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Appified Note-Taking

Consumers turn to mobile apps for connected note-taking

Implications - Note-taking apps are a natural extension of the consumer desire for connected tools that streamline day-to-day activities. Smartphone technology has in some cases made the need to transcribe obsolete, making important information accessible from multiple devices. The incorporation of non-digital tools used in combination with analog ones signals the need of individuals to have a non-tech backup, proving that the main concern remains preserving content by any means.
Workshop Question - What manual task does/can your brand to become more automated, for the consumer?
Trend Themes
1. Mobile Note-taking Apps - Consumers are turning to mobile apps for connected note-taking.
2. Integration of Analog and Digital Tools - The incorporation of non-digital tools used in combination with analog ones signals the need of individuals to have a non-tech backup.
3. Voice-powered Devices - Devices like Myle Tap automatically capture the creative ideas that come to the user's mind on the go.
Industry Implications
1. Education Technology - Tools like Titan Note and SMART kapp are transforming the education industry by providing digital solutions to note-taking in classrooms, lectures and group meetings.
2. Luxury Goods - Luxury writing instrument manufacturers like Montblanc are integrating technology with traditional pen and paper to create high-tech writing kits that are both aesthetically pleasing and functional.
3. Productivity Tools - Voice-powered devices like Myle Tap are offering a user-friendly way to capture ideas on the go, increasing productivity of professionals across all industries.
6 Featured, 54 Examples:
552,591 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jul 14 — Mar 17
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Augmented Writing Kits
Augmented Writing Kits
Montblanc's Augmented Paper Set Brings Digital Convenience to Note-Taking
Germany-based luxury writing instrument manufacturer Montblanc is offering a beautiful and high-tech writing kit, dubbed Augmented Paper, that comprises a decked out variant of the Montblanc... MORE
Doodle-Digitizing Pens
Doodle-Digitizing Pens
The Neo Smartpen N2 Takes Your Scribbles and Doodles Digital
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Note-Taking Devices
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The 'Titan Note' Records Digital Notes Through Voice in Class and Meetings
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Notebook-Mimicking Apps
Notebook-Mimicking Apps
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Thought-Catching Devices
Thought-Catching Devices
This Voice-Powered Device Captures Ideas and Turns Them into Actions
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Synced Note-Taking Systems
Synced Note-Taking Systems
The SMART kapp Smart Whiteboard Streams Notes to Mobile Devices Live
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