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Drinking Decadence

Consumers compromise dessert to indulge in treat-inspired spirits

Implications - Showcasing a consumer interest in unexpected flavor combinations, dessert-flavored beer and wine products speak to a view of alcoholic beverages as an official part of a meal. Dessert-inspired alcoholic beverages offer consumers a comfort food-inspired indulgence without the caloric intake of actual desserts and points to the increasingly experimental tastes of alcohol connoisseurs.
Trend Themes
1. Dessert-inspired Alcoholic Beverages - The trend of dessert-flavored beer and wine products provide an opportunity for experimentation with unexpected flavor combinations in alcoholic beverages.
2. Limited Edition Beverages - Limited edition drinks such as Piehole Whiskey and Blossa's annual limited edition bottle of mulled wine create an air of exclusivity and could lead to greater brand loyalty among consumers.
3. Holiday-themed Alcoholic Beverages - Special edition holiday drinks such as Smirnoff's Peppermint Twist vodka and Pepsi White released for Christmas provide an opportunity to explore unique seasonal flavors and packaging designs in alcoholic beverages.
Industry Implications
1. Alcoholic Beverage Industry - The alcoholic beverage industry can capitalize on these trends by incorporating unconventional flavors and packaging designs in their products to attract experimental and loyal consumers.
2. Food and Beverage Industry - The food and beverage industry can collaborate with alcoholic beverage brands to create dessert-inspired, holiday-themed and limited edition products with cross-over appeal.
3. Marketing and Advertising Industry - The marketing and advertising industry can assist brands in creating effective branding that appeals to the target market for these unconventional alcoholic beverage products.
6 Featured, 53 Examples:
189,242 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Sep 14 — Dec 15
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Java-Branded Christmas Wines
Java-Branded Christmas Wines
This Seasonal Bottle of Mulled Wine from Blossa Boasts Arabica Coffee
This year’s annual limited-edition bottle of mulled wine from the Blossa brand features a tribute Arabica coffee. The festive wine is created with warm and rich java flavors as well as a... MORE
Decadent Dessert Beers
Decadent Dessert Beers
The Salted Belgian Chocolate Stout is Perfect for Fall and Winter
The Salted Belgian Chocolate Stout boasts the perfect blend of robustness and sweetness that will carry just about anyone through the winter months into spring and summer. Although not everyone is a... MORE
White Citrus Sodas
White Citrus Sodas
This Japanese Pepsi White Beverage is Being Released for Christmas
Japan is known for being the testing ground for some truly ridiculous flavors of candy, chips and soda—and the latest wacky product on the Japanese market is Pepsi White, a Christmas-themed,... MORE
Pie-Flavored Liquors
Pie-Flavored Liquors
Piehole Whiskey Infuses Spirits with Flavors Like Apple and Pecan Pie
Inspired by “grandma’s favorite pie recipes,” Piehole Whiskey is a Canadian spirit brand infusing its beverage with pie-flavored liqueurs. Promising to be “sweet but not too... MORE
Holiday Peppermint Vodkas
Holiday Peppermint Vodkas
The Smirnoff Peppermint Twist Liquor Features a Candy Cane Packaging
In honor of the holiday season, Smirnoff is releasing a Peppermint Twist vodka flavor that creatively reflects the flavors of candy cakes in a sweet and minty liquor. The packaging for the festive... MORE
Brownie Dessert Beer
Brownie Dessert Beer
Ben & Jerry's New Belgium Brewing Beer Satisfies a Sweet Tooth and Thirst
In partnership with the New Belgium Brewing company, Ben & Jerry’s is releasing a special edition dessert beer that promises to be pure “chocolaty, salted-caramel, vanilla goodness.&#... MORE

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