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Top 100 Branding Concepts in September

From Color-Swapped Brand Logos to Storytelling Beer Labels

— September 30, 2015 — Marketing
Some of the most circulated September 2015 branding news includes the launch of new products and redesigns from big brands like McDonald's, Jif Peanut Butter and General Mills. In the spirit of this playful attitude large companies are adopting, smaller brands are following suit with equally experimental ideas.

Beyond packaging being a means to contain a product, it is being used as a tool for storytelling and interacting with consumers. One of the most fun examples of this is the summer designs for Yakult's drinks—once the outer layer of plastic has been removed, the branded bottle appears to be wearing a bathing suit.

In order to reiterate the importance of color in some of the most well-known logos, designer Paula Rúpolo and Designmantic separately created projects that explore how a simple color change can completely change the way a brand is perceived.
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Musical Whiskey Deliveries
Musical Whiskey Deliveries
This Service Provides Quality Liquor Via Frank Sinatra Impersonators
Hip-Hop Race Cars
Hip-Hop Race Cars
The N.W.A Biopic Inspired a 'Straight Outta Compton' Nascar Xfinity Series
Family-Inclusive Footwear
Family-Inclusive Footwear
The Blue Boot Line of Timerlands is Promoted with a Family Image Series
Malaria-Combating Gins
Malaria-Combating Gins
This Cinchona-Flavored Gin Will Donate Its Proceeds to 'Malaria No More UK'
Grassy Typography Labels
Grassy Typography Labels
This Natural Brand of Pain Relievers Features Foliage-Inspired Font
Sneaker Tote Bags
Sneaker Tote Bags
These Cosmetic Bags from Adidas Carry All of a Runner's Essentials
Tourism-Boosting City Branding
Tourism-Boosting City Branding
Victoria's New Logo Makeover Encourages Tourism in Australia
Floral Sports Apparel
Floral Sports Apparel
The Future Athletics Fashion Collaboration Unites Volcom, New Era & Tilly's
Remixed Geometric Sodas
Remixed Geometric Sodas
These Redesigned Diet 7Up Cans Boasts Angular Patterns and Pastel Colors
Tea-Preserving Wooden Boxes
Tea-Preserving Wooden Boxes
This Elegant Box Holds Tea Bow's Products and Unwrapped Teabags
Farmyard Chip Packages
Farmyard Chip Packages
These Judex Chips are Packaged in Rustic Wheat-Decorated Bags
Rebranded Fashion Events
Rebranded Fashion Events
The IMG Fashion Week Logo Gets a Sleek and Sophisticated Makeover
Burglar-Branded Beer
Burglar-Branded Beer
This Criminal Beer Brewing Company Uses a Cartoon Burglar Mascots
Monster-Labeled Sauce Packets
Monster-Labeled Sauce Packets
These Sauces are Decorated with the Monster You Become when Hungry
Mythological Beer Branding
Mythological Beer Branding
This Craft Beer Uses Symbolic Creatures to Label Each Bottle
Earthy Old World Fragrances
Earthy Old World Fragrances
FIELE FRAGRANCES is a Line of Luxurious Artisanal Perfumes
Artist-Inspired Cosmetics
Artist-Inspired Cosmetics
This Vibrant Cosmetics Collection Features Fun Colors and Quirky Designs
Feminized Cocktail Labels
Feminized Cocktail Labels
The North Cocktail Beverages are Labeled with Elegant Feminine Writing
Recycled Clothing Initiatives
Recycled Clothing Initiatives
H&M's New Global Change Award is in Honor Reclaimed Fashion Actions
Eyecatching Hardware Branding
Eyecatching Hardware Branding
This Branding Scheme Brings Together Rustic and Modern Colors
Colorful Ice Cream Rebranding
Colorful Ice Cream Rebranding
The Premier Is Packaging Focuses on Enhancing Flavor Through Color
Playful Apple Pie Labels
Playful Apple Pie Labels
The Labels for Nanna's Baked Pies Use Cartoon Apples and Cursive Writing
Cereal-Inspired Wheat Beers
Cereal-Inspired Wheat Beers
This Craft Brewery Beer is Branded with the Iconic Wheaties Logo
Popular Peanut Butter Bars
Popular Peanut Butter Bars
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Revived Anniversary Fashions
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Whimsical Malt Coffee Packaging
Whimsical Malt Coffee Packaging
This Coffee Branding Boasts Poetic, Dreamy Typography
Celebratory Beer Branding
Celebratory Beer Branding
This Beer Company Celebrates Its Anniversary with a Brand New Brew
