Exaggerated human subjects in advertising stir both emotion and shock
Implications - The use of extreme exaggeration is not a new development in advertising; however, this technique is being taken a step further through the use of mutant humans seen in recent print campaigns. This technique is particularly eye-catching to a consumer if the art direction is made to look realistic, enhancing the element of fantasy while invoking instant emotion through shock value.
Trend Themes
1. Exaggerated Human Subjects in Advertising - The use of mutant humans in print campaigns is a growing trend that invokes instant emotion through shock value.
2. Creative Sportsvertising - Sports advertising is moving toward creative ads that take the sport off the field and merge it with other facets of life.
3. Manipulating Reality in Fashion - Fashion spreads are embracing manipulating reality through photo manipulation to create surrealism and emphasize clothing.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Industry - There is a growing trend of manipulating reality in fashion spreads, creating opportunities for designers to use unique and surreal images to draw attention to their collections.
2. Sports Advertising Industry - Sports advertising is moving towards creative ads that merge sports with other facets of life, creating opportunities for companies to showcase their products in new and unique ways.
3. Marketing and Advertising Industry - The use of exaggerated human subjects in print campaigns is a growing trend that invokes instant emotion through shock value and is a unique way for companies to gain attention for their products or services.