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Untethered Application

Data-free apps democratize connectivity for price-conscious consumers

Implications - With a premium placed on data usage over talk time leaving younger users unable to pay for big data plans, several brands are adapting and starting to offer low-data and even data-free apps. While many of these apps still come with limitations such as proximity to other users or reduced resolution quality, this emerging market is quickly growing as consumers seek ways to save money and still maintain connectivity.
Workshop Question - How does your product/service solve for the barriers to entry for your industry?
Trend Themes
1. Data-free Apps - Offering low-data and data-free apps for price-conscious consumers is an emerging market that is quickly growing as consumers seek ways to save money and still maintain connectivity.
2. Offline Access - Providing offline access to apps such as navigation maps and open-source learning platforms, allow consumers to continue to engage with these services when connectivity is not available.
3. Data-saving Extensions - Creating internet extensions with data-saving features like Data Saver by Google Chrome, lower the amount of data used when streaming media and avoid mobile users exceeding their data cap.
Industry Implications
1. Mobile Technology - The proliferation of mobile devices and increasing demand for connectivity on-the-go are driving innovation in the mobile technology industry to provide low-data and data-free apps and other connectivity solutions.
2. Education Technology - Providing offline access and open-source learning apps results in an opportunity for education technology companies to address the challenge of delivering quality education in areas with limited or unreliable access to the internet.
3. Social Media - Social media companies like Twitter are innovating by introducing features like Twitter Lite, optimizing for slow connections and offering data-saving features to better serve consumers with limited or unreliable access to the internet.
5 Featured, 45 Examples:
168,896 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jun 15 — May 17
Consumer Insight Topics:

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