Big brands turn to niche networking to create a more genuine overall appeal
Implications - As companies grow in size, so too do their marketing approaches, often resulting in campaigns that feel overly exaggerated and hard to relate to. Seeking to acquire more of a genuine appeal that often falls in line with smaller, start-up retailers, big name brands are turning to social media platforms to engage with consumers on a more interactive, and personal level. Targeting consumers and their need for social communication, conglomerates are using conversational techniques to bring an air of humor and approachability to large-scale, corporate enterprises.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Social Media Campaigns on Niche Platforms - Big corporations are utilizing social media platforms to directly engage with consumers in a personal, humorous way, tapping into a need for social communication that resonates with consumers.
2. Eco-friendly Hashtag Campaigns - Trend Hunter Robot noted that more brands are promoting eco-friendly initiatives in their marketing campaigns for environmentally conscious millennial consumers with campaigns such as Scott Brand's Toss the Tube and NASA's Earth Day global selfie campaign.
3. Bribing Social Media Campaigns - Companies such as Newcastle Brown Ale and McDonald’s are discovering new ways to connect and reward their consumers through social media platforms like Twitter and Snapchat.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Companies like Newcastle Brown Ale and McDonald's are utilizing unique social media campaigns to help connect with their consumers and thereby increasing customer loyalty.
2. Automotive Industry - Honda's #Cheerance event is part of a larger trend of car industry companies trying to market their products through memes and humour via social media.
3. Cosmetics and Personal Care Industry - Personal care companies are tapping into the trend of eco-friendly and natural products by promoting environmentally conscious practices and products that appeal to the environmentally conscious millennial market.
6 Featured, 50 Examples:
249,304 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Mar 13 — Feb 15
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