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Eco Hygiene

Sanitation products for women cater to environmentally conscious shoppers

Implications - Hygiene products for women are featuring eco aspects that merge self-care with environmentalism. The application of new, green takes on traditional services and products allows brands to connect with young, informed consumers who typically make purchases according to ethical considerations.
Workshop Question - Think of 3 ways your product or service could become more ethical.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-consciousness - Brands are merging self-care with environmentalism to attract young, informed consumers who make purchases based on ethical considerations.
2. Reusable Menstrual Products - The emergence of eco-friendly menstrual cups and pads is disrupting the traditional menstrual product industry.
3. Subscription Services - Subscription services like Lola are changing the scope of feminine product purchases by combining the desire for subscription services with health consciousness.
Industry Implications
1. Personal Care - The eco-conscious trend in hygiene and self-care, is disrupting the personal care industry.
2. E-commerce - Subscription services like Lola are disrupting the retail industry and the way feminine products are purchased.
3. Environmental Design - With an increase in eco-consciousness, there is a rising demand for sustainable materials and eco-friendly design in product packaging and delivery.
4 Featured, 33 Examples:
215,192 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Oct 14 — Jul 15
Consumer Insight Topics:

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