Wearable devices incorporate safety features for consumer comfort
Implications - The integration of safety-oriented and tracking features into wearable items offer comfort to consumers when it comes to their safety outside the home. Whether for children or for adults, products that offer safety features provide a sense of security to help in cases of emergency or injury. Such features highlight how technology is being utilized to better the daily lives of consumers.
Workshop Question - How can your brand utilize technology to help your consumer?
Trend Themes
1. Safety-oriented Wearables - The integration of safety-oriented and tracking features into wearable items for children and adults offers comfort and security to consumers when it comes to their safety outside the home.
2. Smart Jewelry for Women and New Wearable Security Devices - The rise of smart jewelry and new wearable security devices with panic buttons that provide an alert when triggered, offer safety and connectivity to women at all times.
3. Illuminated Athlete Indicators - New accessories and wearables are being designed that provide athletes and active consumers with a safe and practical way to stay visible during exercise or commuting while keeping pedestrians, cyclists and other athletes informed of their next move via hand gestures.
Industry Implications
1. Wearable Technology - With the rise of IoT people are continuing to look to technology to offer enhanced peace-of-mind, safety, health tracking and connectivity, as they go about their daily routine.
2. Security Technology - The increasing need and demand for devices that provide personal security to individuals when going about their daily routine in public spaces.
3. Fitness Wearables - Safety features are becoming a must-have for fitness wearables since these activities tend to take place out in public, and people are looking for safety features when it comes to their fitness routines.