Beverages comprised of potatoes appeal for their novelty and nutrition
Trend - Brands in the beverage space are using potatoes as a base for their drinks, and either adding alternative flavors or letting the potato flavors remain at the forefront. Ranging from health-focused beverages to nutritious milkshakes, the shift to include the unusual ingredient showcase the emerging need for heartier, easy-to-consume beverages.
Insight - Wellness-minded consumers are seeking familiar, healthy ingredients in their food and beverage items, in an effort to seamlessly introduce more nutrition into their diets. These products meet the more nuanced criteria surrounding health and wellness today, and speak to the increased number of consumers seeking a simple way to achieve a more balanced, “cleaner” lifestyle
Insight - Wellness-minded consumers are seeking familiar, healthy ingredients in their food and beverage items, in an effort to seamlessly introduce more nutrition into their diets. These products meet the more nuanced criteria surrounding health and wellness today, and speak to the increased number of consumers seeking a simple way to achieve a more balanced, “cleaner” lifestyle
Workshop Question - Consider a novel transformation of your product/service.
Trend Themes
1. Potato-based Beverages - Wellness-minded consumers seek familiar, healthy ingredients, and potato-based beverages meet their more nuanced criteria surrounding health and wellness today.
2. Clean Label Products - Consumers craving cleaner, better-for-you options for sports drinks and milkshakes boost the market for potato-based beverages.
3. Convenience - The shift to potato-based beverages showcases the emerging need for heartier, easy-to-consume beverages.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage Industry - Food and beverage manufacturers can look to potato-based ingredients as an opportunity to develop innovative and plant-powered hydrating beverages to meet the evolving needs of consumers.
2. Retail Industry - Retailers can capitalize on the emerging trend of potato-based beverages by stocking these unique products, especially to meet the preferences of vegan and flexitarian consumers.
3. Fitness Industry - Potato-based beverage brands can target health and wellness consumers with pre- and post-workout drinks as dietary supplements that offer support for different areas of the body before and after working out.