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Attention spans are decreasing at a rapid pace, meaning consumers need more incentive to interact with a brand. Gamification aids in this via the application of game elements such as scoring, as well as the application of game theory and the process of doing something to evoke a group response.
Related Megatrends:
Allegiant groups are more readily formed around specific interests, causes and even brands.
In a world abundant with ‘stuff,’ experience becomes a more important currency and life priority.
Trend Campaign
Brands are encouraging consumers to post in campaigns to start widespread trends
Trend - Brands are taking to social media platforms to launch interactive campaigns that encourage users to post unique content to enter. These post-based campaigns are intended to start wider spread trends where consumers boost the reach of the campaign far beyond its original audience.

Insight - When looking to enter into online marketing, particularly through popular social media or video-sharing platforms, brands often find that traditional marketing methods, such as pushing banner ads or pop-ups, are not as effective as they once were. This is in large part due to the live, ever-changing culture of social media platforms adapting to reject typical corporate engagement. To subvert this challenge and better connect with modern audiences, brands are launching interactive campaigns.
Workshop Question - How can we leverage interactive and participatory elements in our marketing campaigns to inspire user-generated content that catalyzes new trends on social media?
Player Peripheral
Brands invest in esports player partnerships to attract aspiring professionals
Trend - Computer peripheral brands are increasingly investing in partnerships with professional esports players. From branded mousepads to mice, these products claim to provide players with the same enhanced capabilities as their favorite players without years of training and practice.

Insight - Aspiring esports professionals often aim to elevate their competitive skills but face challenges finding dependable gear for practice. To meet this need, peripheral brands are teaming up with professional esports athletes, drawing on their insights to create high-performance peripherals and products tailored for aspiring players. These brands understand their audience's desire for tools that allow them to emulate their favorite pros and are aligning with this to incentivize repeat visits.
Workshop Question - How can your brand uniquely position itself to support its target customers' goals and aspirations?
Digital Card
Trading card game companies are adapting their properties for mobile devices
Trend - Popular trading card game companies are releasing dedicated mobile applications designed to provide satisfying card collecting mechanics without the high costs, space requirements, or complexities involved in collecting real trading cards.

Insight - Once getting into the hobby, trading card game players and collectors quickly realize that there are several challenges associated with collecting physical cards. These involve storage concerns, with boxes quickly being required to store the less-rare cards, as well as cost concerns and availability concerns, with rarer cards often either being very expensive or sold out. In order to satiate these consumers' desires to collect rare cards, the TCG companies are releasing accessible mobile apps.
Workshop Question - How can we leverage digital platforms to enhance the accessibility and affordability of our products while maintaining the same engagement and satisfaction as physical experiences?
DIY Retailer
Specialized retailers are offering assemble-it-yourself products to reduce costs
Trend - Retailers across various industries, such as home and garden, crafts, and even electronics are launching with an emphases on DIY projects. By focusing on DIY, these retailers mainly provide base components rather than prebuilt items, often leading to significantly lower prices than competitors.

Insight - Many consumers prioritize saving money over saving time. When shopping for furniture, for example, consumers opt to buy more affordable DIY furniture rather than more expensive pre-built options. These priorities are now extending to other industries, with consumers in adjacent spaces opting for more engaging DIY solutions in search of both a hobby and a method of saving money. In order to appeal to these consumers in a broader sense, specialized retailers with a focus on DIY are opening.
Workshop Question - How can we leverage the growing interest in DIY solutions to create more engaging and cost-effective products for our customers?
Esports Betting
Esports companies increasingly invest in enhanced technologies for betting sites
Trend - Esports technology companies are increasingly investing in software to help consumers more accurately predict the outcomes of competitive gaming matches. These technologies, from data analytics to machine learning, allow users to make informed decisions when wagering on esports events.

Insight - As betting platforms gain traction within the growing esports industry, brands are seizing the opportunity to establish themselves as significant players in this untapped market. Many companies prioritize adopting cutting-edge technologies that attract and retain users, encouraging them to choose their platform over others. These brands understand that esports fanatics seek novelty in their experiences, making technological advancement key to differentiating themselves in this evolving space.
Workshop Question - How can your brand differentiate itself from competitors in new and emerging markets?
Green Loyalty
F&B brands encourage sustainable consumption with eco-friendly rewards systems
Trend - In response to global sustainability concerns, brands are designing new loyalty programs to encourage and reward shoppers for making environmentally friendly choices. These programs typically offer discounts on eco-friendly products, rewards points, or donations to environmental causes.

