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Patient Play

Hospitals adopt games and activities to create better experiences for kids

Implications - Helping to make medical experiences more bearable, particularly for children, hospitals are incorporating games and playful aesthetics as a source of distraction. Providing playgrounds and interactive programs, these hospital features help patients focus on more uplifting activities, providing a more enjoyable healthcare experience.
Trend Themes
1. Gamification of Healthcare Experience - Hospitals and healthcare facilities incorporate gamification and playful aesthetics as a source of distraction, providing more enjoyable healthcare experience for patients, particularly children.
2. Interactivity in Medical Treatment - Hospitals provide interactive programs and tools to make medical treatments more engaging, such as passports, teddy bears and costumes.
3. Hospital Design Enhancement - Hospitals and healthcare facilities incorporate child-friendly decor and equipment to ease the fears of children and make medical procedures less intimidating.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare and Medical Industry - Healthcare and medical professionals can explore gamified solutions and interactivity tools to create personalized and enjoyable experiences that improve the patient journey.
2. Interior Design Industry - Interior design experts can help healthcare facilities create playful and child-friendly hospital facilities by incorporating interactive and educational equipment and decor.
3. Toy Industry - Toy companies can explore the medical and healthcare solutions with child-friendly products that utilize technology and gamification for kids undergoing medical treatments.
5 Featured, 42 Examples:
418,431 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Feb 13 — Sep 14
Consumer Insight Topics:

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