Innovations that aid rest regardless of locale encourage rest at any time of day
Implications - Finding less time each night to get proper rest, consumers are turning to daily life modifications that help them to get shuteye at work, during flights or in between errands. Unapologetic for their need for rest, sleepy individuals enhance productivity by sleeping during breaks to make waking hours more efficient.
Trend Themes
1. On-the-go Sleeping Solutions - Consumers are seeking daily life modifications that accommodate napping during work breaks, flights, and errands.
2. Multifunctional Travel Pillows - Travel pillows that double as a privacy divider or can be shaped to accommodate different sleeping positions are gaining popularity.
3. Disguised Workplace Napping Aids - Designers are creating inconspicuous pillows that resemble everyday objects to allow employees to nap sneakily without being detected.
Industry Implications
1. Travel and Hospitality - Designing innovations to enhance comfort and rest during travel and accommodate the growing demand for on-the-go sleeping solutions.
2. Workplace Wellness - Creating workplace policies and designing products that prioritize employee wellness, productivity, and work-life balance.
3. Personal Accessories and Home Goods - Developing innovative multifunctional pillows and cushions to meet consumers' diverse needs and preferences, from travel comfort to covert napping aids.