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Obsessive Texting

Obsessive texting spawns innovations that make it easier to do

Implications - Alleviating bans on phone use while driving and curbing unwanted "intexticated" messages are texting innovations that make it easier than ever to text. With texting almost a ubiquitous method of communication, these applications and innovations feed the texting phenomenon, making it easier than ever to text so that anyone can send messages whenever, wherever and however they want.
Trend Themes
1. Innovative Texting Technologies - Innovative applications and technologies in texting are facilitating safer use, in everyday life as well as specific high-risk scenarios.
2. Anti-addiction Measures - The rise in texting addiction and digital intoxication highlights the need for anti-addiction measures in the form of technology interventions and awareness campaigns.
3. Ergonomic Touchscreen Products - Touchscreen products are creating opportunities for ergonomic redesign as brands develop new interventions like stickers, haptic feedback, and other tactile technologies.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive Industry - Anti-texting applications that extend beyond silencing phones can be developed and marketed to mitigate the hazard of texting while driving.
2. Health and Wellness Industry - Anti-addiction measures need to be developed to mitigate the risk of excessive texting and other digital behaviours that have been linked to mental health challenges.
3. Technology Industry - The development of ergonomic touchscreen technology presents opportunities to create new products that could revolutionize the user experience and functionality of these devices.
7 Featured, 55 Examples:
892,495 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Nov 09 — Nov 10
Consumer Insight Topics:

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