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Social Media Romance

Social networking-based apps help consumers find love

Implications - With social media, online dating is no longer restricted to singular, dedicated websites. The dating arena can now expand to Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare and more, something that is demonstrated by the rise of dating apps that use social media as a launch pad. While traditional dating sites still have a place, popular social media like Facebook provide a foundation that most people are familiar with and trust, thereby allowing the dating app to be quickly adopted and shared.
Trend Themes
1. Social Media Dating Apps - The rise of dating apps which use social media as a launch pad has extended online dating in a less restricted manner.
2. Social Media Matching Apps - Modern-day match-making apps such as Facebook's Matchbook incorporates friends' list to seek for a lover and instantly calculate the best matches.
3. Social Media-synced Dating Sites - The implementation of behavioral data such as people you are connected with, messages sent and shared interests sourced from social media platforms such as Facebook to find compatible matches saves people the hassle of filling out lengthy surveys.
Industry Implications
1. Online Dating Industry - The rise of social media dating apps and social media-synced dating sites disrupts the traditional online dating industry which was solely restricted to singular websites.
2. Social Media Advertising Industry - Match-making apps such as Facebook's Matchbook which source friends' list to seek for a lover present big opportunities for social media advertising as they can compute the best matches for users and present targeted adverts to match the users' interests.
3. Airline Industry - KLM airline's 'meet and seat' service which makes use of Facebook and LinkedIn profile information to connect people who plan to network can present big opportunities for airlines to include matchmaking as a key feature in their services line up.
6 Featured, 51 Examples:
302,138 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Nov 11 — Jul 12

Featured Examples

Facebook Love Charts
Facebook Love Charts
The Relationship Status Update Infographic is Set to Swoon
Dating and finding your perfect other half is getting more interesting ever since social media has started to play a huge role in the lives of many, and the Relationship Status Update Infographic is quite… MORE
Social Media Seat Mate Services
Social Media Seat Mate Services
The KLM Royal Dutch Airlines Lets You Choose Your Flight Partner
Many have, one time or another, got a seat on a flight next to a talkative or annoying person, or even a mother with her crying flock of kids, but the KLM Royal Dutch Airlines has a solution. The airline… MORE
Social Media-Synced Dating Sites
Social Media-Synced Dating Sites
Find Love With Private Facebook App dating site is a new way to connect with compatible mates if you are on the quest to find love. Its system works by using your Facebook behavioral data, such as people you’re... MORE
Romance Crowdsourcing Apps
Romance Crowdsourcing Apps
LoveCounter Keeps Tabs on Romantic Social Media Activity
‘LoveCounter’ by Es corporation is a heartwarming application that scans through all published tweets worldwide for the word “love,” collects and displays them in real time. LoveCounter... MORE
Scary Pick-Up Apps
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Girls Around Me Connects Users to a List of Females in Their Vicinity
Girls Around Me is a geolocation-based maps app that shows users what girls are in their vicinity, what they look like, information about them and ways to get in touch with them. It’s like an... MORE
play_circle_filledFacebook Love-Seeking Apps
Facebook Love-Seeking Apps
Matchbook Attempts to Find the Perfect Match from Your Friends List
If you can’t find love in the real world, take it to the next level by using Facebook’s Matchbook app to seek your lover. It’s a modern-day match-making app that scrounges... MORE

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