Hip-Hop-Inspired Comics
Hip-Hop-Inspired Comics
These Variant Covers by Marvel Pay Tribute to Iconic Rap Albums
Minimalist Juice Packaging
Minimalist Juice Packaging
The JuCLEANSE Simple Branding Emphasizes the No-Frills Ingredients
Hidden Icon Shampoo Branding
Hidden Icon Shampoo Branding
The Re-Branding of Batiste Infuses Colorfully Whimsical Hidden Icons
Opulent Caviar Skincare
Opulent Caviar Skincare
The New Skin Caviar Cream Can be Purchased in a Crystal Goblet
Rustic Cat Food Packaging
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Ribbon-Wrapped Sausages
Ribbon-Wrapped Sausages
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Typographic Furniture Ads
Typographic Furniture Ads
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Punk Pet Packaging
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These Alternative Pet Products Embrace Heavy Music and Tattoo Culture
Gourmet S'more Kits
Gourmet S'more Kits
This Upscale Campfire Snack Kit Features Fresh Crackers & Vanilla Marshmallows
Storytelling Beer Labels
Storytelling Beer Labels
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Tuscan Delicatessen Branding
Tuscan Delicatessen Branding
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Youthful Crisps Packaging
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London Crisp Co Boasts Hip, Brightly Colored Chip Branding
Gender-Neutral Store Branding
Gender-Neutral Store Branding
Target Redesigned its Store Layouts to Decrease Gender Stereotyping
Whimsical Frozen Desserts Brands
Whimsical Frozen Desserts Brands
This Frozen Desserts Brand Boasts a Renewed Brand Identity
Team Spirit-Themed Shoes
Team Spirit-Themed Shoes
The Nike Week Zero Collection is Customized by Varsity Football Teams
Designer Burger Apparel
Designer Burger Apparel
The Three Buns Capsule Collection is a Co-Branding Success
Minimalist Anti-Aging Ads
Minimalist Anti-Aging Ads
This Olay Ad Features Katie Holmes Looking Fresh-Faced and Natural
Ornate Bread Bags
Ornate Bread Bags
This South African Bread Branding Features Traditional Art Motifs
Infinite Fast Food Ads
Infinite Fast Food Ads
The Latest McDonald's Billboard Promises Endless Drink Refreshment
Artistic Golden Brand Makeovers
Artistic Golden Brand Makeovers
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Pictorial Popcorn Packets
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Meat-Themed Soccer Jerseys
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Cardboard-Boxed Pasta
Cardboard-Boxed Pasta
The Tavola Pasta is Packaged in Recyclable Boxes & Labeled with White Text
Labeled Typography Packaging
Labeled Typography Packaging
The Kitchen's Prepared Meals Use Minimalist Icons, Colors & Texts
Millennial-Targeted Wines
Millennial-Targeted Wines
Australian Vintage's 'YOU Wine' Brand Appeals to Generation Y
Emotional Wine Labels
Emotional Wine Labels
The Carpe Diem Wine Branding Features Emotional Portrait Imagery
Transgender Fashion Marketing
Transgender Fashion Marketing
& Other Stories' Fall Fashion Campaign Encourages Gender Inclusion
Color-Swapped Brand Logos
Color-Swapped Brand Logos
Paula Rúpolo Swaps the Coloring of Competitive Brands
Emotive Hispanic Campaigns
Emotive Hispanic Campaigns
This Heartwarming Kraft Singles Ad Tells the Story of Two Young Girls
Worldly Noodle Cup Branding
Worldly Noodle Cup Branding
BOL is a Brand of Authentic, Travel-Inspired Veggie and Noodle Pots
Holographic Beer Boxes
Holographic Beer Boxes
The Branding for Hoptical Illusion Uses 3D Holographic Film
Futuristic Neon Lookbooks
Futuristic Neon Lookbooks
This Psychedelic Clothing Line Has Florescent Colors Atop Black Fabrics
Neon Beer Packaging
Neon Beer Packaging
The Vibrant Labels for Bee Beer Feature Bold Purple & Bright Turquoise
Granulated Makeup Packaging
Granulated Makeup Packaging
These Cosmetic Labels Use a Sugar-Mimicking Geometric Pattern
Skyscape Wine Bottles
Skyscape Wine Bottles
These Colorful Wine Bottle Designs Mimic the Look of the Northern Lights
Pressure-Sensitive Beer Labels
Pressure-Sensitive Beer Labels
Oculto Beer's Labels Feature Color-Changing Thermostatic Ink
Scandinavian Bakery Rebrands
Scandinavian Bakery Rebrands
These Packaging Designs for Pågen Bakery Features Vivid Doodles
3D Detergent Labels
