Making traveling easier, consumers turn to location-responsive aids
Implications - Staying connected while on-the-go, consumers are turning to adaptable beacon devices to make travel more comfortable. Seeking to streamline experiences, consumers are using to beacon technology to help automate and simplify things like car maintenance and outdoor navigation, providing a customized approach to travel experiences.
Trend Themes
1. Beacon Devices for Travel - Beacon technology is being used to automate and simplify things like car maintenance and outdoor navigation, providing a customized approach to travel experiences.
2. Connected Safety Gear - Technological safety gear is becoming more popular among outdoor enthusiasts and bikers through features like satellite communication and automatic crash alerts. Designing gear that features technology enhances safety while reducing the discomfort of wearing such gear.
3. Ibeacon Technology in Cars - The use of iBeacon technology paves the way for secure identification of users to various automotive service providers, allowing for convenient features such as parking payments to sync with cars.
Industry Implications
1. Outdoor Gear Industry - The outdoor gear industry can benefit from incorporating technology that enhances safety and comfort while engaging their customers in outdoor activities.
2. Transportation Industry - The transportation industry can leverage beacon technology to provide a more streamlined approach to travel experiences, enhancing customer satisfaction.
3. Hospitality Industry - Using beacon technology to enhance customer experience by providing location relevant information like directions, wait times and alerts, the hospitality industry provides personalized services leading to better customer satisfaction.