Consumers embrace custom menu items with upleveled ingredients
Implications - Observed in higher-end quick service and fast casual restaurants, customizable menus at a premium level offer consumers the power of personalization by allowing them to create their own made-to-order dish. While upscale, health-focused restaurants are often considered experts at putting together better-for-you dishes, the pressure for customization has resulted in a shift towards offering more choice. This progression represents a necessary response on the part brands to empower consumers to make responsible choices.
Workshop Question - How can your brand empower consumers to make decisions that are best suited for their own lifestyles and preferences?
Trend Themes
1. Customized Fast Casual Menus - Consumers have embraced customizable menus at a premium level.
2. Build Your Own Menu - The shift to customization represents an opportunity for brands to empower consumers to make responsible choices.
3. Health-centric Fast Casual Menus - Fast casual menus are increasingly being influenced by the health and wellness movement.
Industry Implications
1. Fast Casual Dining - Fast casual chains with customizable menus will have the leg-up on competition.
2. Juice and Smoothie Bars - The rise in health consciousness has inspired juice and smoothie bars to offer customizable blended beverage creations.
3. Mediterranean Cuisine - The fast casual model has helped Mediterranean restaurants to serve up authentic dishes that can be customized with healthy and flavorful ingredients.