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Top 100 Food Products in July

From Anti-Aging Chocolates to Intergalactic Meal Replacements

— July 26, 2015 — Lifestyle
Whether you are looking for the latest food hybrid recipes or want to know what is happening in the world of restaurant decor, these July 2015 food products offer considerable insight into the food industry. These ideas on the future of food will be relevant for advertisers and marketers as well as chefs, aspiring chefs, restaurant owners and retailers.

Given many are enjoying warmer weather, innovative cold dishes and drinks are emerging. Many bloggers are providing recipes that better meet dietary restrictions and lifestyle choices. This can be seen in vegan desserts, dairy-free options and more. The desire for simple, natural ingredients in July 2015 food products is also reflected in food packaging design, from pastry packages to fresh produce.

In restaurants, there is a return to nostalgic and vintage elements. This could be indicative of the emotional ties people have to food, including memory.
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Mango Guacamole Recipes
Mango Guacamole Recipes
This Summery Mexican Appetizer is a Tasty Twist on a Popular Snack
Chip-Flavored Hummus
Chip-Flavored Hummus
This Unexpected Hummus Recipe Mimics the Taste of 'Cool Ranch Doritos'
Mini Mug Desserts
Mini Mug Desserts
This Yummy Strawberry Shortcake Recipe is Made in a Microwaveable Mug Form
Cheesecake Waffle Hybrids
Cheesecake Waffle Hybrids
This Dish Can Be Eaten Any Time of the Day as Breakfast or Dessert
Heat-Resistant Chocolate
Heat-Resistant Chocolate
This Chocolate is Able to Withstand Temperatures of 38 Degrees Celsius
Dairy-Free Avocado Popsicles
Dairy-Free Avocado Popsicles
This Avocado Ice Pop Recipe Makes a Healthy Summer Snack
Cheesy Meta Pizzas
Cheesy Meta Pizzas
Vinnie's Pizzeria Now Serves a Pizza Topped with Pizza Slices
Microwaveable Mug Breakfasts
Microwaveable Mug Breakfasts
This Speedy Mug Recipe Makes 3 Minute Migas for Quick Morning Meals
Campfire-Baked Bananas
Campfire-Baked Bananas
This DIY Recipe Helps You Make a Fun Campfire Treat in Your Own Home
Nourishing Mexican Syrups
Nourishing Mexican Syrups
The 'Maguey Sweet Sap' is Made from Sacred Maguey Plants in Mexico
Grilled Berry Pizzas
Grilled Berry Pizzas
Driscoll's Fruit-Topped Pizza Recipe is a Healthy Alternative to Classic Pies
Juice Pulp Burgers
Juice Pulp Burgers
Shake Shack's Juice Pulp Veggie Burger Redefines Patty Meat
Spaghetti Pizza Crusts
Spaghetti Pizza Crusts
Two Popular Italian Dishes Were Combine to Make a Pasta Pizza Crust
Charming Wedding Confections
Charming Wedding Confections
The Knot Shop's Conversation Hearts are a Romantic Wedding Favor
Vintage Menu Exhibits
Vintage Menu Exhibits
The 'To Live and Dine in L.A.' Exhibit Showcases Ancient Restaurant Menus
Carton Pastry Packaging
Carton Pastry Packaging
These Folding Boxes are the Perfect Package for Delicate Macaroons
Spicy Buttermilk Chicken Sandwiches
Spicy Buttermilk Chicken Sandwiches
Fuku is the New Fried Chicken Sandwich Joint from David Chang
Luxe Natural Water Purifiers
Luxe Natural Water Purifiers
