Innovative tools and apps helping shoppers maximize benefits and discounts
Implications - With so many choices available in today's marketplace, shoppers are beginning to realize that paying full price isn't always necessary and that with fierce competition among retailers, there is always some reward or discount from which a shopper can benefit. Thus, a slew of tools and apps helping shoppers get the most out of their shopping experience -- whether it be through sale notifications or helping consumers optimize rewards -- have been hitting the marketplace. Not only will they influence the way people shop, but these shopping aids also stand to impact future retail strategy and promotion.
Trend Themes
1. Personalization - Tools and apps that offer personalized experiences and recommendations help retailers create deeper relationships with shoppers.
2. Data Analysis - Retailers that analyze and utilize big data gathered from shopper behavior and purchase history can offer more targeted promotions and discounts.
3. Convenience - Shopping tools that offer seamless and convenient experiences, like mobile payment systems and sale-monitoring apps, save shoppers time and effort.
Industry Implications
1. Retail Industry - Retailers can benefit by developing tools and strategies that offer personalized experiences, analyze shopper data and offer convenience.
2. Marketing Industry - Marketing professionals can help retailers by analyzing customer data and developing targeted promotions and discount programs.
3. Technology Industry - Innovative technology solutions that make shopping more convenient and personalized offer great opportunities for technology professionals to create exciting new products.