The nuanced difficulties of post-secondary life are tackled by brands
Implications - Though post-secondary education can cause quite a financial strain, the social, mental, and potential physical threat of college campuses is often left unacknowledged. Brands are stepping in to help students tackle the nuanced difficulties of this phase in life. This is especially effective for new Gen Z students who respond well to brand authenticity, and are open to use of external resources for everyday education.
Workshop Question - How can you better customize your product or service to suit your consumers needs?
Trend Themes
1. Safety-focused Social Apps - Brands are stepping in to address safety concerns on college campuses by creating social apps that utilize a clique system to encourage students to meet new people and return together for added safety.
2. Student Marketplaces - Platforms like 'Tradeversity' are emerging to allow college students to sell their personal items to cover expenses, presenting disruptive innovation opportunities for online marketplaces designed for specific niche markets.
3. College Consent Campaigns - The 'Consent. Ask For It.' campaign spearheaded by brands like Trojan and YouTuber Laci Green highlight the need for colleges to engage in positive sexual education and supports disruptive innovation opportunities for organizations that can bring important social issues into the public discourse.
4. Stress-relieving Coloring Campaigns - Campaigns like Crayola's 'Art With Edge' demonstrate how brands can address highly specific stress factors for college students and provide innovative solutions to alleviate them, creating opportunities for businesses to offer unique and targeted stress-relieving products.
Industry Implications
1. Mobile App Development - The emergence of clique-based apps for college students presents opportunities for mobile app developers to create other safety-focused apps for vulnerable populations.
2. Online Marketplaces - The creation of specialized marketplaces like 'Tradeversity' for students indicates a growing niche market in online marketplaces and opportunities for businesses to build such platforms for specific groups of people.
3. Sex Education - College consent campaigns driven by organizations like Trojan and featuring social media influencers like Laci Green demonstrate continuing opportunities and a need to provide sex education and awareness to promote a more culture of consent on college campuses.
4 Featured, 35 Examples:
60,554 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Oct 16 — Jan 17
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