The Bincho System By Sort of Coal is Almost a Work of Art
Enhanced Ice Cream Flavors
Enhanced Ice Cream Flavors
This Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Ice Cream is a High-Quality Treat
Miniature Mushroom Gardens
Miniature Mushroom Gardens
The 'Back to the Roots' Kit Lets You Grow Mushrooms Right from the Box
Canadiana-Inspired Burgers
Canadiana-Inspired Burgers
McDonald's Explores Canadian Food in Its Latest Taste Adventure
Fashionably Patterned Desserts
Fashionably Patterned Desserts
Sprinkle Bakes' Poppy Seed Cake Pays Homage to Marimekko
Zucchini Noodle Recipes
Zucchini Noodle Recipes
This Light Pasta Recipe Features Fresh Veggies and Spicy Shrimp
Anti-Aging Chocolates
Anti-Aging Chocolates
Esthechoc is a Beauty Chocolate That Promises to Fight Signs of Aging
Superfood-Infused Vegan Shakes
Superfood-Infused Vegan Shakes
'Komplete' is a Healthy and Tasty Drinkable Meal Replacement
Artisanal Frozen Desserts
Artisanal Frozen Desserts
Dominique Ansel Revolutionizes Ice Cream With Sweet and Savory Flavors
Realistic Fossil Chocolates
Realistic Fossil Chocolates
Sarah Hardy Turns Real Fossils into Novelty Chocolate Treats
Customizable Italian Menus
Customizable Italian Menus
Spoleto Italian's First Location Stateside Boasts Total Customization
Asian-Inspired Egg Recipes
Asian-Inspired Egg Recipes
These Soy Sauce Eggs are Garnished With Diced Scallions
Emoji Food Photography
Emoji Food Photography
Photographer Heather Adamson Created This Fun Emoji Art from Food
Slow Food Showcases
Slow Food Showcases
The Slow Food Pavilion at Milan Expo 2015 is a Stunning Timber Structure
Summery Watermelon Bread
Summery Watermelon Bread
The Japanese Square Watermelon Inspires a Unexpected Alternative
Denim-Inspired Snacks
Denim-Inspired Snacks
Kurashiki in Japan is Celebrating Denim Street with Blue Food
Mystical Pastry Shop Branding
Mystical Pastry Shop Branding
The Secret Donut Society's Brand Identity Boasts Illuminati Imagery
Dinosaur Fossil Cakes
Dinosaur Fossil Cakes
This Jurassic Park-Inspired Cake is Perfect for a Pre-Movie Snack
Quick-Cooking Ovens
Quick-Cooking Ovens
The Uuni 2 Pizza Oven is an Affordable Alternative to Wood-Fired Designs
DIY Bitters Kits
DIY Bitters Kits
This Make Your Own Bitters Set Comes in Four Distinct Flavors
Organic Snack Packs
Organic Snack Packs
'Justnuts' Uses Forest Creatures to Promote its Healthy Natural Flavor
Seafood Spaghetti Menu Items
Seafood Spaghetti Menu Items
This Dish by Jamie's Italian UK is Topped with Mussels and Octopus
DIY Origami Cookies
DIY Origami Cookies
The 'Fete Gazette' Blog Has Created Adorable Paper Cranes Out of Wafer Cookies
Campsite Cooking Knives
Campsite Cooking Knives
'Tiktaalik' Has Launched a Filed Knife Set of Outdoor Cooking Knives
Edible Bacon Shooters
Edible Bacon Shooters
The 'Oh Bite It' Blog Has Unveiled a Recipe for Clever DIY Shot Glasses
Watermelon Salad Recipes
Watermelon Salad Recipes
This Light and Refreshing Summer Salad Uses Mozzarella and Watermelon
Female-Targeted Protein Powders
Female-Targeted Protein Powders
The New Line 'Bodylogix' Features Protein Supplements for Women
Ultimate Heart-Attack Burgers
Ultimate Heart-Attack Burgers
The Deep Fried Big Mac into an Even Unhealthier Fast Food Menu Item