3D Detergent Labels
This Packaging for Unilever Detergent is Infused with Whimsical 3D Elements
Classical Smoked Meat Branding
Classical Smoked Meat Branding
This British Smoked Salmon Brand Boasts Artistic Packaging
Remixed Restaurant Packaging
Remixed Restaurant Packaging
Yael Weiser Remixes Traditional McDonald's Branding With Blue Hues
Undressing Beverage Bottles
Undressing Beverage Bottles
Yakult's Drinks Reveal Swimwear Styles Under a Packaging Layer
Die-Cut Juice Labels
Die-Cut Juice Labels
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Re-Colored Iconic Logos
Re-Colored Iconic Logos
This Infographic Reveals Logos Using the Color Theory Color
Empowering Beauty Campaigns
Empowering Beauty Campaigns
This Avon Ad Features Employees and Brand Ambassadors of All Ages
Doodled Deli Branding
Doodled Deli Branding
Mostowski Delikatesy's Brand Identity Boasts Playful Grocery Illustrations
Newspaper Bread Packaging
Newspaper Bread Packaging
L'Amande French Bakery's Newspaper Packaging is Graphic and Sustainable
Coloring Chocolate Bars
Coloring Chocolate Bars
This Fun Chocolate Bar for Kids Inspires Creativity with Packaging
Vino Snack Packs
Vino Snack Packs
These Single-Serve Wine Glasses Come with a Sweet or Salty Snack Inside
Floating Market Soda Pop-Ups
Floating Market Soda Pop-Ups
The Schweppes Floating Market Has Set Its Sails in Australia
Anthropomorphic Beer Logos
Anthropomorphic Beer Logos
These Beer Bottle Labels Feature Quirky Humanized Animals
Sustainable Pet Food Packaging
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Honest Kitchen's Packaging Won a Petfood 2.0 Innovation Award
Sport Luxe Skincare Brands
Sport Luxe Skincare Brands
MUSQ Natural Cosmetics is a Skincare Line Boasting Timeless Design
Sophisticated Skincare Brands
Sophisticated Skincare Brands
Moreish is a Luxury Skincare Range from New Zealand
Infidelity-Inspired Beer Ads
Infidelity-Inspired Beer Ads
'Boca Maldita' is a Bold Brazilian Beer with an Audacious Ad Campaign
Monogrammed Bakery Branding
Monogrammed Bakery Branding
Kromka Polish Bakery's Brand Identity Highlights Vivid Typography
Customized Candy Studios
Customized Candy Studios
Kit Kat's Custom Chocolate Bar Pop-Up Lets Customers Create new Flavors
Rustic Bakery Branding
Rustic Bakery Branding
Scott Naauao's Breadshop Brand Identity Features Stamped Details
Sleek Milk Bottle Designs
Sleek Milk Bottle Designs
This Stylish Milk Packaging for MILKO Brand is Perfectly Modern
Fashionable Water Bar Menus
Fashionable Water Bar Menus
The Cultish Colette Water Bar Has a Menu of Over 100 Waters
Clinical Cosmetics Branding
Clinical Cosmetics Branding
Boine Clinic's Brand Identity is Translated with Minimalist Imagery
Alchemist Coffee Shop Branding
Alchemist Coffee Shop Branding
Estudio Yeyé's Almanegra Brand Identity Features Vintage Accents
Heritage-Inspired Food Packaging
Heritage-Inspired Food Packaging
This Wine and Game Meat Products Branding Takes Cues from Biology
Book-Shaped Business Cards
Book-Shaped Business Cards
These Business Cards Cleverly Reflect the Company's Product
Whimsical Salmon Packaging
Whimsical Salmon Packaging
This Salmon Packaging Concept Adds an Elegant, Mythical Touch
Earthy Restaurant Branding
Earthy Restaurant Branding
Botanica's Brand Identity Boasts Eco-Friendly Design Elements
Chemical-Free Skincare Branding
Chemical-Free Skincare Branding
Naravan is an All-Natural Cosmetics Range with a Simple Look
Rustic Sandwich Shop Branding
Rustic Sandwich Shop Branding
327 CREATIVE STUDIO's Brand Identity Project Embodies Quality
Mobile Bread Boutiques
Mobile Bread Boutiques
Pump Street Bakery's Food Truck Offers Meals On the Go
Cheese-Sampling Photobooths
Cheese-Sampling Photobooths
The Laughing Cow Has Embarked on a Tour Promoting a New Product
Raw Juice Labratory Branding
Raw Juice Labratory Branding
ELXR is a Toronto Cold-Pressed Juice Bar with Clever Packaging
Botanical Oasis Gin Experiences
Botanical Oasis Gin Experiences
Hendrick's Gin Held a Horticultural Pop-Up Earlier This Year
Chic French Bakery Branding
Chic French Bakery Branding
Boulangerie 41 is a French Patisserie Located in Mexico
Shrouded Beer Brand Activations
Shrouded Beer Brand Activations
Swedish Cider Brand Kopparberg Hosted a Floral-Infused Event