Focusing strictly on lifestyle, consumers begin to overthink consumption
Implications - As popular coffee brands continue to enhance and support coffee culture, consumers are transitioning from drinkers to connoisseurs who require more information about a product than ever before. Beyond just notions of fair trade and sustainability, the act of consumption is now associated with social status and how the consumer mindset is monitoring everything from calories to character before purchasing even the most minute products.
Trend Themes
1. Coffee Connoisseurs - Consumers transitioning from drinkers to connoisseurs who require more information about a product than ever before.
2. Caffeine Infographics - Informative illustrations that educate coffee drinkers on everything from ingredient ratios and profit margins to caffeine intake and chemical composition.
3. Caffeine Culture - Creating a culture around coffee consumption as a means of self-expression and social status.
Industry Implications
1. Coffee Industry - Opportunities for coffee companies to cater to the growing population of coffee connoisseurs through expanding product information, experimenting with ingredient ratios, and upping the quality of coffee production.
2. Marketing Industry - Utilizing caffeine culture as a means of marketing products and creating a distinct brand aesthetic.
3. Fitness Industry - Highlighting the need for exercise and a healthy lifestyle to balance the calorie and caffeine intake associated with coffee consumption.