Sugar-Free Donut Packs
Sugar-Free Donut Packs
Noshu's Handmade Desserts Feature No Added Sugars
Illustrated Coffee Personalities
Illustrated Coffee Personalities
This Drawings Show What Your Brew Says About Who You Are
Bacon-Wrapped Sandwiches
Bacon-Wrapped Sandwiches
'BuzzFeed Food' Has Whipped Up the Ultimate Grilled Cheese Recipe
Molecular Gastronomy Sets
Molecular Gastronomy Sets
This Molecular Cuisine Starter Pack is a Great Introduction to the Art
Gourmet Sandwich Subscriptions
Gourmet Sandwich Subscriptions
Weekly Food Subscription Cheese Posties Sends You Grilled Cheeses
Organic Drive-Thru Eateries
Organic Drive-Thru Eateries
Amy's Kitchen Drive Thru Will Serve Healthy, Organic Fast Food
Gourmet Donut Shops
Gourmet Donut Shops
Blue Star Donuts Offers a Myriad of Artisanal and Guilt-Free Recipes
Simple Dairy-Free Cheesecakes
Simple Dairy-Free Cheesecakes
These Easy Vegan Cheesecakes Only Require Seven Ingredients
Chromatic Samurai Burgers
Chromatic Samurai Burgers
Burger King Japan Introduces Colorful Red and Black Burgers
Toy-Like Candy Packaging
Toy-Like Candy Packaging
Smarties Monster Turns Eating Chocolate into a Fun Game for Kids
Brain Freeze Campaigns
Brain Freeze Campaigns
Freddo Ice Cream Shows That Even in Pain, This Treat is Delicious
Youthful Paleta Branding
Youthful Paleta Branding
This Range of Brazilian Ice Pops Boast Dynamic, Vibrant Designs
Cannabis-Inspired Restaurants
Cannabis-Inspired Restaurants
'Cannabistro' is a Pop-Up Diner Serving Gourmet Herb Dishes
Convenient Cherry Cups
Convenient Cherry Cups
Chelan Fresh Removes Stems for Better Grab-and-Go Cherry Eating
Charming Pink Cakes
Charming Pink Cakes
Sweetapolita's European Cake Recipe Boasts a Rose-Hued Frosting
Painted Banana Photography
Painted Banana Photography
Dan Cretu Astounds with His Latest Designer Banana Art Series
Superfood Ice Creams
Superfood Ice Creams
This Healthy Ice Cream Contains Fewer Calories Than An Apple
Amorous Meal Ads
Amorous Meal Ads
The Latest Pepsi Campaign Shows that "Perfect Couples Do Exist"
Modified Recipe Campaigns
Modified Recipe Campaigns
The McCain #MODIFRY Campaign Encourages You to Get Creative
Rustic Patisserie Concepts
Rustic Patisserie Concepts
This Parisian Patisserie Boasts a Stunning Factory-Inspired Interior
Intergalactic Meal Replacements
Intergalactic Meal Replacements
The '100%FOOD' Beverages are Astronaut-Approved Foods for Earth
Cartoon Sushi Creations
Cartoon Sushi Creations
These Bento Boxes are Filled with Adorable Edible Cartoon Characters
Vibrant Watercolor Cakes
Vibrant Watercolor Cakes
Sweetapolita's Buttercream Cake is Inspired by Painted Brush Strokes
Playful Snack Photography
Playful Snack Photography
These Vibrant Images of Amsterdam Snacks Convey a Cultural Experience
Fast Food Bike Carriers
Fast Food Bike Carriers
'McBike' is a Carryout Container Designed to Hook onto Handlebars
Clever Kiwi Branding
Clever Kiwi Branding
These Kiwi Snack Packs Include Personified and Animated Graphics
Compact Outdoor Ovens
Compact Outdoor Ovens
The Portable 'Roccbox Outdoor Oven' Helps Users Cook in the Great Outdoors
Protective Vegetable Packaging
Protective Vegetable Packaging
