intelligence tools to reduce operational costs in one or more areas?
AI Recruitment
Artificial intelligence is used to help hiring managers identify top candidates
Trend - Companies are increasingly utilizing artificial intelligence in the hiring process to streamline various aspects of recruitment. This can include everything from automating resume screening to identifying top candidates, allowing HR teams to focus on other relevant aspects of recruitment.

Insight - Hiring managers frequently face the daunting task of sifting through hundreds of resumes, a process that can easily lead to the risk of overlooking qualified candidates. To address this issue, new automation-based tools are emerging to assist recruiters in accurately evaluating each applicant and their qualifications. By adopting AI-driven solutions, businesses can more effectively manage the complexities of modern recruitment, improving employee retention and streamlining the hiring process.
Workshop Question - How can AI streamline various aspects of your company's operations?