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Senior Schooling

A newfound lust for life has retirees seeking out educational opportunities

Implications - Battling diminishing physical and mental capabilities, aging consumers are turning to educational outlets to help maintain a sense of independence. Learning new skills in trade and technology, retirees are actively seeking out opportunities that encourage self-esteem and development, opting for educational services to maintain a sense of autonomy.
Trend Themes
1. Senior Education - As aging consumers seek to maintain a sense of independence, they are turning to educational outlets, providing opportunities for the development of specialized training services tailored to the elderly.
2. Intergenerational Interaction - The mutual benefits of pairing seniors with young adults for learning and companionship open a wide range of opportunities for new social program development and technological advancements in communication.
3. Senior Wellness and Nutrition - As an aging population continues to grow around the world, providing fresh produce and balanced diets to seniors in both urban and underserved areas presents an ongoing need and potential market opportunity.
Industry Implications
1. Education Services and Technology - Customized educational training services for seniors and technological advances in intergenerational communication and learning assistance present opportunities for companies in the education sector to expand their offerings.
2. Health and Wellness Services - Increasing demand for senior wellness and nutrition services creates opportunities for companies to explore novel ways to provide fresh produce, balanced diets, and physical wellness programs for seniors.
3. Social Services - There is an increasing need for social program development to help address seniors' mental and emotional well-being and to support intergenerational interaction. This creates opportunities to explore new initiatives in this underserved area.
7 Featured, 30 Examples:
78,033 Total Clicks
Date Range:
May 14 — Oct 14
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Intergenerational Learning Programs
Intergenerational Learning Programs
The Learner Link Lets Seniors & Teens Learn From Each Other
The Learner Link is an innovative and intelligently designed program that helps senior citizens and high school-aged children to tap into each other’s unique wells of knowledge. Volunteer high... MORE
Complimentary Senior Schooling
Complimentary Senior Schooling
Shimer College Offers Free Programs for Post-Retired Individuals
Shimer College is a small liberal institution based in Chicago, Illinois that has begun to offer free programs to seniors. As post-retirement life becomes extended due to longer lifespans, better... MORE
play_circle_filledAge Group-Connecting Ads
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Seniors' Produce Programs
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play_circle_filledSenior Music Videos
Senior Music Videos
The Waverley Mansion Encourages Activity and Education Through Music Videos
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Elderly-Educating Tech Programs
Elderly-Educating Tech Programs
Non Profit Organizations Urge Seniors to Learn About Social Media
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Seniors' College Programs
Seniors' College Programs
Jewish Seniors in New York City Can Attend This Seniors' College
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