This Resealable Endive Box Creates a Longer Shelf Life
Classic Artisan Bread Branding
Classic Artisan Bread Branding
Bill's Organic Bread has Re-Invigorated its Brand after 10 Years
Pop-Up Ramadan Cafes
Pop-Up Ramadan Cafes
Ramadan Garden by Ghaf Kitchen Celebrates the Holy Month
DIY Watermelon Pizza
DIY Watermelon Pizza
This Fruit-Infused Watermelon Pizza is a Satisfyingly Healthy Treat
Anti-Fast Food Burger Branding
Anti-Fast Food Burger Branding
Better Burgers Aims to Be New Zealand's Answer to In-N-Out
App-Connected Veggie Packaging
App-Connected Veggie Packaging
This City Farm Shop Concept Features Only Hyper-Local Produce
LEGO-Inspired Wedding Cakes
LEGO-Inspired Wedding Cakes
This Couple Just Received a Custom LEGO-Themed Cake for Their Wedding
Chic Mexican Restaurant Branding
Chic Mexican Restaurant Branding
Seis Chiles is a Mexican Eatery Boasting Vibrant Blue Branding
Opulent Upscale Eateries
Opulent Upscale Eateries
This Jakarta Restaurant Boasts a Two-Storey Wine Cellar
Vintage Ballroom Bistros
Vintage Ballroom Bistros
Wright & Company is an Exciting Detroit Restaurant with Stunning Decor
Luxurious Italian Diner Interiors
Luxurious Italian Diner Interiors
This Chic Restaurant in Amsterdam Blends Old and New World Charm
Quirky Nostalgic Bakeries
Quirky Nostalgic Bakeries
Bake Shoppe is a New Toronto Bakery with a Playful Attitude
Organic Milk Branding
Organic Milk Branding
This English Organic Milk Brand Boasts a Pared Down Package Design
Chalkboard Spice Labels
Chalkboard Spice Labels
'Market Fresh' Labels are Hand-Drawn to Look like Art on a Chalkboard
Raw Vegan Restaurant Branding
Raw Vegan Restaurant Branding
This Example of Raw Vegan Branding Hails from Italy
Rustic Deli Branding
Rustic Deli Branding
Koller's Meat Packages Include Salamis, Sausages and Uncooked Varieties
Botanical Spice Packages
Botanical Spice Packages
'Certa Life' Packages its Products in Botanical Garden Labels
Millennial-Centric Grocery Stores
Millennial-Centric Grocery Stores
Enjoy Quality-Meets-Value Shopping at 365 by Whole Foods Market
Eco Orange Packaging
Eco Orange Packaging
This VitaPack Fruit Carrier Boasts a Collapsible and Sustainable Design
Swedish Super Pizzas
Swedish Super Pizzas
The Volcano Pizza by Chef Halmat Givra is an Impressive Platter of Flavor
Fresh Picked Produce Labels
Fresh Picked Produce Labels
This Organic Packaging Design Emphasizes the Farm of Origin
Animated Produce Packaging
Animated Produce Packaging
This Raspberry Packaging Might Eat Your Fruit Before You Get a Chance
DIY Wallpaper Cakes
DIY Wallpaper Cakes
This Unique Recipe Lets You Cover Your Cake in Any Pattern Imaginable
Oceanic Food Court Eateries
Oceanic Food Court Eateries
This Fast Casual Eatery Depicts Freshness Through Interior Design
Transparent Produce Bags
Transparent Produce Bags
These Produce Packaging Designs Emphasize Freshness
Sophisticated Raw Juice Branding
Sophisticated Raw Juice Branding
Belmonte Raw is a New Juice Brand That Boasts Luxurious Packaging
Recipe-Based Grocery Stores
Recipe-Based Grocery Stores
This Store Will Allow Shoppers to Buy Recipe Kits and Ingredients
Smoothie Bar Concepts
Smoothie Bar Concepts
This Juice Bar Reduces Fruit Waste in This Stockholm Supermarket