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Productionized Prodigy

The high capabilities of Gen Z are maximized through services and products

Implications - Where the Millennial generation had teen entrepreneurs, Generation Z has child prodigies. This is due to the increased accessibility and range of information, which in turn breeds a highly competent generation of children and tweens who are redefining the idea of what kids are capable of. Products and services that aid in this natural sense of entrepreneurship among children ensure Generation Z reaches their full potential.
Workshop Question - How can you aid consumers in channeling their existing capabilities?
Trend Themes
1. Kidpreneurship - Products and services that aid in this natural sense of entrepreneurship among children and tweens ensure Generation Z reaches their full potential.
2. STEM Education - Companies are focusing on providing STEM education for children through technology-based toys and programs.
3. Cryptocurrency for Kids - Companies are creating cryptocurrency wallets and games for kids to learn about finance and investment.
Industry Implications
1. Toy Industry - Companies are creating innovative toys that focus on education and entrepreneurship for kids.
2. Digital Media - Digital communities and platforms are being created to connect young content creators and provide opportunities for success.
3. Financial Technology - Companies are using technology to create innovative financial products and services for kids, such as cryptocurrency wallets.
8 Featured, 70 Examples:
247,676 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Feb 15 — Apr 18
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

AR Pizzeria Games
AR Pizzeria Games
Osmo's 'Pizza Co.' Helps Kids Learn Financial Literacy By Selling Pizzas
For decades, the lemonade stand served as kids’ best way to gain a sense of the entrepreneurial spirit, but Pizza Co., a game from Osmo, revolutionizes how kids can learn about both running a... MORE
Empowering Entrepreneurial Toys
Empowering Entrepreneurial Toys
Fashion Angels' 'It's My Biz' Toys Inspire Careers in Business
While there are many toys on the market that help young girls exercise their creativity in fashion, beauty and jewelry, Fashion Angels wants to inspire its consumers to do more. To do this, Fashion... MORE
STEM-Encouraging Robotic Dolls
STEM-Encouraging Robotic Dolls
Smartgurlz Robotic Dolls Teaches Young Girls About Coding Basics
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Tween Influencer Communities
Tween Influencer Communities
The AwesomenessTV Network Supports Young Content Creators
Described as a “global creator community,” the AwesomenessTV Network aims to support young content creators who are looking to make an impression within the digital sphere. The Gen Z... MORE
Business Doll Bursaries
Business Doll Bursaries
Mattel Reveals Winners of the Barbie Business Bursary and Wish Campaign
Aiming to help young woman discover their ideal career paths, Mattel recently released the winners for its Barbie Business Bursary program and the Barbie Wishes campaign. Both initiatives aimed to... MORE
Entrepreneurial Shoe Workshops
Entrepreneurial Shoe Workshops
Savvy Socity's Workshops Teach Girls to Use 3D Printing Techniques
‘Savvy Society’ is an innovative girl’s shoe company that was founded by Alexa Fleischman and Lauren Wallace. Through a series of workshops, the brand teaches young girls how to... MORE
play_circle_filledKid-Friendly Cryptocurrency Wallets
Kid-Friendly Cryptocurrency Wallets
Pigzbe Uses the Blockchain to Help Kids Earn and Save 'Wollo'
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play_circle_filledChild-Focused Entrepreneurial Events
Child-Focused Entrepreneurial Events
'Kid Talks' Inspire Young Attendees to Reach Goals
Mashable and American Family insurance hosted an entrepreneurial event called ‘Kid Talks’ at the Atlanta Botanical Garden as a means to inspire, connect and educate those who participated.... MORE

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