Alcohol brands prioritize sustainability in production and packaging
Trend - Brands in the alcohol space are focusing on the label of "sustainability," with beverages or packaging that were made with eco-friendly production processes. These products allow brands to offer a point of distinction in an oversaturated market, and cater to consumers' growing preference to shop sustainably.
Insight - As the impacts of climate change are being recognized as a global threat, consumers are shopping more consciously to reduce waste and lessen their carbon footprint. Their eco-consciousness continues to grow and they have a stronger motive to support products or services when they have an eco-friendly distinction, whether that’s found in production or packaging.
Insight - As the impacts of climate change are being recognized as a global threat, consumers are shopping more consciously to reduce waste and lessen their carbon footprint. Their eco-consciousness continues to grow and they have a stronger motive to support products or services when they have an eco-friendly distinction, whether that’s found in production or packaging.
Workshop Question - How could your brand better cement itself as eco-friendly?
Trend Themes
1. Sustainability-focused Production Processes - Alcohol brands are prioritizing sustainability in the production of their beverages and packaging, with eco-friendly label becoming a point of distinction in the market.
2. Zero-waste Initiatives - Tequila distilleries are adopting a seven-step process to create zero-waste tequila, while cider brands are incorporating recycled materials into their packaging to reduce waste.
3. Regenerative Agriculture Programs - Beer brands are incorporating regenerative agriculture programs to improve soil health, enhance biodiversity, and reduce synthetic fertilizer use.
Industry Implications
1. Alcohol - Brands in the alcohol industry are turning towards sustainable practices in the production of their beverages and packaging.
2. Agriculture - Regenerative agriculture programs are being implemented by beer brands to improve soil health and reduce synthetic fertilizer use.
3. Environmental Sustainability - Sustainability initiatives among alcohol brands are contributing to the overarching trend of increased consumer demand for environmentally sustainable products.