Insight - The demand for convenience in today’s food and beverage market has significantly impacted the environment, creating a harmful cycle where old products and packaging are discarded immediately after consumption. In response, brands are now offering incentives for eco-friendly purchasing decisions. By integrating sustainable rewards models, these brands help make it easier for customers to make greener choices, appealing to contemporary convenience culture while preserving the environment.
Workshop Question - How can your brand align its reward systems with environmental and social issues?
Gamified Storefront
Brands are gamifying brick and mortar stores for the retailtainment trend
Trend - Brick-and-mortar storefronts are adding elements of gamification and entertainment to improve the in-store shopping experience. These 'retailtainment' initiatives add immersive experiences and interactive elements to increase consumer engagement and pull the focus away from simply spending money.

Insight - It is undeniable that the convenience and accessibility of online shopping leads to more consumers opting to simply shop online each year. While some who prefer in-store shopping value being able to physically touch, or try, an item before purchasing it, others are attracted to the social aspect of in-store retail. These features alone do not add enough value to pull online shoppers back to physical stores. This is leading to 'retailtainment,' brands debuting immersive in-store experiences.
Workshop Question - How can we integrate gamification and entertainment into our physical spaces to create a more engaging and immersive experience for our customers?
Seamless Engagement
Pop-ups that require minimal time to engage consumers are gaining traction
Trend - Brands are creating passive pop-ups, such as billboards or signposts, that beget consumers to engage with only a brief action. These are more engaging than regular billboards while not requiring much time from consumers. Additionally, brands do not need to staff these pop-ups, thus reducing costs.

Insight - The average person living in a major city faces hundreds of advertisements a day. To this extent, most simply filter out regular ads, leading to brands not leaving a lasting impression. While some brands try to launch full-scale pop-up events that invite consumers to explore a detailed activation, not all consumers have spare time for such activities, leading to brands finding a middle ground for pop-ups that beget enough interaction to leave an impression, but do not intrude on daily schedules.
Workshop Question - How could your brand benefit from passive engagement opportunities to enhance its marketing strategies?
play_circle_filledHug-Activated Marketing Machines
Hug-Activated Marketing Machines
UNIQLO France and The Pull Launch the Hug to Unlock Ad
UNIQLO France unveils the Hug to Unlock campaign with the help of Paris-based marketing agency The Pill. The campaign encourages passersby to embrace in a hug to initiate a surprise by the brand. It... MORE
play_circle_filledIllusory Fry Billboards
Illusory Fry Billboards
KFC is Promoting Its Fing Fing Cajun Chips with a Clever Billboard
In China, KFC is promoting its new Fing Fing Cajun Chips with an optical illusion billboard that has people literally shaking their heads. With “fing fing” meaning “shake” in... MORE
play_circle_filledFood Truck Billboards
Food Truck Billboards
McDonald's Transformed Billboards into Digital Food Truck Displays
McDonald’s Sweden recently launched a new fried chicken burger inspired by street food culture. As part of the launch campaign, the fast-food giant transformed digital-out-of-home (DOOH)... MORE
play_circle_filledRecord-Breaking AR Mirrors
Record-Breaking AR Mirrors
Maybelline New York & FFFACE.ME Debuted a Large Interactive Experience
Maybelline New York worked with XR company FFFACE.ME to unveil a record-breaking augmented reality mirror with a screen size of 43,000 square feet on the side of the Gulliver Mall in Kyiv. This AR... MORE
play_circle_filledDeserted Island Billboards
Deserted Island Billboards
Silk & Spice Set Up a Billboard for Fans to Go and Find
While most billboards are strategically positioned in high-traffic areas to maximize visibility, Silk & Spice is taking a different route, opting to set up a desert island billboard and initiate... MORE
In-Game Advertisement
Gaming companies are allowing non-intrusive in-game live advertisements
Trend - Game developers are implementing live billboard advertisements into their games. These advertisements are non-intrusive, meaning they exist in the game world but do not inhibit the players' interaction with the games. This is a value-add for advertisers while adding legitimacy to the game world.

Insight - When working with partnered clients, it is important for gaming brands to strike a balance between meeting the needs of advertisers while not hindering the experience of its players. While many free-to-play games result to timed video advertisements that interrupt gameplay, this is a negative experience for most players, as it interrupts the flow of the game, causing a negative perception of the ad. To more seamlessly advertise to players, developers are turning to seamless in-game advertising.
Workshop Question - How could your brand ensure it is advertising its products or services through its best-suited medium?
Inclusive Esports
Esports campaigns are adapted to appeal to neurodivergent and disabled gamers
Trend - As esports becomes a viable career option for experienced gamers, more competitive opportunities are emerging for disabled and neurodivergent gamers. These tournaments champion diversity, fostering an inclusive environment where all gamers can showcase their skills.

Insight - As the esports landscape becomes increasingly competitive, gamers with disabilities often desire opportunities that allow them to get involved while receiving necessary accommodations. In response, esports organizations are introducing new tournament formats and player pools catered to these groups, aiming to diversify the competitive space and champion inclusion. Businesses focusing on diversity, equity, and inclusion in esports can attract marginalized communities eager to join these spaces.
Workshop Question - How can your brand cater its product/service to a marginalized group?