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Cadbury Guerilla Marketing

Clean the Sky - Positive Eco Trends & Breakthroughs

Dairy Milk Gorilla Ad

— September 3, 2007 — Marketing
Cadbury has come up with some very clever gorilla marketing, literally. Their 90 second Dairy Milk candy bar video doesn't feature chocolate once, not verbally or visually.

Guerilla marketing is a low-budget, unconventional spin on marketing that often doesn't feature the actual product at all. Also known as stealth marketing, this type of campaign tricks the consumer into thinking about a certain product, without them realizing they have been exposed to commercial advertising.

Cadbury pokes fun at the marketing tactic with its effective new video ad.

"The film opens with a title, 'A Glass And A Half Full Productions presents'", the Independent reported. "Then we hear the opening bars of the Phil Collins hit 'In the Air Tonight'. The camera pulls back slowly to reveal that the new face of Cadbury Dairy Milk is in fact a gorilla. The effect is spooky and primal. As the big drum break starts, the camera pulls further back to reveal that the gorilla is hammering an enormous drum kit in a karaoke-style bangalong."

"It's such a pompous piece of music and the thrashing of the gorilla is so self-absorbed that the effect is hilarious. It's short-form comedy just like one of those funny clips you see on YouTube. But it seems to have precious little to do with chocolate."

That's the point.

"People don't want advertisers droning on and on about their products any more; they want to be entertained."

It's not just clever marketing; Cadbury has a message in there, too.

"The entire commercial is a product metaphor. 'Chocolate is about joy and pleasure. For years Cadbury has told us that it was generous, through the glass and a half strap line. We thought, don't tell us how generous you are; show us. Don't tell us about joy; show us joy.' That's just what the campaign tries to do. 'We've created a branded space in which Cadbury's can be generous in bringing joy.'"

Cadbury is hoping that the new campaign will help build "long-term brand values" while also upping short-term sales. "You can't advertise chocolate in the summer," the Independent quoted a Cadbury rep. "'Easter and Christmas are separate markets, so the only chance to build the brand comes in late spring. This campaign will drive sales for the year.'"

No real animals were used in the video -- it's only a man in a hairy gorilla suit explained a Cadbury rep who says he's unsure "How he will apologise to the nation if the new commercial sparks a Phil Collins revival."

The Independent concludes, "The bigger risk is that the campaign is too far removed from conventional chocolate advertising to be effective. As one veteran Cadbury hand put it, 'They get it right when the ads make you drool. Without chocolate, Cadbury ads lose their sensual appeal and along with that go sales.'"
Trend Themes
1. Guerilla Marketing - Exploring unconventional and low-budget marketing tactics, such as Cadbury's gorilla ad, that focus on capturing consumer attention without overtly featuring the product.
2. Stealth Marketing - Leveraging stealth marketing strategies, like Cadbury's video, to engage consumers without them realizing they've been exposed to commercial advertising.
3. Branded Entertainment - Creating entertaining and humorous content, as demonstrated by Cadbury, that captures consumer interest and aligns with the brand's values and messaging.
Industry Implications
1. Confectionery - Opportunity for confectionery companies to adopt guerilla marketing tactics and create engaging content that generates brand awareness and drives sales.
2. Advertising - The advertising industry has the potential to develop innovative strategies, like stealth marketing, to captivate audiences and promote products in unconventional ways.
3. Entertainment - Opportunity for the entertainment industry to collaborate with brands and create branded content that entertains and resonates with consumers.