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70 Musical Commercials

From Cell Phone Symphonies to Informative Singing Alarms

— December 17, 2014 — Marketing
These musical commercial ads are all about creating a catchy tune that sticks in your head and makes you tap your feet along, whether it's to something that's feel-good or funny. These examples of musical marketing for fashion brands, cars, fast food and even endangered animals show the power that sound has, when it spreads like wildfire over social media and the Internet.

Some of the most fun examples of musical marketing campaigns include Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett teaming up to present a H&M fashion collection, Borjomi's water vending machine that rewards expert piano players with a treat and Wendy's turning tweets sent in from fans into comical love songs about its pretzel burgers.
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Musical 80s Auto Ads
Musical 80s Auto Ads
Nissan's Bret Michaels 'Tough Love' Music Video is a Viral Success
Tuneful Fashion Campaigns
Tuneful Fashion Campaigns
H&M's Magical Holidays Campaign is Led by Lady Gaga & Tony Bennett
Self-Deprecating Soccer Ads
Self-Deprecating Soccer Ads
This Landon Donovan World Cup Commercial Pokes Fun at the US Athlete
Lyrical Scavenger Hunts
Lyrical Scavenger Hunts
Fans are Searching Libraries for Lyrics from the New Coldplay Album
Illegal Music Swap Machines
Illegal Music Swap Machines
In Brazil, Spotify Trades Illegally Downloaded Music for Membership
Retailer School Musicals
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Macy's 'Yes, Virginia The Musical' Campaign Offers Production Grants
Boy Band Burger Songs
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Boyz Ii Men's Pretzel Love Song for Wendy's Was Crafted from Fan Tweets
Festive Search Engine Karaokes
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Android Users Who Search "Let's Go Caroling" Will Get a Surprise
Musical Snack Ads
Musical Snack Ads
Glico's 'Crisp Concert' is a Festive Musical Ad
Tuneful Fatherhood Ads
Tuneful Fatherhood Ads
Old Spice's Dadsong is an Ode to Leaving Adolescence Behind
Car Sale Spoofs
Car Sale Spoofs
Oak Lawn Toyota's Keys in a Box Parody Riffs Off of a SNL Classic
Lavatory Oasis Prankvertisements
Lavatory Oasis Prankvertisements
With Flush to Paradise, Henkel Shows How Easy Clean Can Be
Song-Requesting Deodorant Ads
Song-Requesting Deodorant Ads
This Old Spice Advertisement Lets People Request any Huey Lewis Song
Silver Symphony Ads
Silver Symphony Ads
The New Hermès Silver Collection Features Scannable Singing Pieces
Tiger-Saving Songs
Tiger-Saving Songs
The 'Endangered Song' Represents the Small Sumatran Tiger Population
Bizarre Live Theater Ads
Bizarre Live Theater Ads
This Theatre de la Bastille Commercial is Unusual Yet Memorable
Birthday Tune-Singing Cars
Birthday Tune-Singing Cars
'Birthday Roar' Celebrates the 50th Porsche 911 Anniversary
Tri-Rendered Car Songs
Tri-Rendered Car Songs
Volkswagen's Musical Car Ad Interprets a Song Three Ways for Three Cars
Surprise Musical Flight Performances
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Musical Back-to-School Ads
Musical Back-to-School Ads
Old Navy's Back to School Commercial Triumphs Self-Doubt with Song
Musical Flash Mobs
Musical Flash Mobs
This TV Show Ad for a Live Music Show Treats the Public with a Flash Mob
Sing-Song Supermarket Campaigns
Sing-Song Supermarket Campaigns
The Edeka Group Campaign is Provocative
Singing Celebrity Ads
Singing Celebrity Ads
Neil Patrick Harris Allures Consumers in the Neuro Sleep Commercial
Cancer Patient Orchestras
Cancer Patient Orchestras
Larynx Cancer Patients of Unexpected Choir Perform Classic Beatles Songs
Pro-Stupidity Sing-Alongs
Pro-Stupidity Sing-Alongs
The Diesel Island Constitution Musical Ad is Full of Tomfoolery
Cell Phone Symphony Ads
Cell Phone Symphony Ads
Mobile Orchestra by SK Telecom Celebrates Phone History
Alcohol-Made Musicals
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The Sound of Wine Celebrates a Delicious Drink
Musical Gift Guides
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The Gap's Holiday Shopping Guide Uses Sweaters as Instruments
Integrated Sing-a-Long
Integrated Sing-a-Long
Misel Saban Shares Her Top Karaoke-Infused Retail Experiences
Net Neutrality Songs
Net Neutrality Songs
