Traditional desserts are infused with cannabidiol
Trend - The infusion of CBD in CPG desserts is on the rise, as the legalization of recreational cannabis continues across the United States and Canada. These products make health-conscious consumers more comfortable with indulgence, because of the fact that they offer medicinal benefits that treat a variety of mental and physical issues.
Insight - As consumers become more aware of what they eat and how it affects their health, they grapple with balancing their desire to indulge and the negative health impacts of doing so. These individuals look for products that promote benefits mentally or physically, and are drawn to products that offer these benefits with the satisfaction of indulgence as well.
Insight - As consumers become more aware of what they eat and how it affects their health, they grapple with balancing their desire to indulge and the negative health impacts of doing so. These individuals look for products that promote benefits mentally or physically, and are drawn to products that offer these benefits with the satisfaction of indulgence as well.
Workshop Question - How could your brand offer enhanced benefits to its product/service?
Trend Themes
1. Cbd-infused Desserts - The infusion of CBD in CPG desserts continues to rise, offering health-conscious consumers the benefits of indulgence with medicinal benefits.
2. Alternative CBD Edible Products - Cannabis edibles are being produced in delicate and nostalgic forms such as macarons, ice cream pops and frozen desserts for broader appeal.
3. CBD in Mainstream Food Industry - There are indications that CBD is moving into the mainstream food industry as businesses such as Ben & Jerry's work to source sustainable CBD and make infused ice cream when legalized.
Industry Implications
1. Cannabis Industry - Cannabis edibles are becoming increasingly popular, inspiring businesses to create more creative and consumer-friendly products.
2. Food and Beverage Industry - The food industry is looking for innovative opportunities to cater to the health-conscious consumers by incorporating medicinal benefits with indulgence.
3. Marketing Industry - Marketing industries are taking advantage of partnerships to promote products like Feelz by Chloe, creating pop-ups with retro memorabilia, art and photography to boost product launches.