Beverages or beverage flavor-boosters come in sprayable forms
Implications - Reformatting the ways beverages are either created or consumed, brands are offering drinkable products in spray-on formulations. These products serve consumers prioritizing more than flavor in the beverages they purchase, and are instead seeking all-encompassing experiences that are interactive in nature.
Workshop Question - How could your brand better insert interactivity into its products/services?
Trend Themes
1. Sprayable Beverages - Brands are offering drinkable products in spray-on formulations to offer interactive all-encompassing experiences to consumers.
2. Functional Sprays - The spray format offers a convenient way for consumers to absorb various benefits, including vitamins, probiotics, and energy.
3. Edible Garnish Sprays - Edible sprays provide a new dimension to cocktails by adding aroma, enhancing flavors, and creating a more immersive experience for customers.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage Industry - Exploring innovative ways to enhance the consumer experience with sprayable beverage products.
2. Health and Wellness Industry - Developing functional sprays that provide convenient ways for consumers to absorb vitamins, probiotics, and other benefits.
3. Hospitality Industry - Creating immersive dining and drinking experiences with edible garnish sprays that enhance aroma and flavor profiles of cocktails and food.