This Stop-Motion Video Cleverly Urges Not to Flush Our Rights Down the Toilet
Crazy Crowdsourced Songs
Crazy Crowdsourced Songs
The Male Music Festival Gets You Write Your Own Verse
Crowdsourced Social Media Songs
Crowdsourced Social Media Songs
This Massive Instagram Campaign Advertises the Nissan Juke
Musical Vending Machines
Musical Vending Machines
This Water Vending Machine Gives Out Treats If You Play Nicely
Jingle-Composition Competitions
Jingle-Composition Competitions
Russia's Aeroflot Airline is Seeking an English Language Jingle
Verbal Percussion Performance Ads
Verbal Percussion Performance Ads
The Microsoft Surface Commercial Employs a Beatboxer
Music-Streaming Drones
Music-Streaming Drones
The Spotify PartyDrone Plays Personalized Music to Festival Goers
Romantic Cheese Campaigns
Romantic Cheese Campaigns
Kerrygold's Campaign Encourages Sharing Cheese-Related Love Stories
Exploding Musical Food Ads
Exploding Musical Food Ads
Schwartz and Grey London Get Wild with Its Sound of Taste Ad
Heartfelt Father-Daughter Ads
Heartfelt Father-Daughter Ads
This Tosando Music Ad Tells a Moving Tale Between Dad and Daughter
Singing Dad Auto Ads
Singing Dad Auto Ads
Fiat UK's 'The Fatherhood' Features Stellar 80s Moves and Unicorns
Unexpected Drive-Thru Pranks
Unexpected Drive-Thru Pranks
The McDrive Surprise Delivered a Funny April Fool's Prank
Music Playing Product Catalogs
Music Playing Product Catalogs
H & M's Digital Catalog Lets Fashionable Music Lovers Remix Tracks
Musical Beer Pranks
Musical Beer Pranks
The Red Stripe Prank is a Cleverly Executed Publicity Stunt
Informative Singing Alarms
Informative Singing Alarms
The Uniqlo 'Wake Up' App is Music to Earlybird's Ears
Sidewalk Sound Sampling
Sidewalk Sound Sampling
Kitsune's Sound Graffiti Campaign Features Music-Listening Stations
Viral Song Holiday Campaigns
Viral Song Holiday Campaigns
Kohl's 'Black Friday' Song Mimics Rebecca Black's Tune
Singing Weight-Loss Ads
Singing Weight-Loss Ads
Weight Watchers UK 'Play Weight Watchers' Campaign is Catchy & Interactive
Musical Condiment Commercials
Musical Condiment Commercials
The 2014 Heinz Super Bowl Ad Will Make You Clap Along
Possessive Parent Deodorant Ads
Possessive Parent Deodorant Ads
This Humorous Old Spice 'Mom Song' Ad Depicts Protective Mothers
Musical Test Drives
Musical Test Drives
The Musical City by Toyota is a Choose-Your-Own Playlist Adventure
Mariachi Band Campaigns
Mariachi Band Campaigns
The Doritos 'Join the Tour' Social Media Contest is Musical
Crowdsourced Holiday Songs
Crowdsourced Holiday Songs
Waitrose's Donate Your Voice Campaign Features Vocals from the Public
Tweeting Concert Websites
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Become a Musical Genius Using the Metropole Tweetphony Site
Musical Beer Sale Experiments
Musical Beer Sale Experiments
Heineken Hosted an Experiment with DJ Armin Van Buuren
Interactive Ice Cream Musicals
Interactive Ice Cream Musicals
Ben & Jerry’s ‘Moosical’ Celebrates the Brand's 3
Soccer Ball Drumming Ads
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David Beckham Plays Beethoven in the Samsung Galaxy Ad
Meal-Matching Musical Menus
Meal-Matching Musical Menus
Ne Timeas Uses Their Curated Playlists to Create a Sensory Experience
Fan-Serenading Football Stars
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Contagious Car Commercials
Contagious Car Commercials
The Volkswagen Superbowl Commercial Will Bring a Smile to Your Face
Singing Senior Ads
Singing Senior Ads
This Vodafone Red 4g Commercial Celebrates Discovering New Music at Any Age
Musical Note Eyewear Ads
Musical Note Eyewear Ads
The Campaign Promotes Music That Has to Be Read
Musical-Inspired Cat Ads
Musical-Inspired Cat Ads
These CATS Cat Food Ads for Purina Celebrate Attitude
Musician Mash-Up Family Ads
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The Mundo Livre FM Campaign Consists of Music Icon Portraits
Karaoke-Inducing Cola Machines
Karaoke-Inducing Cola Machines
The Coca Cola Interactive Vending Machine Gives Gifts for Songs
Christmas Carol Concerts
Christmas Carol Concerts
Watch These Surprises from Heineken's Carol Karaoke (SPONSORED)
Musical Ashtray Installations
Musical Ashtray Installations
Fumo's Behavioral Design Hopes to Cease Cigarette Butts Litter
Musical Soft Drinks
Musical Soft Drinks
The Coca-Cola MusicBottle is an Inexpensive Hobby for Underprivileged Children