Novel versions of well-known brands spark worldwide attention
Implications - Novelty and oddity reign supreme in the foodie world, but for the mass majority of consumers, full-blown exoticism is still intimidating. Oddball special edition products from familiar brands satiate both needs. This allows consumers to explore within comfortable perimeters, while opening the value of these staple products up to a whole new market.
Trend Themes
1. Oddball Special Edition Products - Creating oddball special edition products from familiar brands is a trend that allows consumers to explore within comfortable perimeters while opening up the value of staple products to a whole new market.
2. Unusual Flavor Combinations - The trend of using unusual flavor combinations, like vegetable-flavored ice creams or seafood-flavored cheese snacks, is gaining popularity due to the growing demand for exotic ingredients and unexpected flavor pairings.
3. Colorful or Unique Presentation - The trend of presenting food in a colorful or unique way, like Starbucks' colored blended beverages or IKEA Japan's charcoal-colored hot dogs, is a way to increase the awareness and popularity of the food, prompting consumers to try them all.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage Industry - Many of the trends observed have significant impact on the food and beverage industry as food makers and retailers seek to capture new consumers and retain their customer base by introducing innovative new product lines.
2. Marketing Industry - The trends illustrate how marketing is playing a crucial role in introducing new and innovative products. Unique combinations of branding and marketing, like presenting food in colorful or unique ways, are successful at creating buzz and attracting customers.
3. Hospitality Industry - The trends observed are having a significant impact on the hospitality industry, where restaurants, bars and cafes are seeking to incorporate novel and unusual food and drink into their menus to create unique experiences and maintain a competitive edge.