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Elderly Entertainment

Seeking to maintain excitement, aging consumers turn to youthful activities

Implications - While old age often comes with connotations of being a stage of life that lacks excitement, a shift toward more positive views of retirement has consumers seeking out new ways to maintain a thriving social life. Activities like online dating and gaming events combine entertainment with a desire to maintain aspects of one's youth, even in old age.
Trend Themes
1. Seniors Seeking Excitement - Old age is no longer associated with being dull. Seniors are seeking activities that excite them and maintain their social life.
2. Senior-specific Products - Products such as TEPOS and Stitch are being developed specifically for seniors, meeting their needs and interests in gaming, dating, and socializing.
3. Inter-generational Connections - Services such as Speaking Exchange and Oma's Pop-Up are bringing together different generations, encouraging social interactions and addressing issues of loneliness and isolation among the elderly.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare and Wellness - Opportunities exist in developing activities and products that put emphasis on enjoying life during old age.
2. Technology - Service and product innovations that address the unique needs and interests of the elderly, such as TEPOS and Stitch, pave the way for the development of elderly-friendly technology.
3. Retail and Hospitality - Initiatives such as Oma's Pop-Up have the potential to create a new niche market in hospitality by offering seniors unique opportunities to participate and socialize.
9 Featured, 69 Examples:
355,999 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 12 — Jun 15
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Golden-Age Social Networking
Golden-Age Social Networking
The Stitch Service for Senior Citizens Helps Connect Older Folk
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Grandma Graffiti Workshops
Grandma Graffiti Workshops
The LATA 65 Lisbon Project Teaches Street Art Culture to Seniors
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play_circle_filledProjected Chess Sets
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TEPOS is Hi-Tech Entertainment Designed for the Elderly
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Old Age Dating Sites
Old Age Dating Sites
'Stitch' is a Dating Site Specifically for Those Over 50
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Elderly Style Guides
Elderly Style Guides
The Zoe Spawton What Ali Wore Series Depicts Senior Outfits
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Senior Citizen Restaurant Pop-Ups
Senior Citizen Restaurant Pop-Ups
Oma's Pop-Up Serves as a Social Reintegration for Grandparents
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play_circle_filledAge Group-Connecting Ads
Age Group-Connecting Ads
A Speaking Exchange Brings English-Learning Teens and US Seniors Together
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